What Former Occultists Want You To Know | The Catholic Gentleman

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With over 70% of Americans practicing new age and occultist practices, we are in need of a better understanding of why this is happening and how the Church is the only institution that can bring deliverance from this disaster. In this episode, we speak with Charles Fraune, who has just completed the most extensive dive into the occult, interviewing former Satanists, witches, and new-agers to unearth why almost 3 out of 4 Americans (including our Catholic brothers and sisters) are actively falling for demonic lies in the new age.

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This is my first time viewing your program. I’m a cradle Catholic man 74 years old. The Traditional Latin Mass and Baltimore Catechism were my foundation for the first 10-12 years of my life. As a teenager, I was not realizing what was really taking place as the implementation into the Church of the so-called SPIRIT of Vatican II was happening. I trusted the Church and ignorantly and through obedience accepted the changes to the Mass and other things introduced into the Church. I felt something was wrong, but it wasn’t until my children began CCD and I began to observe and monitor what and how they were being taught, that I awakened horrified. I became involved in CCD program and started attending catechetical development classes for teachers. These were taught by lay women, nuns in modern dress and priests. What was being presented as authentic Catholic doctrine was twisted to a feel good religion and the Mass. need of sacraments, sacramentals, reverence, piety, virtue, commandments, etc, etc, etc reduced to little importance. I got qualified (as they defined it) to teach and taught the True Faith, but not without bouts of warning scrutiny and direct attacks for 20+ years. It All went wrong in the 1960’s, into the 70’s and the fruits are what we are and have been seeing and living ever since. In my humble opinion, only by divine intervention can the tide be turned. Many souls have been deceived.


New My husband was raised Catholic so I converted before our wedding and I it! Nothing has changed and we pray for world peace a lot!!!! Easter will be my second year in the Catholic Church ❤


I was raised in the New Age/Occult. I converted to the RCC in 1997, had poor catechesis, and fell back into old patterns. I suffered attacks, sleep paralysis, etc. The devil is as real as shadow. I returned to the fullness of the faith in 2017. Thanks be to God.


“How do you deliver the truth to a generation that is so broken?” As a mid-20s Catholic this resonated with me deeply. I have so many friends who reject the truth because they are hurting. They think their only reprieve is in evil. The despair of this world threatens even the most devout person too. Lord have mercy!


As a Catholic I love to snicker when the Head of my College at Oxford University had a Catholic Priest come and drive out a demon in a specific room. A British Student seeing the Catholic Priest was upset by this and confronted the Head Principal asking why he hadn’t contacted a Church of England Priest. He said he had and the Protestant Priest came and after a few days said for the College to contact a Roman Catholic Priest! 😂


As a young man, it is very conforting to have fellow men with whom to learn about the faith, especially nowadays when people like me see no people my age in church. Thank you.


What this gentleman is saying is True. I grew up Catholic. By the age of 4 I started seeing spirits when I was in the dark. I didn’t know What they were. My sister whom I shared a bunk bed with couldn’t see them and her or my mom and dad didn’t believe me. Eventually as I got older I was abused by my mom’s second husband from 12-16. After she divorced him and left I got involved with drugs and alcohol as I felt angry and depressed that no one protected me. Years later I moved into a house with my best friend of about 13 years. He warned me not to do recordings as he admitted to doing them himself and stopped after being thrown across the room by a demon. The house was a halfway house where I had met my friend. But his aunt sold the house to a church. Many people overdosed on the property before I actually moved in afterwards. He even showed me pictures of these things that he was able to capture on his phone. We were getting everything from knocks on the doors and walls, to both of us seeing objects flying off the table. I even had a True Divine Intervention in that house as I screamed out to for God to help me. Awhile after I had this experience I continued to do recordings and foolishly thinking it was alright because I was trying to contact good spirits. I had already seen demons on a few occasions as I would become immobilized in my bed and couldn’t scream or talk. One specific morning I was in my bed and I opened my eyes to see a dimension hovering above me. I could see something behind this dimension. As I reached my finger up to it, after the 3rd time I saw the eyes of a snake. I knew it was a demon though. Literally a second after I quickly pulled my finger back my best friend came into my room and said my name. After that I lost my hearings completely. He described how I was laying on my side and I very slowly sat up without using my hand or anything to lift my body weight. I remember feeling so much Hatred and wanting to attack my best friend. I was able to quickly stop myself by questioning Why I wanted to hurt my best friend. He described my eyebrows as being almost up to my hairline, and that my pupils were pitch black and appeared to look exactly like the eyes of a snake. I feel I wasn’t 100 percent possessed but almost. I remember never taking my eyes off of him. He left the room and came back with a book in his hand that I couldn’t what it was. But I became more angry as soon as I saw the book. He was standing in front of me demanding this demon to leave me at once. He said he told this demon he would call upon the Arch Angels and send this demon back to Hades. I was deaf through the 5 minutes of this. He then pulled out the book which was the Holy Bible and described as he had placed it upon my head. He said before the Bible even reached me head that my eyes came back to my own. I collapsed slowly onto my pillow and passed out. A minute or two later I opened my eyes and hugged him as I told him I just saw snake eyes but it was a demon. I couldn’t remember anything until later when I woke feeling like I hadn’t slept in days, after he sat me down and told me everything that happened. I was in shock as the whole experience came back to me. I stopped doing recordings completely and have devoted each morning to praying at 3am. I haven’t been attacked since I began reading the scriptures and completely giving up doing Anything that will attract spirits. This is Real! I encourage Anyone who is trying to communicate with spirits to Please Stop! I have my own apartment and I don’t get attacked by anything anymore. I recognize moments where I get tested in my Faith, but I learned the hard way how this is Nothing to Tamper With. I have No Fear against demons anymore. Because I Know that God had Far Greater Power. I’m writing a book on these experiences. People just don’t know what they’re attaching themselves to when they think this stuff is harmless. God Permits things when we ignore what He Wants. God Bless You All. 🙏


