100 Reasons Islam is False! (Response to 'Can you give one reason not to believe in Islam?')

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A Muslim in the comment section challenged me to name one reason why Islam is false, thinking I wouldn't be able to do it. Well, I recently hit 100 YouTube videos, so why not celebrate with 100 reasons instead of just one? In this video, I look at some of the moral errors, theological errors, scientific errors, historical errors, and internal contradictions that litter the Islamic faith and make it perhaps the most obviously false religion on the planet.

#100Reasons #IslamIsFalse #IslamicErrors
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I was Muslim, but after this video I prayed asr


I was Muslim before watching this and I am still Muslim after watching it!


I am an Arab Muslim and I wanted to listen to the video with all objectivity, but excuse me, where are the sources? My Qur’an is in Arabic, and when I search for much of what you said, I do not find it in the Qur’an or the Hadiths. Are you saying this information based on wrong sources or what? I apologize, my English is not good.


Its not the eyes that are blind but the hearts


I am not Christian, but what he said, check it out. It is either in the Hadiths or Quran. So he did not lie.
He just said what was in them.


He still responds months later, which shows how dedicated he is to exposing this religion


"Raised so many red flags you'd think you're at a communist rally." I'm going to quote that


Taking out verses and hadiths out of context and also literally USING FABRICATED HADITHS like the 2nd one doesn't make the religion false,


Internet was the worat thing that happened to Islam😂


Refuting these so called "arguments"

Claiming that the prophet was the only one getting benefit is false and that somehow he "using" the Qur'an to get out some benefits is ridiculous, since we can see that in surah abasa that Allah warned his prophet to not ignore the old man who wanted to learn from him and to ignore those who are insincere. There's a Hadith that says that the prophet sometimes slept on the floor and didn't have a comfortable bed at all. If he was a cult leader or whatever why wouldn't he "use" the Qur'an to his own benefits as you say.

Again same as the above. It doesn't prove anything.

I still don't get how having more than one wife disproves the prophethood ? Even though king Solomon had many wives ? Read your Bible. Not to mention that the prophet's wives are older than him and the only one who was young was Aisha (رضي الله عنها)

Ok, so what is your point ?
What is your argument here ?
Well, yes there's no problem in marrying your "adopted" wife's son, yet I don't see the problem here.
Claiming that he is a "hedonist" because he loves perfume and women doesn't make him so, since the prophet after his death didn't leave anything behind him, nor money nor gold whatsoever. He even sometimes just ate dates for a whole day and nothing more. Research more.
I would like to know where did you get this from. Maybe send the source at least and the pages.
What is bad about having war booty. I am pretty sure that the bible itself doesn't condom having war booty

(Numbers 31:25-47) 25 Then the Lord told Moses, 26 “Take an inventory of the booty that was taken in the battle, [a] both of humans and of animals. Then you, Eleazar the priest, and the leaders of the fathers of the community 27 are to divide the booty between the warriors who went to war and the rest of the community.

How is this bribery ?
Show source and page number.

Talking about slavery, while your Bible doesn't condom it is hilarious.
Numbers 31 -- After the Israelites conquer the Midianites, Moses orders the execution of everyone except the virgin girls (including the male children). God then instructs Moses on how the 32, 000 virgins are to be divvied up and given to the Israelites as their property.

Yes, mutah existed, but it was in short terms and only in wars and after that it was not permitted.

Ok. No the prophet didn't say that "she deserved it" the problem was not about the beating. It was about the marriage and the satisfaction of the husband.

the term “Nuqsan” is defined as the “reduction” in religious practices caused by biological and natural obstacles women face during childbearing and menstrual periods. Women have less obligations in Islam.




Yes and he freed two of them.

She was already mature enough and where did you get the rule of 9 years can't consent ? Talk about Rebecca marriage in the bible when she was more likely 14 years old.
I am pretty sure that we talked about this in 12. ?
There's no problem in having relations with your wives.
Read the ayah careful as it shows that beating is the final solution if she doesn't want to obey you after many ways.
Yes, if she is mature and able to handle sexual relationships. Same as your Bible. If you want me to give you some evidence, just ask me in the comment section
Don't get it out of the context. Surah tawbah is talking about a contract between the polytheists and the Muslims and since the polytheists didn't respect the contract, then Allah gave them 4 months to give them a chance and you know for sure what happens when a country doesn't respect a contract between a country, for sure war happens.

Oh, so you brought out the story of the prophet kidr and claimed that Islam permits killing children. First of all, the so called "child" that kidr killed is not a child, rather he is in his teens more likely, secondly, it doesn't say that it is permissible to kill a child, since this is in another situation, before even the birth of the prophet. This is in the times of musa (Moses).
Learn the islamic creed first. It's true that Allah wills if someone can be misguided or not misguided, but there is still a will to humans, but it doesn't go beyond the boundaries of Allah's will.
So, you want Allah to be unconditional loving or what ? Yes Allah doesn't love the sinners and the disbelievers, unlike your weakling of a god that you believe that was humiliated and disgraced by the Romans.
Yes, he punishs the sinners and disbelievers. It is his creation. He can do whatever he wants with them.
Who cares about what you say here ?
There's numerous refutation of this. It's just your ignorance in the Arabic language.

