This Verse ALONE Disproves Islam

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There is no shortage of such verses in the Quran. This one is particularly silly..

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The biggest objection to this video so far has been: "Muslim doesn't mean follower of Islam, it means submitter to Allah"

That doesn't really address the issue here. For the Quran to make any claim about Abraham and then invalidate other religions' claims to him because of the timeline.. that undermines the Quran's argument. Because it is the furthest on the timeline from Abraham.

Also, I said it clearly, this doesn't "disprove" Islam because it hasn't been proven to begin with. I'm just borrowing catchy religious titles.


Critiques of Islam always hide their faces while critiques of Christian do it openly. That speaks loud about the religion.


Islam is so peaceful even when u criticise it u must wear a mask ... such peace!


I don't think any Christians think Abraham was a Christian. So if no Christians think that, why is Allah attacking an argument nobody makes? The Christians and Jews don't argue over Abraham. They argue over who the Messiah is. You'd think Allah would know this pretty basic thing


What you said is very contradicting and SILLY too. Let me repeat what you have said but may not be your exact words followed by my comments:

You said:

Muslims believe all prophets starting with Adam came from the same source ALLAH.

My Response: 100% in agreement. We do believe that is true.

You said:
Muslims believe that each prophet told the message that aligns perfectly with the monotheistic Islam.

My Response: 100% in agreement. We do believe that is true. Except I would like to make a minor correction as follows:

Muslims believe that each prophet brought the original uncorrupted message that aligns perfectly with the monotheistic Islam.

You said:

Muslims believe the reason the Jews and Christians and all the messages of previous prophets don't seem to align with Islam today because those revelations were corrupted by humans and prophet Muhammad came to clear all the confusion once and for all.

My response:

With regard to Jewish and Christian scriptures, the statement is true. With regard to other original scriptures, they don’t exist for the Quran to state whether they were corrupted or not. All other scriptures simply no longer exist.

Also, you missed an important Islamic perspective on all previous scriptures. In Islam, ALLAH’s religion is one. The thing you need to understand what that means. The religion in all previous scriptures and Islam is the believe in and worship of ONE GOD. That is the definition of the religion of Islam.

However, in spite of the fact that all prophets came with the same religion (believing and worshiping ONE GOD), they had different Sharias (legislations) each suited for their own time and place. These revelations were meant for specific tribes, groups, or people and not for all humanity.

So, the Injeel (New Testament) was specific to the Jews. Also, the Torah was specific to the Jews for that time only. The Quran is for all humanity and most Muslims are not Arabs which is a testament to its universal appeal.

So, all previous scriptures came with the same religion but with different sharias (legislations) that were specific to the people receiving the message.

Then you mentioned:

The hadeeth that ALLAH sent 124, 000 prophets since Adam and only Muhammad's message is incorruptible for some reason.

My response: As I mentioned before, all previous scriptures do not exist except for what is left of the Torah and New Testament (Injeel). As mentioned before, there is only one religion which is to believe in and worship ONE GOD. That is why Muslims believe all prophets came with the same religion.

Then you said:

The focal point being this, the Jews and Christians have no claim to Ibrahim because they came after Ibrahim much like the Quran which is revealed way after all these prophets. SO, by this logic, Muhammad has zero claim to any previous prophets or religions because the Quran is the newest of the scriptures.

My response:

Based on our believes as Muslims, you are wrong. Because if we believe all previous prophets came with the same message of worshiping ONE GOD and Muhammad peace be upon him came with the same message, then he is perfectly aligned with all previous messages.

Are the Christians aligned with this message? No.
Are the Jews aligned with this message? No.

Christians worship Jesus which conflicts with what Jews and Muslims believe. Both Muslims and Jews believe in ONE GOD. The Christians came up with a message that no previous prophet came with according to their own stories about previous prophets. Based on that, Christians has no claim to Ibrahim because their message was never taught by Ibrahim or any of the previous prophets as mentioned in their own Bible SILLY.

