The Most BIZARRE Murder Case You’ve Never Heard Of | **SHOCKING CONTENT**

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Cut by Jason Christopher Mayer
IG: @jayjaymay
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Kris needs her own crime show on tv or some streaming platform because I would tune in everyday


I’d love to hear you talk about Pedro Lopez, who despite having 110 of his victims proven to have happened, was released after 14 years of jail time, went missing, and may be still alive today. He also claimed to have killed over 300 young girls. It’s a horrific case that I haven’t heard about very much despite the extent of his terrible crimes.


I can't believe I've lived in Jersey my whole life and 15 minutes away from where she lived and never heard about this. I always learn so much watching Kris.


Is it just me or: when ever i want to do something alone in my room like colouring or sketching, i will listen to kris's deep dives because they are verbal so i can focuse on her voice and whatever im doing.


Just a lady, a camera and a microphone, MAJOR TALENT!


I grew up in that town. Everyone knew about it but no one talked about it. The Satanic aspect was laughed at. Not a soul believed it. I remember the older neighbors saying they knew who did it, but nothing would ever happen. What a tragedy.


Kris… I have severe disabling anxiety and depression and am scared to be alone.. today I am alone .. boyfriend is at work and my daughter who’s 14th bday is today went with her Aunt and cousins to do some stuff for her bday. I had to stay home with a new dog we got. Anyway, watching your videos helps me get through the days I have to be alone because when I am watching them I don’t feel alone! Thank you for helping me get through some of my hardest times ever! Love you ❤


imagine being the victim watching from heaven and these guys are making conspiracy theories instead of solving your case lmao


The List murders are so interesting. The way they found him is so cool, but also he put his families bodies in the ballroom of their house that had a stain-glass ceiling. In that ceiling was a jewel that if he sold would have fixed all their money trouble like 3x over. And a lot of people think the money trouble was his biggest motivation for killing his family.


There are so many “ true crime “ shows in TV but none of them are done with that much passion and compassion for the victims like Kris does. She gives the victims their voice back!


I really love when kris does deep dive documentaries into bizarre events. If she wasn't a YouTuber she really could have been a reporter. I love this stuff please don't stop doing this kris


"After the discovery of the arm it was all hands on deck" this made me laugh so hard I snorted 😂😂


The makeup and hair is always on point BUT TODAY? Particularly stunning, Kris. Obsessed with how your eyeliner matches your hair ♥


Holy crap...Almost 53, 000 people have been watching Kris in only 2 hours!! Im just so happy for you Kris. People like you and Celina deserve all the success! ♥️


I think it would be super cool if Kris covered the Hendricks Family Murders. Basically this guy claimed to be out of town and his entire family died, but he was also the only one who could have really done it. There was a really good book on it (I think called Reasonable Doubt, it's by a reporter who has put on the case).


Kris is one of my top three favorite youtubers. She's hilarious even unintentionally. I've been watching this video while cooking dinner. This video stopped my dad in his tracks and had him standing at my laptop for about ten minutes just listening. LOVE IT!! Thank you so much for what you do, Kris! Love and support from me and my best friend!! (Oh, and my dad, he said to mention him!)


The moment Kris began describing the conflicting descriptions of this poor girl, I knew this was gonna be a very frustrating case. Amazing job kris! Love the story telling and commentary.

Also just a note on the John List murders- the bodies weren’t discovered for almost a month after being deceased because of the family’s introverted nature and the notes List sent to the schools. So List had a month head start of the police.


Def my favorites of this channel, really appreciate how Kris is able to tell these stories in such a compelling and unique way while still holding the upmost respect for the victims and their families. Really hard line to walk, ily Kris ❤


26:59 “and one mother.” *flips us off*


Kris please continue with these crime videos you are absolutely enthralling to listen to and you clearly do really detailed research! Fascinating stuff
