Watch Out For Spiritual Abuse & Heavy Shepherding

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In this video I discuss the issue of pastoral authority. What does the Bible mean when it says to submit to your pastors? What kind of authority does a pastor have? Can they tell you not to go on social media? Can they tell you not to share your opinion in church? Can they tell you not to have independent bible studies? Prayer meetings? Evangelism? Where does pastoral authority begin and where does it end? What exactly does the bible say? How did Jesus Christ lead his church? How did the Apostles lead? Today, and throughout church history, there has been a disgusting amount of spiritual abuse and heavy shepherding. Pastors and church elders are filled with pride and arrogance and they lord it over the church. The surround themselves with "yes men" who agree with everything they say. The Apostle Peter instructed elders not to lord it over the flock. Jesus said that you have only one teacher, one father and one master, and we are all brethren. No one is greater then the other. This video examines a number of passages in the scriptures and will help strengthen your faith and prepare you for that inevitable moment where you meet a pastor who tries to lord it over you.
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It is frightening how people feel that they can't leave a particular church.

If you don't like it, then just stop going.


We have given too much authority to pastors


We used to belong to a church that taught "shepherd lordship" and were to submit to the pastor and elders in all things, financial, relationships, etc. We are so happy to be free from this bondage.Love from Jamestown CA


Amen brother this will not be received well by modern “pastors” I have lost friends because I don’t agree with modern church traditions.
They get mad if you say that Jesus is our Shepard


according to the Lord Jesus a leader in His church MUST be a SERVANT to all !


If you think about it, when those epistles were written to the churches people didn't have access to a Bible and a lot of people were illiterate, so of course they needed more support from their pastors. Now we have our own Bibles and can read them, and thankfully through the Holy Spirit we can recognize when pastors abuse their office. There is no reason for heavy shepherding when Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Something is wrong with the church culture of today.


I think that it is great that you are using your gifts to address important, overlooked and misunderstood things within God's Church.


What it means is the leadership will be held to a higher standard for the half truths they have been perpetrating on the people of their “church”. We are to seek FIRST the kingdom and ALL of the kingdom truths. If you can not get them from your “elders” then you must get them from the Holy Spirit.


The problem with pastors as Lord is that the position they are placed in, which is different than how the first century had them function, makes them out to be Lord and Christ to the believers. They are the ones who bring the word of God to the body. They define what ministry is through their examples. They are esteemed above everyone else, because their knowledge is specialized to know more than the rest. Ultimately, the whole thing raises a man over the rest of the congregation, instead of having him among, as a fellow believer. And, based off of my experience, that is a great way to make a hypocrite. Give a person power and knowledge, and tell them they lead the flock, and tell me that’s not going to get to their head. The church at large is backwards, elevating a man like this. It hinders the full expression of the body of Christ for the ministry of a few, and makes a golden calf, or fake king, for the people to worship.


Amen brother Amen their is a lot of manipulation in the churches by leaders twisting God's word for money is another thing.
And that's brothers and sisters read the Bible for your self by the guidance of the Holy Spirit and test the spirits.


Yes indeed and those prosperity teachers do not obviously see the words filthy lucre. Well explained


I once heard a story of a woman (heard the story from a pastor) who was an usher at her respective church. She had forgot her “uniform” one day so her pastor took her “usher” status and put her in discipline. It was over a year and the pastor would consistently ignore her and treat her differently. She was crying so much.


Yes I 100 percent agree with you!
I come out of AOG in Australia and
We were taught in that AOG church (cult) that even if the pastor wrong still to Obey him the pastor !
My advice to Christians is stick to small churches ! Stay far way from mega churches!!


The “sheep” of Christ are as different from other sheep as He is different from other shepherds.

Pastors like to tell their flocks that the Bible calls us all sheep, and then go on to say that sheep are stupid and disgusting and helpless and hopeless…

This is sad. This is not true about Christ’s flock. They hear His voice and He knows them and they follow Him.


We recently had a pastor that started telling us who we could and couldn't allow into our home to fellowship with. Mostly people that did not believe what he believed. We left and have not gone back since.


I am preaching on spiritual abuse and this has been a blessing to my research my brother. I have seen some horrible spiritual abuse over the last couple of years. Claims from pastors of 'Jezebel spirit' in the congregation and that charismatic show stopper of "God has spoken to me and has said This tactic has caused brothers and sisters untold damage.


Once I was considering going back to a church I had previously been involved with. I was going through a very difficult time, and was having counseling from a fully trained Christian counselor, with counseling experience. The pastor of this church told me if I went back to his church "I would not want you having ministry outside the church" (referring to the counseling). He said his wife could take care of me. But so far as I know his wife is not a qualified counselor. I had other reservations about her. I didn't return to that church. I'm beginning to realize that heavy shepherding here in the UK has not stopped. It might not be recognized as such, but it's definitely still happening here. I'm grateful that I am now more aware of these things going on, and that I'm no longer so vulnerable to those who do this, whether in ignorance or intentionally. That in itself is a miracle.


Loved all this! I'm an a associate pastor and I fully agree with all this. We are here to free God's people and not ensnare them. God bless amd keep up the good work


Great teaching on Church leadership which has been twisted and manipulated for many years. When we know the Truth of Gods Word it sets us free from lies and deception (John 8:32). Thanks for your Bible based teaching which keeps pointing us back to what Jesus says which is the Truth, and which then makes it easier to identify twisted, manipulated and false teaching.


Thankyou brother for your wisdom, you are quite right, I went through a difficult time with a pastor having this type of attitude, I left the denomination to never return, I have been out of a church for more than 40 years, and today I am spiritual stronger that I have ever been, God told me to assist in the spreading the message of the The Rapture in SA, what a pleasure. Blessings
Frans Du Toit.
