10 Unexpected Benefits Of Quitting Drinking

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If you’ve been toying with the idea of going alcohol free for a while, then you’ve probably already thought about the benefits this might bring. There are the obvious things like waking up without a hangover, looking better and making the most of your free time. But to be honest, those well-known plus points are just the tip of the iceberg. The unexpected benefits of sobriety go much deeper than that. And they’re exactly what I’m talking about in today’s video…
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Im 2 weeks into it...Done 31 days in jan then stopped because of a birthday...Been binge drinking 35 years most weekemds, one or two times a week plus holidays, vacations etc...Had three months off on first lockdown but went back....Life is so much better not hungover and filled with anxiety, wasted money, days off work, broken rekationships etc..im 51 now...Yes ive had some laughs and good times but the hangivers have got worse and you always pay back the good times and then some...Good video Kate u should have more subcribers..