"Americans will believe anything if they think a Buddhist monk said it."
-a Buddhist monk


I'm a Catholic man who left the church when I was 13 and later at 16 moved in with my dad after my mom passed from cancer. In my mid 20's, I started practicing the occult after a bad breakup with my then girlfriend and really it was about healing, then it slowly became something far more sinister. At the end, I was worshiping the Norse goddess Hel, the goddess of death. She's basically where everyone goes to when they don't die in battle, according to Norse mythology.

Hel is a prefix for many English words, such as Helmet, and names such as Helen. Hel basically means beneath or under. Hell is the Latin word for Hel. So, I had my little statue of Hel as a centerpiece to my altar of skulls (Halloween props) and bones. I had skull and bones candle holders, a bulls horn that belonged to my grandfather which he had made into a beer opener and an oil can opener, lol. And I had black candles and black stones and a black knife and so forth. I practiced witchcraft, I used tarot cards, I had a pendulum that even freaked out my witch teacher. I learned a lot about herbs and incenses and how to strengthen my will.

Now, there's many problems with practicing the occult. The main problem is, from everything learned, none of it will give you salvation. Only God, our Lord Jesus Christ can give salvation. Witchcraft and crystal knickknacks might solve immediate problems and earthly problems, but they will never help your spirit. And no Celtic or Norse god or goddess will ever guide your spirit to an afterlife. 90% of the stuff recommended in the occult is bs. The occult is full of false teachers and false prophets who are just out to make a buck. People practicing the occult sin when they use their will over God's Will.

Most Christians who leave Christianity for the occult do so because of lies spread on the internet about pagan traditions being stolen by the Church. These lies have been conjured by Marxists knowing full well that most, if not all, Christians are completely ignorant of Church history and why we celebrate the holidays. Take Christmas for instance. Some have suggested Christmas was stolen from the winter solstice, December 21/22. Others say Saturnalia, December 17. But, Christmas was created by Church father Irenaeus between 130 - 202 AD who connected Mary's conception with the Passion week (week of Passover) using the date of March 25th. Irenaeus then calculated forward 9 months and got December 25th. Hippolytus of Rome (170 - 236 AD) noted Christmas on December 25th based on the earlier tradition of Irenaeus. Sextus Julius Africanus (160 - 240 AD) noted December 25 as the date of Jesus' birth in the year 221 AD. But Christmas wasn't celebrated as a Roman holiday until 336 AD by the Emperor Constantine.

Modern Paganism has also attacked Easter. Easter was first named Passover. In Latin, Greek and Arabic Easter was called Pascha, meaning Passover. Only in English speaking countries is Jesus' resurrection day known as Easter. And only in German speaking counties is it known as Ostern. Both meaning Eastern Sunrise, or simply, Dawn.

