House Rules Committee Meets on Articles of Impeachment

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16:13 *Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA)*
24:52 *Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK)*
33:17 *Rep. McGovern*
34:09 *Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD)* Opening statement.
46:31 *Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA)* Opening statement.
1:01:44 A light-hearted moment as Rep. Collins is called out for talking too fast.
1:02:27 *Rep. Raskin* Didn’t charge crimes? (1:03:41) “‘Heads I win, tails you lose’ is the essence of that argument.” (1:03:45) Nixon precedent. (1:04:26) No fact witnesses? (1:05:39) Clinton precedent. (1:06:33) Fairness of the process. (1:07:01) Unrefuted testimony: one story. (1:07:44) Biden: a legitimate interest? (1:08:04) Conspiracy theory. (1:08:24) Russian espionage.
1:09:39 *Rep. McGovern* “Why is Impeachment in the Constitution?” (1:09:58, Raskin) Thomas Payne. (1:11:16, Raskin) King versus President. (1:12:10, McGovern) Abuse of power. (1:13:06, Raskin) Why these actions are impeachable. (1:14:35, Raskin) Legitimate power or abuse? (1:16:33, Collins) Perfect call? (1:17:48, Raskin) Perfect call? (1:18:36, Collins) Regarding Raskin’s argument. (1:19:36, McGovern) Former Republican colleagues. (1:20:48, Raskin) Republicans in a box. (1:21:53, Raskin) Obstruction blockade. (1:24:34, McGovern) Ignored documents and testimony. (1:25:44, Raskin) Exculpatory versus inculpatory.
1:28:09 *Rep. Cole* (1:30:57, Cole) Divisiveness and bitterness. (1:32:06, Raskin) Clinton versus Trump. (1:33:28, Collins) Democrat motives. (1:34:41, Collins) “Put a candidate up that’s worth voting for.” (1:35:52, Collins) Executive and legislative sandbox. (1:36:40, Collins) Fairness? (1:39:25, Collins) “You don’t like the guy.” (1:41:18) Partisan impeachment? (1:42:07, Collins) “Their own words convict them of that.” (1:46:23, Cole) Rep. Nadler’s rule-bending. (1:49:18, Raskin) Minority hearing, just one day. (1:50:34, Cole) Minority rights. (1:53:18, Collins) No responses. (1:54:16, Collins) Hearsay as evidence. (1:54:57, Cole) Schiff report “made for television.” (1:56:23, Collins) Institutional integrity. (1:59:01, Raskin) Procedural protections. (2:01:00, Collins) Violation of HR660. (2:02:15, Collins) “This is not right.” (2:02:34, Cole) Phone records - how? (2:05:24, Collins) “Political drive-by.” (2:06:17, Collins) 54 hearsay statements. (2:06:41, Collins) 16 factual assertions. (2:06:54, Raskin) Rep. Schiff’s, evidence collected, provide to Judiciary Committee Dec. 6. (2:07:13, Raskin) Weekend before consideration. (2:07:51, Collins) Schiff: Collecting, reviewing, providing info. (2:08:17, Raskin) Intelligence committee: Transparency. (2:08:55, Cole, Collins) Rebuttal of transparency defense. (2:09:23, Cole) The articles themselves. (2:09:56, Raskin; 2:11:12, Collins) Obstruction: Uncommon for executive branch pushback against getting documents? (2:11:16, Collins) Asserting privilege in response to requests for subpoenas: High crime or misdemeanor? (2:12:17, Collins) Resolving inner-branch disputes. (2:13:54, Collins) Pause on assistance: Presidential personal benefit? (2:15:00, Raskin) Withholding aid: ferreting out corruption? (2:18:58, Raskin) Statements from Ukrainians re: pressure. (2:19:54, Collins) Wholesale Investigation of foreign aid. (2:21:18, Collins; 2:22:47, Raskin) Denied opportunity to participate. (2:24:57, Cole) “I don’t blame the President...”
2:25:58, *Rep. McGovern* Liberal with time, Minority date to schedule a hearing (2:27:09, McGovern) “Minority slow down progress on any bill.” Eight years in the Minority, would have used it. (2:28:55, McGovern) Reminder why we’re here.
2:30:17 Recess.
3:24:38 Order.
3:25:03 *Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-PA)* Clarification of how Rep. Nunes phone number came into play. (3:27:08, Raskin) Targeted no member of Congress. (3:28:15, Collins) “political hit job.” (3:29:35, Raskin) “possibly conspiratorial activity.”
3:30:20 *Rep. Rob Woodall (R-GA)* “Certainly you are not suggesting Mr. Nunes was a co-conspirator...”
3:30:50 *Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL)* (3:32:02, Hastings) “Alternative universes.” (3:32:35, Hastings) Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell: fairness? (3:33:53, Hastings) “Right don’t wrong nobody.” (3:35:40, Hastings) “...a corrupt enemy of the United States, Russia...” (3:36:48, Hastings) Hazy facts? (3:39:25, Hastings) Previous administrations’ policies versus Mulvaney. (3:39:57, Hastings) Obstruction: beyond debate. (3:41:20, Raskin) Interference, personal political benefit, condition of announcement, undermine national security, President’s violation of oath. (3:43:09, Raskin) Cover-up, ban on participation, “absolute immunity, ” Article 2. (3:44:30, Raskin) Power If Impeachment. (3:46:01, Raskin) Over 70 documents requested, zero have been produced; embargoed by Executive Branch. (3:46:54, Raskin) Top aides, fact witnesses. (3:47:47, Hastings) Raise your