The Jews follow their Rabbis who created another holly book (Talmud) which is full of, to say it mildly, unacceptable stuff. One story, a Rabbi fought with ALLAH and defeated ALLAH. Another story where ALLAH conceded that he lost the argument with Rabbis who outsmarted him. The Jews follow what their Rabbis decree and not what ALLAH commanded them to follow. In Islam, the definition of worship is to FOLLOW ALLAH's COMMANDS. We pray because ALLAH commanded us to pray, we fast because ALLAH commanded us to fast, etc. So, based on this definition, the Jews believe in ONE GOD, but they worship their Rabbis because they follow what their Rabbis tells them. Also, the Jews identify their religion by their race. So, it’s a racial religion and ALLAH is not racist. Based on that, Jews has no clam to Ibrahim because Ibrahim followed ALLAH's commands and not other humans, and he was not a racist SILLY.

This is besides the many clear contradictions you can easily find in both scriptures.

Quran has ZERO (the biggest zero you can draw across the universe) contradictions.

For over 1400 years, thousands upon thousands of scholars (Christians, Jews, and all others) have tried to find ONE REAL (not FAKE) contradiction and they came out with nothing.

Now, you, Mr. smarts, found many contradictions!!! You must have more knowledge in comparative religions than the many theologians now settings in prestigious schools across the western world and beyond who are looking for anything wrong with the Quran. You should contact them and tell your great findings SILLY.


It’s not about which came before, and which came after. It’s about who is right and who is wrong. Yes, the Quran tells them they have no claim to Ibrahim because they came after Ibrahim, but the Quran says that because Ibrahim had a different message than what they are preaching as I have explained above and below.

What you failed to do is taking these verses in the context of other verses as follows:

Verse 3:64 that you failed to mention:

Say, ˹O Prophet, ˺ “O People of the Book! Let us come to common terms: that we will worship none but Allah, associate none with Him, nor take one another as lords instead of Allah.” But if they turn away, then say, “Bear witness that we have submitted ˹to Allah alone˺.”

MY COMMENT: This verse defines what is the religion of ALLAH

Then it is followed by:


O People of the Book! Why do you argue about Abraham, while the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed until long after him? Do you not understand?


Here you are! You disputed about what you have ˹little˺ knowledge of, 1 but why do you now argue about what you have no knowledge of?2 Allah knows and you do not know.


Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian; he submitted in all uprightness1 and was not a polytheist.

Then 3:68 that you failed to mention:

Indeed, those who have the best claim to Abraham are his followers, this Prophet, and the believers. And Allah is the Guardian of those who believe.

MY QUESTION: Who is following Ibrahim SILLY????

You need to learn that religion is different than scripture. ALLAH has one religion, but there are many scriptures most of which are lost, and two of the 3 remaining are corrupted as evident to any person who is willing to challenge himself or herself and uses their intellect.

ONLY ONE Remaining scripture is uncorrupted, the QURAN that revived ALLAH’s ONLY religion, to WORSHIP HIM ALONE.



Imagine sending over 100, 000 prophets and still not getting your point across. 🙃


He made the mistake of thinking that Islam began with Muhammad(SAW). The saying in verse 3:67 "ولكن كان حنيفا مسلما" 'Hanifan Muslim' literally means he was a true Muslim (submitted to the true will of God). The concept of Islam has been around since Adam, but the followers knowns as 'يهود'(Jews) and 'نصرا'(Christians) only came around after the scriptures and never existed during the time of Ibrahim(as). So simple, but you choose to misinform


The verse is criticising the Christians and Jews for debating whether or not Abraham was Christian or Jewish. Allah is saying how can Abraham be a Christian or Jew when the texts that Christianity and Judaism are based on (I.e. the Gospel and Torah respectively) came after Abraham. To be a Christian you must follow the Gospel, how can Abraham follow the gospel if it came after him, which means that he cannot be Christian. The same applies to Judaism. For Abraham to be Jewish he must have followed the Torah, although he couldn’t because the Torah came after him. Allah says, rather he was a Muslim (literally meaning he is in submission to God) since you do not have to follow the Quran to be Muslim, rather you must submit your will to God alone and do not associate partners with him.


