Make A Multi Color Screen Print With Xtool Screen Printer

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Let's attempt a multi color screen print design. I can tell you that it's actually going to come out freaking amazing and although I'm scared to try it, I'm really impressed with myself LOL
This video is the 3rd in a series. I received this new screen print machine and have been exploring everything about it with you. The first video in this series was a simple unboxing - where I (we) really truly didn't do anything correct. But even though I didn't do anything correct, I still got something that looked decently cool. Video 2 was all about what I learned in the unboxing and what to do differently. I took my new learned information and ended up with a single color screen printed design that I can tell you seriously impresses me! I screen printed y'all!! Now in video 3, we're going to attempt (and also succeed) in a multi color screen print design!
The one thing I was most nervous about with the multi color screen print was that it wouldn't line up in the end, however! This all lined up perfectly with absolutely zero issues! ZERO!
I want you to know that 'behind the scenes' I do zero work. What that means is that in these videos it's the only time I'm actually using any machine. I do not do any additional work outside of what you see. So in 3 videos I went from not knowing anything to now creating a multi color screen printed t-shirt! This is how easy this system is to use! I have never screen printed in my life, and in 3 videos have done some amazing freaking things! Are you impressed? LOL it's okay if you're not, because I really am!
** Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you
#screenprinting #screenprint #xtool