Again, he revealed that isa (عليه السلام) was not crucified in the Qur'an, but although you still denies it.
He agreed ?? Show me where.
Show source.
I am pretty sure that him being effected by black magic doesn't disproves his prophethood at all. If you go by this logic, then your prophets who are in the bible raped and worshipped idols like Solomon and we're drunk maybe also proves that they aren't prophets according to you.
The hadeeth is quite clear: what is meant is that the Hour of these people, i.e., their death, was something that was close at hand, and would happen when this youngster grew old. This hadeeth does not refer to the greater Hour which is the Day of Resurrection.
Again, this was refuted more than one time. Just do a google search.
A small google search will resolve everything.
Yes, that's true, nor was it the prophet's fault, nor was it Jibril fault and if you were to claim that the revelation is not protected then no, since the prophet recited the whole Qur'an to Jibril before his death. So nothing happened. 1-48.

48. Understand the verses and stop taking things out of context.
49. There's countless of evidence of the prophet's existence like scriptures, stone writing and many other things.
50. "Oooh there iz no evidence because I said sooo Saar"
51. What are you talking about??
52. That needs research and evidence and not just saying anything like that expecting anyone to be convinced of what you say.
54. Your own bible have mistakes in the stories of the prophets and the revelation, while the Qur'an corrected them and about new revelation, then there is for sure.
55. Yes, human language can be translated for sure, but it can't produce such eloquent Arabic like this. Relax, google translator itself will not be able to translate it fluently.
56. I would like to know where are these non-arabic words in the Qur'an.
59. You mean the cave men ?
60. Alexandre is a pagan man and Dhul Qarynan is a monotheistic man. How do you compare between these two ? Where you smoking something ? And you should also prove that they are same person or is it just claiming without any evidence ? Not to mention that this was refuted countless times, just a good google search would help if you were sincere.
61. Ok.
62. Yes, the earth is flat.
63. Yes, you are right. The earth is flat according to the Qur'an.
64. More like a dome.
65. Yes the earth is the center of the world.
66. Ok.
67. Ok.
69. Understand the Arabic language first and don't get confused here.
70. A Small google research will change everything. Trust me.
71. Animals that produces asexually still have pairs to produce with.
72. The word "Ummah" here may apply A nation, Creatures, or Genera.
73. No it doesn't claim that Maryam is the sister of Araon, rather what is referring to is Araon as a name of a person. Like, my father name is Mohammed. It doesn't mean that I am the father of the prophet or whatsoever. It seems that your IQ is very low.
74. Google search will help you.
75. There's for sure evidence for that, if you atleast bothered making some searching a little bit.
76. There's for sure. Quick google search will change everything I told you already.
79. Above the 7 heavens.
80-100 all of these claims of contradictions were refuted many times over and over again. Just a quick google search would have changed everything.

Honestly responding to you was not worth it at all, you absolutely wasted my time, but I wanted just to humiliate a liar like you, although I did skip some so-called "arguments". I did skip because they were nothing but nonsense, bye clown.


As a former muslim I can confirm his words are true, and whilst I am not christian, i respect this man for having the bravery to expose the religion of hate, despite the angry incels that will attack him. may you have a peaceful life kind man.


I have been going through every hadith and ayat that you mentioned. Most you quote from them are completely worded differently to make it look bad or you dont give ayats before and after it for context. Doesnt make sense.


Guys, I'm a Muslim, let me enter the chat.
Whatever this guy has said in this video, he didn't take a SINGLE reference from the Qur'an, and took all references from the hadith books, most of which are not true. And in the case of true hadith, he has just given the reference, and added TOTAL BULLSHIT to that, nowhere near to what it was actually said in the hadith.
Don't know why he won't reply NOW
Islam is a religion which teaches you to pray to your God 5 times a day, Fast during the month of ramadan, lower your gaze when you see other women, make dua for even your enemies, give charity, and still i don't know how people like this can exist.


My man booked a first class ticket to jahannam


I am still missing concrete examples of myths Muhammad told, that were clearly Zoroastrian and much older (horse to heaven), huge mistakes against the old testament (Moses is fighting Nimrod and the tower of Babel is in Egypt??), the total neglect of what the Messiah is, the weirdness of Muhammad being the most perfect man but instead, Jesus comes back. The doubtful origins of the Quran itself and the many variations of it, the total insanity of how much the older scriptures must have been altered for the Quran to be true mixed with the obvious discrepancy in quality of scripture. The Bible, both the old and new testament, have so much theology going on, symbolism, references back and forth to other scriptures, deep meaning and so on. The Quran is just a compilation of random babbling in random order. The total breaking of writing style that the Bible uses Vs the Quran. The Bible ALWAYS uses stories and events, descriptions of scenes and conversations with the occasional report of what this or that man said during this or that moment. The Quran just gives no storyline, no scene, just a list of commands and random happenings in random order with some commentary. The question of why suddenly God chose a non Jews to be his last prophet? This goes against Jewish scriptures. A deeper dive into the historical evidence as to why we know the old and new testament CANNOT have been corrupted and so on.

