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This video is potentially going to split opinion and be quite controversial, but the narrative on social media that only poor people buy luxury brands, like Chanel, Gucci and Louis Vuitton, to look rich is judgemental, ill informed and judges and looks down on the choices of many, by the actions of few. I recently came across a video by Cara Nicole, and I will link her video below, entitled 'Designer Brands are Keeping you poor', whilst I do believe there is a strong financial message behind this video, I found the judgemental portrayal of people who buy luxury goods to be quite offensive, and to effectively lump all luxury lovers together, as people who buy a costume of designer brands to try to look rich. There are parts of the video I agree with, but a great many parts of the video, and the portrayal of those who buy luxury, that I strongly disagree with. There will be many opinions and views on this topic, and this is mine. Please keep all commentary on the issues discussed respectful, we can all disagree, but we can also chose to be kind in how we disagree and present our views.

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#ameliarose #designerbrandskeepyoupoor #poorpeoplebuyluxury
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I love this video so much. I watched that video yesterday, and it made me feel terrible about myself and my LV daily bag. Your video helped me restore some of my wounded confidence 💕 thanks for vocalizing this and standing up for people!


I buy things because I love them not to look ‘rich’ 🥰


I always believe that if you work hard, you should be able to reward yourself however you wish to regardless of your social status, income etc. I personally will never put myself in debt to purchase luxury things because financially, that's a terrible decision.


I buy luxury no to look rich I buy luxury because I love the brands I love LV/Chanel/Burberry/ Gucci there is no problem with that.
Also wearing any luxury doesn’t change how I am ❤


Why do people label others?? Poor, low class, etc… its just words used by the insecure or people who perceive others to be beneath them. I wear what i love- I have worked hard and do not care others think. Thanks for sharing this.


Thank you for standing up to people who sometimes just genuinely really love Louis Vuitton. I have been buying since I was a teenager & slowly from then growing my collection. I actually am a firm believer that if I want to (or anyone) want to buy luxury goods, let us be. I am not asking anyone for a single dollar. I work hard for my buck and should be able to choose what to spend my money on.


Honestly the amount of time people put into caring about how someone else looks or spends their money is ridiculous. Imagine the world issues that could be solved if that energy went to something useful 🙄


Well said, Amelia!❤You bring up excellent points! Thank you for the mention! I truly appreciate your kindness 🙌


I super hate that saying of pour people wear things to look rich, I don't buy louie to look rich, I like the product. Almost every bag I have ever bought had a brand, my faded glory hand bag out of Walmart is a brand. Even if you drive a corvette and live in a trailer that's your choice. I get so so so annoyed when I see titles like that, and no one has every said this to my face. My mother has called me you rich kid, and I tell her yes your kid. I see those videos too, buy what you love and keep it for a long time and that is sustainable!


I friggin love you!! I was so offended by that video, as well. I actually watch her videos and usually enjoy them. But this one burned me up! I have been a luxury designer enthusiast since I was a child and grew up in poverty. Even back then, I’d admire and pour over magazines and watch MTV’s House of Style. I even was a fashion major for a bit before switching over to accounting. My stepdad is a financial planner, so that combined with my accounting degree and not growing up with wealth all taught me to be smart with money. I went to school and worked the whole time saving and also paying down school loans. I’ve had a 401K and IRA since I was 18 & now at 45 am in the position where my husband & I have good salaries, excellent savings, no debt and will be retiring at 55. I also buy luxury and adore it!! I’m not trying to impress anyone. I admire the pieces as works of art & they make me so happy.
We shouldn’t have to constantly justify why it is ok to buy luxury & for me in particular, purses. I get so much crap about how I’m wasting money on a $4k bag and how I could be investing that somewhere else. Do they know my husband and I each maximize our 401k. Do they know I have a balanced portfolio already with stocks, T-Bills, CD’s, annuities, life insurance?? Do they know I have no debt?? It’s so damn presumptuous and really irritates me.
So bravo on speaking out!! 👏


