Committee Hearing: Promoting Civility and Building a More Collaborative Congress

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The Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress will hold a hearing titled “Promoting Civility and Building a More Collaborative Congress” on Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. in 210 Cannon House Office Building.
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It saddens me that we still believe we can make this top-down government approach work when all the problems are created because we deviated from the original U.S. Constitutions design. This country has changed from 1970s gradually because of the full blown big government policies enacted in 1965.

When every government policy impacts people and businesses in their own affairs then every policy becomes personal and everyone thinks and votes for oneself out of necessity. It is just human nature. Our governments make us selfish, greedy, distrust each other and take away our people connection and ability to solve our problems.

The deviation from U.S. Constitutions has corrupted people when governments start to pretend and promise that they can give people good lives and manage economy. No democracy can work unless there is one same rule in cost and benefit, or else people will think and vote for their own advantages and not care about common good out of selfishness and greed. In reality we already are the worst kind of socialism for we give the Cadillac healthcare treatments to the non-contributing groups with no cost constraints unlike European socialism which gives everyone the same basic treatments.

In addition our governments created more problems by neglecting the fundamentals, that is democracy depends on people of virtue and we will never succeed by chasing the never ending symptoms and never address the root of the problems.

Until both parties are willing to admit publicly and unitedly how this country has inverted from it's original design, and we have to start to return responsibilities gradually back to individuals and families by paring down to wean people off from the government reliance/handouts via debts, nothing can be done differently.

It floored me to hear a local Democrat, an ex-Republican and prior unemployed, got elected by stating that "She wants to help people." Public servants' jobs are to wisely manage people's pooled money for common services based on priority. It is not for charity to buy votes. We put individuals' needs and wants above what is good for the country. People forget that there is no "I" in a team. We have been acting like emperors without clothes since 1971 when we stopped tying printing money to gold and use financial games and wars to sustain the "good, cheap, and abundant" lives in U.S.

Not only we all rely on government handouts, businesses too. There are so many rules and ever rising fixed costs due to union laws, businesses no longer have the flexibility to make sound business decisions for real operating costs are getting smaller and smaller. Just like schools, the law mandates from top are taking away people's abilities to manage their own businesses and solve problems. Clinton established NAFTA for he could not touch the unions and to sustain the low cost living and business needs, outsourcing to foreign countries for cheap labor was the only solution, good idea short term but bad long term. But we only think short term now.

We can start by looking at all entitlement programs from human nature angles and examine back to basic for solutions and not by looking at flawed statistics and without context of policy changes. For example, examine how current S.S. policy has changed from its original design; maybe count all cash and non-cash welfare benefits one gets towards income eligibility, teach people civic and personal responsibilities, set code of conducts and tenant responsibilities for public housing residents, stop encouraging unwed moms, especially not requiring them to work, having more kids by giving them more subsidies, able bodied people should have take whatever manual/farm jobs available instead of not working at all and live on welfare especially staying in high cost areas. (That's what people did during the depression era. You go where there are jobs to feed your families)

This country was found on Christian principles, that everyone is free to pursue own happiness and property, but everyone is encouraged to help those in need and those being helped feel appreciative and do not expect to get it for free. Everyone is equal that we toil to make our own living. We teach family value, contentment, be thankful and help each other. We are self managed communities, everyone chips in and take care of each other. Now the governments sever all personal relationship, responsibility, and freedom. Instead of teaching people that we should love and respect each other; we teach it is right to demand and invade other's space. We do not teach wisdom such as life is never fair, and it is up to us to make the best of what we are given, that people are not defined by their circumstances but what they did under the circumstances, we encourage blaming others for our misfortunes. We are told that happiness is defined by how much money we make or how many stuff we have, and we have no self worth unless we have a degree and a good paying job. You are encouraged to feel resentment and envy when others have more than you.

The more governments take over individual responsibilities, the less individuals will do or care. Today at a church child care center I was told that volunteers are not allowed to hold babies unless authorized by teachers. Our lawsuit minded society encourages greed and everyone's living in fear and with rising cost.

I feel sad for no politician can do a real good job in this country any more for this country's priority one is now to solve individual problems with other people's money or debts.

If a married couple can not solve their financial problems due to differences in personality, habits, value, cultural, needs and wants and backgrounds, how can politicians use policies to solve millions and millions of people's in different geographic and economic conditions? That is why the U.S. Constitutions was designed bottom heavy and not top heavy.