But thank you for this video. It was very entertaining and thought out.


Love the fact that most of the Hadiths you mentioned had nothing to do with what you were saying and of course there is no context as that would take all day

Edit: for all saying that he is correct. Why didn't he show the whole Hadith or Ayat instead of just giving his conclusions?
Was it really to just "save" time. He knew no one was going to check all 100+ references. He doesn't stand a chance against a person of knowledge.


I could not even reach the middle of the video because every point you say seems to be lacking the true reasoning behind it and in every point you have just made up your own reasoning. It seems like you haven't even thought about these open mindedly and just read the Quran for the purpose of extracting points to criticize Muslims. If you're willing to know the reason 'why', I can answer every one of them with the logical reasoning behind them. But I'm not willing to waste my time if you'll still look into the history with the sole purpose of criticizing it. I recommend you to read the full Muslim history and with every aspect to what Muslims think why they did that or not. Because if you're on a social media platform or you're taking about some topic in front of people, you need to have all the information about it rather than just picking up one ayah and saying, 'why is this written in the Quran?' And then making up your own reasoning like Muhammad PBUH desired the wife of Zaid?? That's why he married her? Bro, search it up before speaking up in public. For example, in this case:
In Arab, it was assumed that adopted relationships have the same status as your real, blood relationships. When this is wrong, you cannot just pick up someone and bring them home to say that he is the brother of my daughter! Of course, they are not blood related, and many problems can arise, like some love interest between the guy and a girl of that house. Now they can justify themselves that they are not blood related, but what will the society say? That they are siblings. Allah said that your adopted children are not your real children. They are not your sons and daughters! You can't add your last name (or your first name, as in some cultures) to someone who isn't from your blood!
So now, at this time, Muhammad PBUH had an adopted son whom he named 'Zaid bin Muhammad'. He also married him to his cousin, Zaynab. When this ayat was sent, the Prophet PBUH immediately changed Zaid's name to his original father's name. Allah had said that He will take this mindset to an end, about adopted children being real ones. So Rasool SAW had a feeling that Allah will ask him to do something which I'll mention later. So when Zaid came to him and asked if he could divorce his wife, due to many misunderstandings between the spouses, Prophet PBUH said him to not take the decision of divorce so early. But the problems between Zaid and his wife got worse and later they ended up getting divorced. If you look at the bigger picture, you'll see that this was the planning of God for the sake of totally ending up this adopting mindset. Obviously, in Arab at that time, if adopted child was your real one, you couldn't marry his or hers divorced spouse. So Allah told Muhammad PBUH to marry Zaynab, because only if this ayah was acted upon, especially if by the Prophet, then people would understand the significance of it. And Prophet PBUH was said to be a walking Quran, he was the first one to change Zaid's last name to the original one. Therefore Allah asked him to marry Zaynab, because in this way people would see that adopted relations are different than blood relations. Now here comes the reason why Prophet SAW hesitated for a moment. Because if he married Zaynab, people would say that look at him, he married his son's ex wife! And this would damage the image of Islam. But Allah told him not to worry, because this was for a greater cause. Hence Prophet Muhammad SAW took Zaynab in his nikkah. And this concept of adopted children being real ended. Allah said that adopted children aren't your real children, so you can adopt them by the sake of providing the kid a home, and raise that kid, but that kid still is like a friend to you, not a son or daughter.

Now this is the reason why I said I can't waste my time on making you understand each and every point because if I write this long and in the end you still criticize us, its a waste of time for both of us. But if you sincerely intend on understanding our religion, I'd be glad to answer you. But since I've explained this point, I'd say your statement was very weak. You said Muhammad PBUH saw Zaid's wife and desired her, while the whole world claims that Muhammad SAW was the man of the best character ever. Search it up on google, even. Muhammad SAW had the most of 'haya' than any other person. Islam tells us to lower our gaze and not look at non-mahrams. How do you expect the person who brought this message, to himself look at non-mahrams? Plus, desire them??? Are you mad? Please be a bit more respectful when talking about the prophets. We Muslims have never criticized Jesus (peace be upon him) or said he was a bad person. We love Jesus, son of Mary, the pure woman. Jesus, who could do so many miracles! Like curing a sick person, giving the blind eyesight, with God's permission, etc. So if we're in our limits, kindly be in yours too.


bro wouldn't stand a chance against a muslim scholar 💀


Only 100? I can feel a sequel video brewing. How prophetic am I?


After Seeing This Video I Am Still Muslim Alhamdulilah❤