All Saints Day is celebrated on November 1st, along with the Celtic tradition of Samhain. But All Saints Day was originally celebrated on May 13th started by Pope Boniface IV in 609 AD. In 837 AD Pope Gregory moved the holiday to November 1st. It wasn't until US marketing that Halloween (All Hallows Eve), was synonymous with monsters and candy.

After I left the occult, it took me about a year to return to Catholicism and a few months after that to go back to church. So, have patience with yourself and with others and the answers will come to you.


I'm a cradle Catholic, I strayed from the faith in my early twenties and yes I played with the occult and dark arts and to say those were some dark days is an understatement. Let's just say I didn't find what I was looking for. Being confirmed in the faith brought me to life again and it's pretty amazing how I was revived from my death like state. I originally strayed because I felt lied to, and learned that pedophilic priests existed then proceeded to go down the rabbit hole trying to find meaning. I'm so glad to be living in the light again.


I hate to say this but a lot of the reason for Catholics falling into these occult practices is due to lack of grounding in the Word. I’m a Catholic convert. I was raised in a Baptist and Methodist household. I was baptized in the Presbyterian church and confirmed in the Episcopal church. My first introduction to Catholicism was in the 1970s when I attended Catholic middle school. I’m 62 and I converted to Catholicism at age 50. I’m thankful for my time in Protestant churches because I’m grounded in the Word. Many Catholics have not been encouraged to know the Word in addition to rituals and recited prayers. When they come into contact with other types of rituals and the occult objects mentioned in this video, they just substitute those for what they seen in Catholicism. But the Word cannot be replaced. That is why the rituals and holy items of the Church need to be emphasized ALONG WITH THE WORD. Catholics who study and know the Word in addition to the other riches of the Catholic faith are some of the strongest Christians.


As a catholic classical musician, I really love when YT channels use Vivaldi as their opening music like in your channel and also in New Humanum. It is especially fitting to Catholic channels since Vivaldi was an ordained priest!


My parents were Bosnian Croats, so we were raised as traditional Catholics. Generally, the Slavic people, at least in the former Yugoslavia, have religion interwoven in the language. So, it's Ako Bog da, meaning, if God will give or allow, Hvala Bogu meaning thanks be to God, Bože sačuvaj meaning God keep us from...our greetings were not Good morning but Hvaljen Isus meaning Praise to Jesus, Goodbye was Zbogom meaning go with God, and I could go on


This has waken me up to the ills of the world and how best to avoid them. Walk with God not follow Satan.


Thanks for being real, guys! We are all working on our spiritual journey and, btw, us Catholic Ladies love your channel, too! We all need to be spiritual warriors!


My daughter is deeply entrenched in new age garbage. Crystals, astrology, tarot, meditation, spirituality, chakras. She announced she’s not Catholic anymore two years ago. I pray for her every day. She won’t listen to me so I keep praying someone will come into her path to wake her up. She doesn’t understand how dark and evil it all is.


Oh my!!! What an eye-opener this video was for me!! I had no idea of anything relating to the consequences of the pachamama in this way!! I love the way you both talk in this video!! Thank you for explaining this. I LOVE seeing young men at Sunday Masses. This seems to be increasing in my observation - at least here in Melbourne downunder. Even weekday Masses!! 💛


I don't pray the Rosary all that often and I don't keep a cross in every room, but one thing I make for sure is that I fast once a week. Sunday is the most convenient for me and besides the Eucharist and perhaps a 0 sugar energy drink, it's nothing. meals, no small snacks, from 12:00 A.M. Sunday to 6:30 A.M. Monday morning. One of the things that helped me with this was that I had a weight loss goal and a cheat day Saturday, so on Sundays I made a habit of fasting at first to help lose weight but as time has gone on and the more I've done it, God has been introduced more and more into my fast and now it's less about helping with digestion for me and more about getting closer with God.

Maybe this outlook will help a bit more with fasting, I started for reasons concerning the flesh and now I'm doing it concerning the spirit


I dated a witch.... Never again. I'm getting right with the lord


Thank you, brothers! It is difficult to be aware of just how lost and deceived this world has become. It's heart rending but with the full armor of God we can endure in faith and intelligent prayer. Jesus is truly Lord and defeated all darkness. Humanity seems like a
naive adolescent about to get a life-changing
lesson in maturity and sobriety, begging for redemption. May the repentance be great for His glory and the final salvation of the lost and deceived. They know not what they do...