hands if... (3:48:52, Collins) Don’t accept the premise re: national security. (3:50:05, Hastings) Re: Trump has done more for Ukrainians. (3:51:33, Hastings) Pres. Trump: Look around the world and answer this re: “cozying up” to Russia. (3:52:20, Hastings) Cozying up to dictator-like leaders. (3:54:22, Hastings) Any other President in the history of the US? (3:55:06, Hastings) “...the road of distraction.” (3:58:25, Hastings) Full transcript on classified server? (4:00:33, Hastings) In agreement in this regard. (4:02:12, Hastings) “Do us a favor, though...” (4:03:34, Hastings) Only the Russians. (4:03:49, Raskin) Dr. Fiona Hill testimony re: “Crowdstrike.” (4:05:19, Raskin) National security implications. (4:06:03, Collins) re: Mueller report, backwards look, Ukrainians bet on the wrong horse. (4:08:01, Hastings) “You’re going to filibuster...” (4:10:00, Hastings) Zelensky re: investigations, Rudy, Attorney General, and “the woman.” (4:13:59, Hastings) Proper channels for investigating crimes overseas. (4:15:20, Raskin) The alternative channel with today’s update. (4:16:58, Hastings) “This ain’t about process.”
4:17:42 *Rep. Woodall* “It’s all about process.” (4:21:25, Collins) The Innocence Project. (4:23:34, Raskin) No opportunity for fact witnesses, or relevant witnesses? (4:25:26, Raskin) The trial portion is in the Senate. (4:25:51, Woodall) “My goodness gracious, what did you just say?” (4:27:06, Raskin) “No, that’s not the answer.” (4:28:41, Woodall) Equal opportunity? Nonsense. (4:29:14, Collins) Relevancy of Witnesses. (4:31:24, Raskin) Irrelevant Witnesses: “People are bringing in all kinds of extraneous conspiracy theories to try and explain what’s going on.” (4:32:35, Raskin) Exculpatory Witnesses blocked by the President. (4:34:52, Woodall) McConnell, Graham: recuse themselves? (4:35:46, Woodall) Re: Raskin’s Salon interview 48 hrs before the President was sworn in. (4:38:04, Raskin) Other episodes of corruption; patterns of conduct and behavior. (4:39:34, Woodall) Not my intent. (4:41:34, Raskin) Clear and present danger. (4:44:44, Woodall) Why America will judge us harshly.
4:46:17 *Rep. Norma Torres (D-CA)* Stood in freezing rain in good faith. (4:48:33, Torres) Shoot somebody dead in 5th Avenue. (4:55:16, Torres) Trump: “In Guatemala, they handle things much tougher than the US. Imagine that.” (4:55:41, Torres) Does this sound familiar? (4:56:17) “The future health of our democracy is not assured; we can slide back to tyranny one corrupt act at a time.” (4:58:55, Raskin) GOP primaries being canceled. (5:00:14, Raskin) Instability In democracy. “We’re seeing this all over the world now...and Putin is one of the ringleaders.”
5:04:18 Recess.
5:12:50 Order.
5:13:09 *Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX)* Nadler wanted this since November 2016. (5:16:44, Collins) Does this bother anyone else? (5:19:05, Collins) Optics of secrecy. (5:21:04, Collins) Transcripts made available? (5:24:24, Collins) What crime was witnessed? (5:25:04, Collins) Direct knowledge of the phone call? (5:26:16, Burgess) Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg letter; did not testify, but he was on the call. (5:28:28, Collins) Released, intercepted phone calls. (5:31:19, Collins) No value re: Nunes call records. (5:32:06, Burgess) This was damaging to National Security. Re: reauthorization of the PATRIOT Act. (5:32:36, Collins) More about how we are treating each other. (5:34:34, Burgess) Re: Professor Turley’s message will echo throughout history.
5:35:06 *Rep. McGovern* Votes of conscience.
5:36:20 *Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-CO)* UC requests. (5:37:12, Collins) Add his response to the editorial. (5:37:40, Perlmutter) President should be impeached. Time is of the essence. (5:45:47, Perlmutter) Damning pieces of evidence. (5:46:44, Raskin) What do ellipses mean? (5:48:27, Collins) Secretive phone call; what is that? (5:49:38, Raskin) No mystery here. (5:51:01, Raskin) The “big stuff.” (5:51:27) “This is not an Agatha Christie mystery. There’s no alibi, there’s no alternative hypothesis.” (5:52:23, Raskin) Holmes testimony, “contrary to standard procedure...” (5:53:07) “Supposed inadvertent error to put it in the Top Secret server.” (5:54:52) No Minority witnesses? Castor, Turley, Volker, Hale, Morrison, and those who were called and refused (Bolton, Pompeo, Mulvaney). (5:56:13, Raskin) President was called and could provide defense. (5:56:51, Raskin) Ambassadors Bill Taylor and Marie Yovanovitch backgrounds. (5:58:00) “Scandalous chapter...she was in the way.” (5:59:17) One quote to remember from Amb. Taylor. (6:00:08) Giuliani’s role per NYT article. (6:01:32) “Three amigos” and their choices. (6:02:43) The Articles: pieces of evidence and the “inescapable conclusion.” (6:04:56, Collins) Clarification of the secrecy of the call.
6:06:29 *Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ)* UC requests. (6:12:10, McGovern) “Has nothing to do with the Articles of Impeachment.” (6:12:28, Lesko) Predetermined Impeachment, lowering the bar.