Thank you for explaining how flawed it was to generalize a whole group of people who love luxury as “pretending to be rich.” The point that only wealthy or high class people don’t where logos is terrible. It’s a preference, a personal choice. I attended a wedding in Scottsdale, AZ a couple of years ago as a plus one. This was a large wedding, with many wealthy guests. I didn’t meet everyone, but some of these individuals obtained their wealth by working at large finance firms, had their own successful businesses and firms, managers of celebrities, influencers, etc. I don’t think I saw a female guest without a luxury logo. Chanel flaps were the most popular bag that I saw that weekend, almost all of the women were wearing one. So I think it’s safe to say that wealthy people also wear logos haha. But I’m sure there are wealthy people out there who have no interest in wearing luxury. It’s just a preference. It shouldn’t be something that defines someone’s character or finances.


My mom said a smart thing once. People who think and judge you for buying certain things or look a certain way to impress other people, are people that are like that themselves. Because they can't think far enough, why someone would do that only for themselves. Because to them, how others view them is the only valid reason! =)


I believe Luxury is mainly bought for it’s quality, how well designed it is, it’s colours, the cuts, for it’s comfort and for it’s durability. Judging people on their purchases is odd and says more about the people judging than the people buying and enjoying luxury.


I don’t need to “look rich.” Doesn’t that make you look like a target? 🤔 Also poor people cannot afford Coach or Michael Kors, let alone LV and Gucci. That’s ridiculous! Poor people can barely afford to pay their bills and stay above water. Now I do see a lot of middle and upper middle class buying designer bags that they save for, not necessarily Gucci or LV, but designer brands in general. There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to something nice. But I never thought anyone who buys these products is actually trying to “look rich.” I think they just want their money to go a long way since designer products tend to be of higher quality and will last much longer. And I do agree with you, Amelia! We shouldn’t judge anyone on anything they wear. It’s just their personal style. Celebrities are very wealthy and wear logos all the time lol. People are crazy! And if you’re sitting there judging what everyone else is wearing, you really need to get a life. I don’t worry about what anyone else is wearing. Do I look at some people and think “oh wow, cute dress!” or “they look really nice.” Sure I do! But I think it for a second and go about my life. I don’t think “oh wow, they’re trying to look rich.” Lol. I never though that of anyone in my life. 🤦‍♀️ Also designer brands are not trying to market to one demographic. They’re marketing to everyone! They just want to sell their products to whoever! Duh!


I disagree with your response. It was explained in the 1996 book THE MILLIONAIRE NEXT DOOR ( which is still accurate) that wealthy people dont have fancy cars over 50, 000 .... designer or live in gated communities. the true rich are very small in size. It was based on a survey and really opened my eyes to the fakes out here. To anyone reading, im not ranting on this lady but I myself am not into designer brands because your greatest investment is in YOU❤❤💯


Even princess Diana and princess Kelly loved to wear Dior and Hermes, then who the hell is she to judge people what they want to wear !?😂😂


Ok so I absolutely love you- out here trying to keep these YT streets honest, thoughtful + human. Thank you ❤️🌈


Well done! 👏👏👏. Let’s talk about the judgment. Sometimes we have to take a break from the eye candy videos, and talk about the culture of luxury! Let’s treat each other with respect and respect people’s choices.


I've noticed that whenever something is considered "desirable" people have an urge to make it look bad. I think there's an Aesop's Fable where a wolf is reaching for some grapes or something, and can't reach them, so he says that the grapes must suck anyway. I don't understand why people can't just look at someone who is happy, and enjoying their life, and let them be. They always have to attack it. I also DESPISE the way that people who have nice things are described as simply "flaunting their wealth." Maybe people want a nice house, because it's nice. Maybe people wear nice clothing, because it is lovely, and makes them feel good. It isn't about "display" or putting on a show. I can't stand that.


Just found your channel a few weeks ago, about the time a lot of this started. Wow! You are so well spoken, have such a passion of treating people well and very open-minded about looking at unpopular opinions from several angles. Your closing remarks were very powerful.
