🔥 Exercising the Gift of Tongues

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AMEN! Speaking to my God YAHWEH is such a privilege guys! Let’s not take it for granted! 🙌🏾


It is not an exercise, it is the divine operation of God from start to finish. So many are faking the gift of tongues in churches today then claiming to give an interpretation but God is exposing it all and the real manifestations and utterances are taking place.


The Holy Spirit baptism is how the Holy Spirit is recieved by the believer.


I love this because at times what seems out of order to us is absolutely IN ORDER with our LORD God Almighty.


In CHRIST JESUS we are Blessed. Hallelujah.


Amen. The gift of tongues has totally revolutionised my life. Thanks be to our Lord. I feel saddened & sometimes angry by those who teach the gifts of the spirit has ceased.


Amen thank you Holy Spirit and DPM for this invaluable teaching! God bless you! in Jesus' Name. Amen


I believe my heavenly Father understands all languages, including the English I speak.
When I was saved I was baptized into Christ and into the Holy Spirit. The Bible says if you do not have the Spirit of Christ then you are not His. So when a person repents and is born again they have the Lord's Spirit at that time. There is no second act of Grace to receive the Holy Spirit.


I repented and received Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, in 1977 at a charismatic prayer meeting, I month later I received the fullness of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, this happened when I was at work alone by myself.


I got baptized in the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues at the age of 18 in 1974. I still do.
But from what I see now. Most is gibberish that makes no sense what so ever.
I left the Charismatic Movement after over 40 + years. It got like something else took over and God left.


I have heard tongues in my head when praying but when i try to say it out loud it doesn't sound the exact same 🤷🏽‍♀️


Were the many languages of Acts 2 actually spoken as such, or could it be that the audience rather HEARD the praising of God in their native language, only one angelic/spirit language actually spoken? Selah (pause and consider that possiblity).


I know many born again, spirit filled Christians who have not received tongues. Can someone explain?


The problem for Adventists and their like is that they have done with the law, the same thing the Pharisees did with the law and that was to abuse the law and the commandments, to tell everyone how righteous they are, *rather than what sinners they are. The abuse the law of the Sabbath do evil, to lift themselves up and become holier than thou, when the law was there to deeply humble and condemn them to hell and torment their conscience* that they might seek Christ. The Adventists and their like refuse to fall on their face before God and admit what sinners they are. *Instead, the Adventist use the law to *"Appear righteous before men"* and then tell everyone how they *"keep the commandments of God"* when they know they don't and never have.
Thus, saith the scripture: Rom. 7:13 Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, *working death in me* by that which is good (the law) ; *that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.* But, they don't see themselves as "EXCEEDINGLY SINFUL" Instead, the Adventists and their like say that the commandment makes them *exceedingly righteous!* as did the Pharisees.
Rom. 6:23 For the *wages of sin is death* ; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 7:5 For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were *by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death* .Rom. 6:23 For the *wages of sin is death* ; but the *gift of God* is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Adventists don't see salvation as a GIFT FROM GOD, but rather something they have EARNED, through Sabbath keeping. And, that is why Sabbath keeping is so important to them, because they know it is not of Christianity but of the law. And, instead of seeing the law as something that declared them sinners and worthy of hell, they think it brought forth righteousness and eternal life and the name "Jesus Christ" is only a way of showing how that righteousness is attained by becoming a Jew and Sabbath keeper like Christ. Thus, to them Grace and faith is made void the law and the name of Christ is only a means of teaching the law, not the "Righteousness of Faith!" .
And, now they deceive themselves and the public daily proclaiming their own righteousness through Sabbath keeping.


Speaking in tongues is not speaking in gibberish. It’s actually in another language. There’s no such thing as gibberish !


Gibberish is not the Biblical tongues. They spoke in languages and they knew what they were saying. Even though for those who didn't know all these languages thought they were drunk. It even lists the tongues they heard them speak. Next to that the Bible says tongues (or languages) are for the non believer so there must be a lot of non believers in our churches for so many to speak it.

I am from Europe and a German man who went to Africa heard outside a church the people worshiping witches and other vile creatures according to the Bible in German. When he went in they said they thought they were honouring God and had no clue it were vile creates they were praising.

So be very careful if you don't know what you are saying for a man who really had the Biblical tongues spoke in a tribal language and still speaks it till today, knowing what he is saying and understanding it when they speak it to them. He hired a interpreter but he didn't show up so God gave him the language of the tribe as a blessing so he could preach to them.


Show the scripture being taught on or show Mr Prince teaching.
A lot of what you are showing in these teaching is Soulish! Repent!
Stop dishonoring GOD and His servant!


Believers sell themselves out by denying this.


Hi Derek ! U did post me a message a few days ago i.c.w. how u perceived my profile on YouTube etc. I'd like to know if u have time to respond or reply to any questions that your subscribers might have, so that they can get a better understanding of why you say certain things ? 🤔
Enjoy ! 🙏
