New Age, Demonic Secret Societies and Psychedelics to Jesus | Jac Marino Exposes the Occult

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In this video Jac Marino and I discuss her journey from the occult to Jesus. Thanks for listening!

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Whew Lord - that woman is anointed! God poured out His Wisdom on her. Please please please don't stop sharing your testimony! 🙏❤ God bless you sister


Wow this testimony is so powerful! I was also in the occult and once I heal I will also want to share my testimony!
I have the same experience where I had relationships with the demons but later on they turned on me and also tried to end my life many times how I think! I truly believe that I am only alive today by the grace and mercy of God and I still have to get over all the traumas it caused me.. If anyone is experiencing extreme spiritual weird occurances please know that you are not alone and never give in into Satan's lies! All of his lies are in order to get you away from the truth which is Jesus Christ! God bless all of you 🙏❤


Amazing testimony. God bless you all. Jesus rocks!


What a beautiful testimony and praise God. Love your testimony Jac and I love the word of God & his Spirit in you. You seem to just be a glow in him. What I really loved too was the full Gospel you laid out in the beginning. I agree with how you all discussed the importance of discernment and to be mindful of the occult within Christianity. I agree to be careful and that the Holy Spirit is not a weirdo so he will not make you look like one. I also believe and have seen that people who are demonized within a church setting are manifesting and need deliverance, but that is different than the church promoting new age /occult and slapping a Christian label on it.
Stephen, I am loving your channel brother and I really enjoy the guest testimonials you have on. You both are doing such powerful things for God's kingdom 🙏 Keep up the good fight for Jesus!


Heresy she pointed out. Yes that term is not used much and it should be. This woman is admirable 🌹🙏🏻


Love these testimonies!! How awesome to see Jesus snatching these beautiful souls out of satans grasp 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


Hi! Thank you so much, Stephen, for having me on (: What a joy it is to be in Christ! I misspoke at 31:01 ! I meant to say that God has revealed Himself in His word (: Not fully, though. For example: "Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written." - John 21:25. Yet God's Word is sufficient: "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." - 2 Timothy 3:16-17

I pray this video is helpful and points to the true Savior!

"See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ." - Colossians 2:8


I was also a fan of astrology, witchcraft, astral projection, aliens, and other weird things. I even tried astral projection. But it's weird cause i feel filthy and I usually get demonic attacks🥲and whats amazing about those time was even if I dont really pray to Jesus, he's always the one who saved me whenever I encountered demonic attacks. 😭He's so kind. Even if I dont pray before; he always saves me whenever I have sleeping paralysis. There was a time, I encountered a skinless demon duringa sleep paralysis and he was trying to kill me and I cant breathe literally but I just said "Jesus is within me" I repeated those words then he that demon disappered! SO AMAZING! JESUS IS SO KIND. HE SAVED ME EVEN I SINNED ALOT! THANKS JESUS. Now, I dont like those things anymore. I dont go to a witch doctor anymore for healing or consult about my future, or watch horoscope, or watch porn. I dont like doing it anymore even if I was addicted to it before. It's amazing THANKS PAPA JESUS!🎉🎉


I love your interviews so much! Binging them all ❤ Thank you for your work


Very intelligent lovely young lady. So very happy to hear her testimony.


Great talk! I'm subscribing to help push this channel closer to the 1k mark and to encourage you to keep spreading the good news! Glory to God! 🕊️💚


Another gem, I've watched this twice. Thanks guys


I can relate to this story 100%. Excellent episode, thank you both so much!


Amen sister Jac. Your words were beautiful and biblical as Stephen said.

I just wanted to mention something about the Freemasons in particular. Quite often they're seen as an acceptable face for the front of something much deeper and more sinister. In my own country, it is seen as more of a fraternal club where members may experience brotherhood, and perhaps gain some benefits in life through networking.
However, there is something much darker at the heart of this 'club' as can be attested to by many including Jac here. Personally, I don't believe any born again Christian could be a part of this, as the Holy Spirit would convict them, but in case there is anyone reading this who considers themself both a Freemason and a Christian, then I would urge them to do the research and see what lies at the top of this unholy pyramid.


Drugs and psychedelics induce an altered state of consciousness. Saint Peter told us to be sober (1Peter 5:8).


Psychedelics are one of the fruits. Psyche, psychic, psyche delic


I like to know what happens after you leave the occult.i came out and it seems like I suffer from. Ptsd for leaving the occult.


read all four parts of "Đavolja noć" series by Adam Medvidović and you will understand third secret of Fatima - it has to do with all this stuff. It is written as novel, but almost all is true


It is extremely dangerous to read the Bible from the eyes of an Occultist devoid of a relationship with Jesus. Please, out Jesus first before anything.


Find a good church. That is the real problem many newly saved young Christian have to face isn't it? It is easy for you to just say that. But for the newly saved, biblically illiterate believers, how can they tell which church is biblically sound. Why don't you do a video to teach about "good biblically sound church characteristics" and how to identify them or warn about "unbiblical churches" and how to spot and avoid them. Then you are doing new believers a service.
