Phono Preamp Comparison - Pro-Ject Phono Box RS vs Pro-Ject Tube Box DS2 - Blind Test - Vinyl

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Signal path: Ortofon MC3 Turbo - Technics SL1200MK5 (fully rewired, external PSU, KAB fluid dampened & KAB antiresonance cap) - Pro-Ject Phono Box RS/Tube Box DS2 - Tascam DA3000.
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I love these sort of comparisons. Thank you very much. There used to be a guy comparing cartridges but I don't know what happened to him.


I prefer B, more round bass and clear high frecuency definition, the A have sandy sound, from the mid-high to the high part of the spectrum.


I own both and guessed the right amp on the first track before having heard B. They have very distinct signatures, and to be honest I prefer the tube box by quite a margin. Just so much more alive in my opinion.


You and a few other phonofreaks really help with your excellent videos with
making choices, the desion will be in the shop of course...Thanks for the effort and no endless strream of words...MUSIC, SOUND and LISTEN!


Hi Squarepants, I found the last track long enough to make a decision and I'll have to go with B because it seemed clearer on the high frequencies. A seems to have intermodulation distortion on the high frequencies and listening fatigue would set in quicker for me. I love these comparisons 😍 Thanks for taking the time to do them 😊✔ Now to find out what B was lol


Me quedo con el B, encuentro que suena mas refinado, un poco mas de espacio y las voces con menos arenilla, me encanto esta comparacion con varias canciones, mortal.


After the last track, I love B more than A. A is warmer and softer but it makes me feel like information is lost at the top. Both sound amazing but I love the clarity of B while still maintaining warmth


This is clearly the best way to do comparisons. I picked B as well


Preamp A has more air and is more transparent. Preamp B has more midrange punch. I think Preamp A is the RS and Preamp B is the tube Box.


Option B althoth both sounds are envolving and it's difficult to choose. Once more, great job!🤗


Preamp B is more detailed. But both are very good. When switching on the fly, the difference is almost inaudible. The slew rate of B is a little faster to my ear. I listened through a laptop and a homemade headphone amplifier on TDS-5 orthodynamic headphones.


Fascinating comparo.... funny reading the comments and so many failing to identify them correctly. Even funnier how the descriptions for both amps are often completely polar between two individuals. The biggest difference is... OUR HEARING. And then our preconceptions. The comparison fairly reveals the typical transient and tonal characteristics commonly spoken of each toplogy but the soundstaging is fairly close and its usually the soundstage that gives it away first to my ears.... tube gear can sound so much more dimensional when done properly. As ever its about balance.... id be using an all analogue (tube) preamp and monoblocks to drive the speakers from these and looking at the Project range the ideal preamp would be the RS Pre box, a fully balanced, zero feedback, class A dual mono tube design. This means the RS Phono would be best because its slightly drier presentation will match well with the tube preamps warmth. It also allows for fully balanced running allowing it to pull further away from the tube box DS2. The Tube Box Ds2 would suit a leaner all solid state setup imo. But thats all it is just my opinion and one mans meat is always another mans poison which this test proves quite conclusively!


Awesome Job Francisco! Impressive. For me B has more air and presence. Thanks a lot, nice!


Mi elección en todos los cortes es para el "A". Lo noto más calido, más orgánico. El "B" es también perfecto pero no me transmite lo mismo. Muy parejos en todo caso.


I compared the Tube Box DS2 intensively against an Innovative Audio Mk2b and unfortunately it clearly lost out. Their bass was thinner and imprecise, and the resolution was poorer. Now I'm doing this test again against the Phono Box RS. I am excited


it seems that my hearing is bad, because for me it sounds the same 🤩🥰


For me the preamp B Thank you very much


The bass is SO much more powerful and defined with B. Kind of shocked how poor A is in this regard.


A has got to be the Tube Box DS2. Softer transient attack. Warmer and more fluid. Slightly less definition on transients. Worth the loss to me, as I find it sweeter and more musical. I think there are all solid state preamps that are better, but they may all cost more. Project got pretty nice overall consistany between them though, I think.. Thanks for this nice comparison demo.


Great both, the pre B's bass slightly rounder. As always great work! Regards.