I’m surprised they did not invite the Russians and Chinese to watch the vote !


Let’s Stand together ! COUNTRY FIRST !


I still remember the good old days, when our country's standards were so high we Impeached a sitting President for just one lie.


If you don't like the timing of impeachment, don't commit the crime on that day!!! If you don't like the evidence against you, either don't get caught in action or, don't commit the crime!!! And no one likes the rules of and ways of the investigators, nor the process, when your the one being investigated or charged. Senate, you are the ones who hold the trial, it's on you to hold a fair trial, call witnesses, hear testimony, see and hear evidence, afford due process, and allow the defendant to produce his evidence and testimony on his own behalf. It's on you to up-hold the constitution and do your duty.


That’s a lot of money wondering around there. I need to stop being a nurse and stand around or walk around with a piece of paper in my hand. 😂


The Ukraine is like a puppy being litter-trained. They just learned how to use the litter-box and then along comes America- who tells them if they pee on the floor again they will give them something nice.


“It was supposed to go out by September 30th, it went out early!” As far I have heard everything hasn’t been released yet that was owed and it’s now December 17th!


1:57:48 - The "General line of Attack" and the "Stuttering Response" starts


Very powerful testimony by Raskin! I’m not an attorney but I’d love to take a constitutional law class taught by him. Very impressive committee and hearing. They were able to tame the screaming Collins!! He made me want to pull my ears off in the judiciary committee hearing, complaining about his chair. And now, all of a sudden, he was respectful??


What?? There were previous attempts at this VERY SERIOUS SITUATION, and they were for RHETORIC?? language?? I am the hated phone that no liked either??


Doug Collins damn man talk about hitting the nail on the head. Bring a better candidate to beat him, oh but you can't so you have to try to impeach him. Good ol' Georgia boy that the chairman can't understand lol. Southern drawl is a little to thick for some.


What if someone paid foreigner to investigate dirt on your wife? Not a
Nice person now. Huh? 😅


Whatever happened to the word “alleged”?


Their microphones suck! Rep. Ed Perlmutter was killing my ears.


Please wake me up when it goes to the Senate 😴


The Twilight Zone- "Obsolete"


is it just me or is jim mcgovern hard to take serious


One other thing that isn’t stressed hard enough ppl were killed while he held up aid


While listening to the diatribe of impeachment charges, I started thinking “Oh shit, Donnie’s in trouble”. Then I realized it was written by his political, mortal enemies.

....that sort of changes everything.