Muslim here. I believe the verse can be interpreted as "Why do you claim that the teachings and practices revealed in the Bible and the Torah applied to Abraham when it was revealed long after him"?
Notice that the verse emphasizes the mention of the Books, not that Jews or Christians simply said Abraham was a Jew or Christian in the sense of the core belief. The books entail teachings and practices, which cannot be said to apply to all prophets because that is unknown to them as the next verse says.

You said, doesn't this apply also to the Quran, which came after Abraham? Well, where does it say in the Quran that it applied to Abraham? That Abraham fasted Ramadan maybe? We don't say that Abraham did exactly what the Quran says. That would be like saying Noah observed Eid al-Adha, which is illogical since Noah came long before that.. And Abraham came long before the Quran. We simply say that Abraham rejected paganism (Hanif) and believed and submitted to God (Muslim), not that he fasted Ramadan for example, which is exclusive to this Ummah.

As for the "why don't you use your intellect". This is a logical contradiction, one that doesn't require faith to figure it out, hence the use of "Intellect" (Aql) rather than "if you but believe". I don't see it condescending in any way. That's probably just prejudice from you.

P.S.: Supporting this from Hadith, at the second coming of Jesus, Jesus will rule with what was revealed to Mohammed and his teachings, as evident in Sahih Muslim ("He would lead you according to the Book of your: Lord (hallowed be He and most exalted) and the Sunnah of your Apostle (ﷺ).") Book 1, Hadith 299
Also in Sahih Muslim 156, Book 1, Hadith 300 : "I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: A section of my people will not cease fighting for the Truth and will prevail till the Day of Resurrection. He said: Jesus son of Mary would then descend and their (Muslims') commander would invite him to come and lead them in prayer, but he would say: No, some amongst you are commanders over some (amongst you). This is the honour from Allah for this Ummah."

"This is the honour from Allah for this Ummah." This about this for a second.. Each Ummah has it characteristics and blessings. But the Quran says, they all submitted to God (aka are Muslims).

And God knows best.


Christians never claim that Abraham is Christian because Christianity all about following Christ. They believe Abraham as a father of all believers. Also Christians accept that they are derived from Jewish beliefs. As Abraham was the father of Jewish generations, Christians also accept that.


Brother learned Quran and it’s context from BBC news


if someone wrote a book saying its the true message of god today, he or she would be seen as a nut job.


As a conservative American who was raised Christian, Alhamdulillah for this video for strengthening my imaan


If every Muslim read the Quran with a critical mind, there will be no Muslims left in Islam


I was a muslim

Still am.


Linguistically, “Muslim” means “someone who has submitted themselves to Allah.” And Abraham submitted himself to Allah. 2 minutes of research would have prevented this naive and ignorant video.


This video is useless, the arguments are all terrible.
All this video did was create fitna. Be ashamed.


To challenge Islam is an important job.


Nice video, but one comment was incorrect. Christians don’t claim that Abraham was Christian.. Christ was not born then, so he would have be Jewish..


