What If Mace Windu Followed Dooku to Sidious' Lair

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In Tales of the Jedi we learn that Master Yaddle is slain by former Jedi Dooku. What would've happened if Master of the Order Mace Windu followed Dooku instead? Would Windu win the battle or lose? If he won would he be able to defeat Sidious? If he lost would Dooku be able to live with killing his friend?

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Good twist that that Vaapod couldn't help Mace initially because Dooku was still technically in the light and simply making his choice based on judgement still in the light.

But as Dooku grew corrupted and fed into the dark side he ironically grew weaker. Vaapod now able to take advantage of him but his own ideals(corrupted) holding him back from fully going into the Dark side.


What if Dooku and the separatist council were ousted from office after it was revealed that he assassinated Mina Bontiri?


I love it. No fluff at the beginning, got straight into the story. I wish more people did this!


Looking forward to this, will be interesting no matter which way it goes.

For a what if, how about:
What if Mother Talzin made an alliance with the Jedi to take down Sidious.
What if Anakin was reborn with all his memories.
What if Shmi died after giving birth to Anakin.
What if Padme had triplets.


Well this can go very bad or good. Dooku joins Mace, Sidious is dead. But if Dooku joins Sidious, vaapad isn't saving you this time mace. If Mace dies this could lead somewhere interesting to be honest.

What if Darth Zannah was a Jedi?
Either she refrains from killing the Jedi who originally comes for her, or another Jedi takes her instead soon after, assuming Bane doesn't find her or a twin of some kind exists. She undergoes training until she becomes a Jedi Knight or perhaps even a Jedi Master.

Then, she receives one of two visions. The first vision portrays Anakin or Luke as the chosen one. She believes in the prophecy and enters stasis, intending to train them to confront Palpatine during the Clone Wars or the time of the Empire.

The second vision involves Palpatine himself, maybe as the Emperor. Believing that she is the chosen one due to this, she enters stasis until the Clone Wars, awakened by the Force or some other catalyst. To fight him herself.

To maintain her characterization as the Zannah we know and love, she excels as a master of Form Three and is proficient in Jedi Alchemy or sorcery, perhaps even both. I think the second vision would make for a better story, as training Anakin/Luke videos are already abundant on your channel.

Day 37


Palpatine showing up on Exegol

“What the fuck? Did I die? Was I Plagueised? Dear mortis I was Plagueised!”


Mace used Jango as a speed bag. I love that line.


Your What If's make my day. Here's a few interesting ones that could be fun.

• What If Anakin Skywalker was made Grandmaster of the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars.
- Yoda could die and in his last moments decide that Anakin must be the grandmaster.

• What If Anakin Skywalker was a Mandalorian Jedi.
- I know you did one with him as a mandalorian. Seeing him become a Mandalorian jedi could also be very interesting. Maybe he finds the Darksaber.

• What If Kylo Ren was Luke Skywalker's son.
- Be interesting to see how Luke reacts to his own son turning into Kylo Ren

• What If Kylo Ren joined Rey in The Last Jedi.
- seeing how this plays out could be interesting.

• What If Anakin Skywalker became Battlemaster of the Jedi Order

• What If Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi were half brothers.
- Shmi could have been married and had Obi-Wan but they separated. Anakin is born like normal and over the course of the story they discover that they brothers.

• What If Palpatine and Sidious were two different people.
- Palpatine could still be chancellor and he still looks after Anakin with noble intentions. Sidious could try to turn Anakin. I could see Anakin doing an "I told you so" when Palpatine isn't the sith lord.

• What If Padme Amidala was a Jedi.
- Maybe her and Anakin could fall in love or possibly have a force dyad. So many ways to go with this.

• What If Anakin Skywalker formed the Knights of Ren.

• What If Anakin Skywalker was sent to Malacore(the planet in Rebels s2 final) during the clone wars.
- Maybe Palpatine fakes something like a CIS has working on something big. They jedi council send Anakin to do recon but it's a trap. Palpatine could try to manipulate him. Maybe his lightsaber gets destroyed so he crafts a new cross-guard lightsaber.

• What If Rey was Kylo Ren's sister
- Maybe Han and Leia hid her on Jakku to keep her away from Kylo. Kylo could recognize her.

• What If Anakin Skywalker was born during the High Republic era.

Thank you for everything you give us. May the Force be with you.


Here's an idea. What if Shmi Skywalker was force-sensitive, and appeared as a force ghost to Anakin.


