The Garden of Eden's Pishon River Has JUST Been Found

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The Garden of Eden's Pishon River Has JUST Been Found

For centuries, scholars and explorers have tirelessly searched for clues to the location of one of the four rivers described in the Bible as flowing out of the Garden of Eden. But despite countless journeys and tireless research, the river remained a mystery. Some people believe it has already been found. Some believe it exists only on the wings of biblical allusion and not to be seen with physical eyes. So, the question therefore remains: Where is the Pishon River? And why has it remained hidden for ages? Join us as we explore the Garden of Eden’s Pishon River that is said to have just been found

Bible,Old Testament,the Bible is true,biblical archaeology,Christianity,Genesis 2,Garden of Eden,four rivers of Eden,Euphrates River,Tigris River,Pishon RIver,Hijaz mountains,marsh Arabs,garden of eden location,joel kramer archaeologist,bible study,river,pishop river found,garden of eden found,Bible teaching,Christian,Expedition Bible,The Pishon River of The Garden of Eden Has JUST Been Found,no one is supposed to see this,mysterious
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Too much dragging it out. Just tell us the location and then explain. UGH


The Book of Jubilees tells where it was too but after the flood, all the geography was changed.


You won’t find the garden. The cave of treasures on the other hand might be easier to find. The garden is guarded, we were not meant to go back once kicked out.


These 4 rivers are the worldwide oceanic trench which were covered by Noah’s flood. Genesis accounts stated that the Pison River surrounded the whole land of Havilah so it means that it is an island. Cush or Ethiopia refers to the whole continent of Africa where the Gihon River surrounds it. NASA and National Geographic mapped an underground trench that surrounds the whole continent of Africa.


The first picture looks to me like the eye of the sahara or atlantis


Underwater oil drilling indicates that land was once above sea level when most of the water was frozen during the ice ages


It was in the Mediterranean sea valley before it flooded during the younger dryas as glaciers melted.


I just read an article by a Chinese Christian from the early 1900’s who said Eden was in Chinese Turkestan (Is that how you spell it?), western China.


I think everyone would like know, and apparently there are many perspectives..


Does anybody know that the sea west of the African continent was called the Ethiopian Sea and the South Atlantic was Ma’uk Sea named after Ham’s wife, Ne Eleta Mauk. These were the ancient names that only proved the authenticity of the Ancient Scriptures and the Genesis accounts not these modern narratives set by scholars.


It's all in Africa. Every race came from Africa and Africa has had the same names for these rivers. If at least one river is in Africa, then they are all are in Africa. Africa is the land of abundance. Eurocentric thinking makes finding the truth too hard. Let's do our research without bias, and let's see what happens?
