InPresence 0131: Cultivating Yourself

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InPresence host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). For many years he served as president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people were supported and encouraged in developing inner intuitive abilities.

Here Jeff makes the point that who he is, on the inside, is not his name. The name is just a convenient handle. He introduces the topic of self-cultivation by pointing out that, for the most part, everyone is fine just as they are. But, we can elect to work on ourselves. He offers two examples of areas where he plans to make progress: karaoke and weight-loss. He invites viewers to select similar areas for themselves.

(Recorded on July 10, 2018)

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Jeffery, your laughter is contagious 😂!!!


Amazing message, Dr. Mishlove! Or WHOever you are today. :) I'll be joining you in the 7th decade of life in a couple weeks. And it only keeps getting better. I decided this summer was a good time to learn my 5th language - español. And my workout routine has been redesigned to a more intensive level. (Last medical exam described me as "muscled." :) My true luminary in life is the late Jeanne Louise Calment who lived to be a documented 122. That means I have at least 50 more years to go. Never been bored in my life, and I don't plan to start now. As for that bulge below the nipple line... I started a Whole Food Plant Based eating regimen a few years ago. Lost 40 pounds in about 6 months. And feel GREAT! Plus it's fun. I stuff myself and lose a pound overnight. Good luck with all your new endeavors. I'll be watching! -Jaime S.


I have been meaning to join a choir for some years now. Right now I have been connecting to my community, that I have lived in for 40 years now and have not done so because I viewed most of them too "right" leaning for me, but NOW the town is transforming before my old eyes! The city is coming to me, instead of me returning.


Yes jeff! We're going to grow a lot closer is you watch all of us grow by you bringing your growth forward and getting better at karaoke... day by day in every way we're getting better and better... Thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become habits, habits become character, and character becomes destiny


It does and doesn't matter, you do it and we are learning from you being!


Thank you for your videos man I enjoy them.


I am jumping on the weightloss wagon with you, Jeffrey! I quit smoking in 2015 and gained some pounds I'd love to shed!


Thank you, Jeffrey. I accept the challenge to move toward cultivating my best self! I’m starting off with singing everyday and eating dessert twice a week!


Yes, but medical handicaps are a hassle! RJ Spina's instructions for change are revealing and can be altered to suit one's perceived issues, by they psychological or physical.
It requires commitment, however.

BTW, Jeffrey, you have a good voice that sings in tune! You are quite an evolved man! Thank you for challenging us to become the Best Version of Ourselves.


Sir, its good motivating challenge. Yes. I am seriously working on it from present moment.


You are so inspiring Jeff. I need to put on some muscle and I want to quite smoking or at least reduce it to a reasonable amount.
I'm really thanksful for what you are doing and I admire your ability to connect on a spiritual basis.
I always noticed kinda synchronystic events in which my friends and I made some personal progress at the same time but in different areas. Or sometimes we'd be both in a bit of a relapse into unhealthy behaviour at the same time.
I'm stunned when people see the eneregetic connections between human beings as nonsense. Either way I try to stay positive.
Much love to you Jeffrey


Losing 20 pounds would help my overall health and it will be fun reporting although i am listening this some weeks after you posted it. As always I thank you for your work.


Well said. All of it! Thank you, again. When I gained twenty pounds l went from a soprano to an alto....? I sound better as an alto, but it's no have two things to gain/lose. One day a new person l met looked deeply into my eyes and asked who I was. I answered, "I'm a delightful angel". THAT was new! And a surprise! I'm keeping it, tho. Who knows...maybe l am. (I REALLY liked your Owens book. REALLY.)


Love it. You've given me insight/inspiration for issues that I've struggled with for 40 years. I would put pressure on myself to overcome which would only make things harder, a catch-22 situation that I gave up resolving. I like your goals so much, I'll adopt them except not karaoke for me but singing more from the heart/spiritual presence in choir.


I know that feeling! Sometimes I even forget what my name is. (A lot of times, I can't think of my friends' or family members' names, either.) But surely by now you realize that you see a reply from me almost every day. That's because I set out to learn everything I could about how you do what you do. That's my project, and it's been going on for months now. I suppose the benchmark will be when you feel comfortable enough to let me interview you on NTA. Even though you reveal something new every day, there are still some things I would like to ask you about. I'm pretty sure there are still things that other people would like to delve into as well. The part that I am still a little shaky on is your diplomatic style: I still have a tendency to poke at the sore spots, so you would have to decide when you thought it would be safe...(Of course, we could always record it and never post it if I failed the test.)


Ok, ok. I'll start writing again.


as a life-long guitarist -I understand the value of catharsis more than most. I have hated Karaoke since it began, and yet all music is human plus technology now. so I have had to accept that electric guitar as I embrace it, or the electric Bass, or the electric Mandolin all reflect my personal addiction to Electricity, and the related technology that is designed from it. So where does the Human energy field end, and technology begin ? We are approaching the singularity where we willingly (or un- willingly) are merged with technology in the Star-Trek, Star-Wars fashion. what will become of Our Human experience then ?


I'm in :) I have two things I'd like to dive deeper into! Perhaps via the facebook community?


O.k., improvement buddy, I also want to lose weight. In addition to that, script writing for t.v. Thanks for sharing yourself.


I want to get back on my bike and find some new trails...…….
