7 Early Warning Signs You May be Low in Copper #shorts

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7 Early Warning Signs You May be Low in Copper #shorts

Dr. Janine shares 7 early warning signs you may be low in copper. She talks about frequent colds and flues as signs of a copper deficiency. She looks at memory loss as a warning sign you may be low in copper. She explains how weak bones can be a sign of copper deficiency. She talks about poor thyroid functions as an early warning sign you may be low in copper. She looks at vitiligo as a sign of copper deficiency. Lastly, Dr. Janine explains how grey hair and poor vision are early warning signs you may be low in copper.

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I like when you cover the unforgettable minerals, in moderation!!


Copper toxicity gives the exact same symptoms of low copper and blood test doesn't show it. I'm a 43 year old male and i always took 50mg of zinc for over 20 years and always felt amazing, until i stumbled upon such video's claiming you need more copper esp with that much zinc, so i started taking 1mg of copper. I felt great for 2 weeks and then it hit me, poor vision, cold hand and feet without feeling cold myself, depressed, anxiety and panic attacks, intolerance to caffeine, estrogen dominance, muscle weakness, grey hair, shortness of breath and low iron symptoms like looking pale and extreme fatigue, no more libido at all.. Blood work was all perfect and i ended up at a psychiatrist.. 2 years of a living hell and no idea why this all happend to me. there was one new doc that took a hair analysis, i was SHOCKED it came back with way to much tissue copper (copper toxicity) while my blood work showed normal copper but i bit on the lower end. Don't forget i was still taking 50mg of zinc with that and i still got copper toxicity from only 1mg a day.. Took me over a year after diagnosis to feel my good old self again. Copper ruined 3 years of my life. Get a hair analysis before you even think about adding more copper.. It's very stimulating aka stress and woman are even way more prone to develop copper toxicity because of copper IUD and the estrogen they have, estrogen retains more copper and copper makes more estrogen, it's a vicious circle and way more common then a copper deficiency. if you can't tolerate vitamin c or zinc that's a good indicator to get a hair analysis and if you already struggle with anxiety, racing mind or panic attacks, stay the hell away from copper, it's a stimulant and it will make you worse in the long run..


Can you mention what food carrys copper? thank you


Yeah I’m stuck in copper five due to bad teamates


Doc, can you help me with what best supplement to intake copper? 🙏


If we take copper we will have less gray hair?


I can't hear the end of your sentences... If the volume were adjusted it would be better to absorb your knowledge, thank you, doctor!


Fooled me for a second, thought she was a real doctor lol. Nooope
