This is what spiritual abuse looks like.

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You may think I've picked the worst example of Ed's behavior but I really haven't. Ed can be seen doing all manner of far stranger and more extreme things in other videos. I chose this example to offer an analysis of how to identify this kind of spiritual abuse in an effort to help people caught up in it to do two things. First, to get out from under the control of dangerous leaders. Second, to realize that those bad leaders do not represent true Christianity so that people who've been burned by them won't turn away from Christ, the perfectly humble leader, as a result.

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I saw him in Toronto, and he asked me if I wanted a word and I said "Yeah", I guess I wasn't hyped and excited enough like everyone else. So he kissed his teeth and said "Ugh you're not serious" and fanned me off. Immediately after a lady tapped me and said "You have to yell and scream and be very excited for him to share a word with you." That was the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I get a word every moment I open my bible! GOODBYE!


The sad thing is as a Christian therapist who specializes in trauma, many who grew up in this don’t want anything to do with Jesus if they were able to escape this abuse! I work in SoFlo and God has brought many spiritually, emotionally and physically abused souls to my practice. It’s a battle but Jesus holds the victory and is the Wonderful Counselor. Please pray for me as I continue to walk by faith and not by sight while trying to help these hurting souls. 🙏🏽❤️✝️👣🌄


I went to a bible institute that was very similar to this. Their were “healers” like this and crazy talking and yelling. I ran from there after my year was up. They were so awful saying i was running away from God and they were spreading rumors about me. It was so intense and pushed me away from God for years. Praise God for not giving up on me.


My heart breaks for anyone who cannot immediately tell that this is spiritual abuse.


This is heartbreaking. I sat in a church like this for a decade plus. By God’s grace we have been delivered from spiritual abuse.


I don’t know whether to laugh, cry or be angry. Sad sad sad.


This is why the best answer to any question a "prophet" asks you is, "you tell me".


I was taken to events like this as a child. It left me confused and afraid of God and the spirit realm.


"This however, is the counterfeit that makes the real thing look bad"

You nailed it right on its head brother!


One word:
Indignation 😡

One condition:
Disgusted 🤮

One grieved:
The Spirit of God 😔


Mr. Mike Winger, you have been my altime favorite digital pastor. I have grown and challenged my own faith so much through your training of thinking biblically. May the Lord bless you and keep you ministering for him.


My sister and I used to be part of a church like this and I can tell it's spiritual abuse just as you said. I was visiting and my sister was a full time member so she was abused more. We were made to believe that serving the pastor and his appointed shepherds was serving Jesus. The pastor would talk about his church in every sermon and how it was a good Godly family and that serving in his church and obeying the leaders would please God, but it was all to get the members to be hooked to the church and also willingly sew seeds. He made serving and please God look and feel easy, cause all you had to do was channel all your admiration, honour, faith and every good thing you had to give God for you being an awesome God, through him. He was very charismatic and would frequently guilt trip everyone into submission, talking about how he had helped many people and making his "appointed shepherds" and some of the old church members talk about what he had done for them during service. His messages were repeated over and over again and he would again guilt trip everyone into listening to his sermons daily. If you were able to quote him or repeat the things he said in his sermons, he would be impressed and everyone was trying to impress him, because that was all part of serving God apparently. Marrying out side of the church was basically illegal and he along with his appointed shepherds would control the dating scene in the church, pairing up whoever they felt would go together and if you didn't like the person you were paired with, well you were going against the will of God for your life. So many of the couples in the church clearly didn't love each other and the one couple that was genuine didn't get married because the pastor told them to. They were basically the devils in that church since their relationship clearly proved that the pastor didn't know best and wasn't really hearing from God when it came to relationships..well and basically everything else. Every sermon was some kind of damage control tool to silence members who had figured him out and to patch up the non-existent relationship between those he had put together. He would even talk about members personal issues(even their sex lives (and yes he knew that much. All couples were to report everything that happens in their lives to him.) through out sermons for some reason. He Frequently cheated on his wife with the church members, took luxurious trips with his shepherds and assistant pastors in the name of looking for a venue for a couples retreat, and did many other shady things all in the name of God. I felt quite stupid for following him and believing that he was a genuine man of God. But I've learned my lesson. Anytime I come across a man of God talking about himself more than about Jesus, my red flags go up. I'm not falling for that nonsense again and neither is my sister. She was abused more because she was a full time member and actually served in the church, but now she goes to a much better church where the pastor is always pointing to Jesus. I follow the new pastors ministry and I've noticed that after listening to his sermons all I think about is Jesus. Not the pastor and not the church.


I've been to services like this years ago when I first became a Christian in the UK. It was a powerful feeling during the meetings... but I always went away dissatisfied. Something always felt a bit wrong. I couldn't always put my finger on it. Experience and good theology eventually helped me.


I'm literally praying for Amoa right now. My goodness, Lord please find Amoa and show him your love and show him who you truly are. 😭😭😭 That this experience may not mark him in a negative way in Jesus' name.


I am so scared for men like this, how God will punish those who abused his bride for personal gain is a scary thing, pride is such a scary sin.


"Its hard not to laugh, or cry, or punch a wall" hahaha, well said. On a serious note, I find your teaching very beneficial.


I’m half way through this video and I just have to comment. As a teenager growing up in a West African church, we have naturally been conditioned to believe that we are sinning or either going to hell when we challenge a “man of God.” They always use the statement from the Bible, “touch not my anointed” as a shadow of their deceit. I can understand how intimidated Amoa is and most likely, I would have been also, despite my knowledge of the word. This is why I’m skeptical of going to churches that are prophetic based.SMH!!!!


I grew up in a ministry like this. Praise the LORD that my dad followed the leading of the Spirit to leave and teach us the TRUTH about Jesus and the love of God for us!!! 🙌🏽 I pray that each and every person a part of this ministry will be endowed with knowledge of the truth and the boldness of the Spirit to escape!!!


I like how Mike noticed that most of the people in the crowd were women. We absolutely are more susceptible to deception since we are very emotional beings (while men tend to be more rational). We need more godly men to stand up against things like this that bring reproach to the name of Christ. Thank you Mike for your work and may the Lord bless you!


Love this. And I'm also from West Africa (Liberia). Someone said in the comments and I'll say it again, Mike Winger and others like him are my favorite online pastors: Christ-honoring, Bible-believing, truth-telling, uncompromising, humble, consistent, Mike, I pray your messages reach all 8 billion of us on this planet so no one will have the excuse of not hearing the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. I also pray your success in ministry never gets to your head. By your demeanor, I don't think it ever will - but you never know.