Love this alternate version of “Tales of the Jedi” episode. Would you consider doing more?
Day 29 of my list. What if; Anakin never gave into his feelings for Padme, Aayla Secura was the chosen one and became Darth Talon, Shme Skywalker was adopted by the Tusken Raiders, Boba Fett saved his Tusken family, Count Dooku was a regular count for the CIS, Jabba the Hutt supported the Jedi at the Start of the Clone Wars, and finally, what if Sabine and Ezra fell in love?


Here are a few ideas:
What if Cody died during the Anaxas/Bad Batch Arc?
What if the Jedi deleted Order 66?
What if Jedi Bob was the Chosen One?
What if Maul actually died in Episode One?


What if Savage Opress stayed loyal to Dooku?


OKAY this is good!!! Can you please do these videos for me?

•What if Anakin vowed loyalty to the Zygerrian queen?
•What if Dooku didn't go to Zygerria and Anakin couldn't escape?
•What if Ashoka fell in love with Anakin, but he didn't fall in love with her?
•What if Ezra and Leia fell in love?
•What if Anakin trained Ezra during the Clone Wars?
•What if Ezra save Mace when he was trying to save Ashoka (World Between Worlds)?
•What if Vader killed Ezra when he tried to kill Ashoka?
•What if Anakin didn't fall in love with Padme, but she was OBSESSED with him?
•What if Anakin was a full blood Sith?
•What if Ashoka pulled Anakin (from the clone wars) through the World Between Worlds?
•What if Anakin was accused of the bombing at the Jedi temple?
•What if Barriss' goal was to kill Anakin instead of bombing the temple?
•What if Padme adopted Anakin
•What if Maul killed Anakin during the Phantom Menace?
•What if Riff Tamson killed Anakin and Kit Fisto (but Padme, Ashoka, and Prince Lee Char live)
•What if Hera was a Jedi?
•What if the Son took and turned Obi Wan instead of Ashoka?

Thank you!! But please just say you would do these videos! It would make my day! Thank you!!


"What if" The Jedi discovered before the Clone Wars that the Dark Side Nexus under their temple on Coruscant was draining their strength in the Force?


What if Savage was trained by the Jedi, I think there already is one but I really love the idea, especially considering that multiple sources claim that Savage had a higher midichlorian count, a full potential Savage is stronger in the force and I don't see why he would be worse with the blade. I'd love to see Savage Opress as a surviving Jedi during the Imperial Era, maybe of he was trained by someone like Seasee Tiin, one of the most powerful telepaths and a great pilot. Most people belive Plo would be the best Master but I feel like Saesee would definitely be a great choice. I'd love to see the two during the imperial era, especially Savage as a fully light side embracing Jedi, maybe even a Master if he joined the Jedi young enough.


What if Plagues found a perfect sample of ancient pure 🩸 Sith 🧬 and had the Kamino make him a small army of them with them being force sensitive. He trained them to be his protectors keeping Sidious from killing his master!!


What if Anakin was trained by Bastillia Shan or Pong Krell. Also what if Anakin was sent to kayshaxx instead of Yoda. Also what if Anakin looked after Bobba Fett after genosis


What if Maul was Dooku's apprentice


Continuing with my ideas day eighteen of asking.
1) what if the Sith Empire returned during the High Republic era?

2) what if Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann had a child?

3) what if Starlight Beacon was saved?

4) what if Jyn Erso survived the battle of Scarif and went on to meet and fall in love with Luke Skywalker?

5) what if Luke and Leia found out they were siblings earlier?

6) what if Han was saved from Jabba but Leia failed to kill Jabba and was left behind remaining a slave?

7) what if Padme was enslaved during the Clone wars?

8) what if the Combine from Half-Life invaded the Star wars Universe?

9) what if the Daleks invaded the star wars universe?

10) what if Rey became a slave?

11) what if Luke was put in charge of the Rebellion?

12) what if Din Djaran and Bo-Katan fell in love and became joined leaders of Mandalor?

13) what if Leia finished her Jedi training?

14) what if the Cybermen invaded the Star wars universe?

15) what if Cal and Merrin had a daughter (Jedi nightsister hybrid)

16) what if Luke and Leia weren’t separated at birth?

17) what if Ahsoka found Shin Hati before Baylon Skoll?

18) what if Kylo Ren and the Knight of Ren didn’t destroy Luke’s Jedi order meaning that the Resistance and New Republic had the Jedi during the war with the first order?

19) what if the ones survived?

Some of these I would make on AO3 but I don’t know how I am doing 1, 2 and 4 and I plan to do 15


What if Anakin became like a Obi Wan 2.0 between episode 1 and 2? I mean basicly that he became more patience, more intelligent and more on a defensive style like his master, maybe he would use the same lightsaber form as Obi Wan. By the way in this scenario I could imagine that they both would be the 2 negotiators of the Republic.