I'm quite surprised, because for me, all the
- "Afala ta'qilun" (Will you not use your intellect?)
- "Afala yatadabbarun" (do they not then reflect?)
- "Afala Tatafakkarun" (don't you think?)
- "Afala tubshirun" (and in yourselves, don't you see?)

are actually the verses that bring me to Islam, the bold encouragement to be curious, to think, to be critical, to accommodate my curiosity, to learn, and alhamdulillah I found an ocean of knowledge in Islam, moreover I can still learn just about anything, I was born muslim (in the sense of religion, not fitra context) but there's agnostic kind of moment in my life and phase which I used to think that all religion is dull and dumb, but its no longer that way after I read the quran myself rather than presuming with prejudice (to justify my stance as agnostic) beforehand, anyway thanks for the video, it would encourage for those who seek the truth and start to be honest to themselves will actually begin to "think" about it, hopefully all my fellow agnostic found it as well, the ocean of knowledge that will satisfy your instinctual desire to learn, probabilistically speaking, it is us who lack the subject of field to understand a thing, lets say before I learnt software engineering my worldy point of view are so dull, I can't comprehend a thing or two, in the Islamic context there's alot that only revealed (in the sense of meaning) that only revealed to me after I finish my bachelor study, but the more subject I gather in different fields (psychology, math, algorithm), makes me exactly know that Islam is so vast, precise and amazing, Alhamdulillah, keep learning friends, learn every field and I suggest to not dwarf the idea and concept. open yourself to expandability.

"Do you not see how Allah compares a good word to a good tree? Its root is firm and its branches reach the sky." 14:24

here's the compiled in Indonesian translation (been in my notes for so long), the patterns that brings me to islam:

"Index berfikir" (index of thinking)

2:44, ...Maka tidakkah kamu berpikir?
3:65, ...Apakah kamu tidak berpikir?
6:32, ...Maka tidakkah kamu memahaminya?
7:169, ...Maka apakah kamu sekalian tidak mengerti?
12:109, ...Maka tidakkah kamu memikirkannya?
10:16, ...Maka apakah kamu tidak memikirkannya?
21:10 ...Maka apakah kamu tiada memahaminya?
23:80 ...Maka apakah kamu tidak memahaminya?
37:137-138 ...Maka apakah kamu tidak memikirkan?
11:51 ...Maka tidakkah kamu memikirkan (nya)?"
21:63-67 ...Maka apakah kamu tidak memahami?
36:62 ... Maka apakah kamu tidak memikirkan?
36:68 ...Maka apakah mereka tidak memikirkan?
2:242 ...supaya kamu memahaminya.
3:118 ...jika kamu memahaminya.
24:16 ...agar kamu memahaminya.
57:17 ...supaya kamu memikirkannya.
6:151 ...supaya kamu memahami (nya).
12:2 ...agar kamu memahaminya.
43:3 ...supaya kamu memahami (nya).
2:170 ...walaupun nenek moyang mereka itu tidak mengetahui suatu apa pun, dan tidak mendapat petunjuk?"
2:171 ...maka (oleh sebab itu) mereka tidak mengerti.
5:58 ...mereka benar-benar kaum yang tidak mau mempergunakan akal.
5:103 ...kebanyakan mereka tidak mengerti.
8:22 ...orang-orang yang pekak dan tuli yang tidak mengerti apa-apa pun.
10:42 ...mereka tidak mengerti.
10:100 ...orang-orang yang tidak mempergunakan akalnya.
29:63 ...kebanyakan mereka tidak memahami (nya).
49:4 ...kebanyakan mereka tidak mengerti.
59:14 ...mereka adalah kaum yang tidak mengerti.
25:43-44 ...apakah kamu mengira bahwa kebanyakan mereka itu mendengar atau memahami.
21:64 ...bagi kaum yang memikirkan.
30:24 ...bagi kaum yang mempergunakan akalnya.
45:5 ...bagi kaum yang berakal.
13:4 ...bagi kaum yang berfikir.
16:66-67 ...bagi orang yang memikirkan.
16:12 ...bagi kaum yang memahami (nya),
29:35 ...bagi orang-orang yang berakal.
22:46 ...mereka mempunyai hati yang dengan itu mereka dapat memahami atau mempunyai telinga yang dengan itu mereka dapat mendengar?....
30:28 ...bagi kaum yang berakal.
67:10-11 ..."Sekiranya kami mendengarkan atau memikirkan (peringatan itu)"...
