Look out for these Spiritual Abuse Manipulation Tactics 🚩

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This video explores the topic of spiritual abuse and the red flags to look out for in spiritual relationships, spiritual communities, churches, and religious groups.

Spiritual abuse is a form of manipulation and control that can occur in any type of spiritual or religious setting or relationship. It can take many forms, such as emotional manipulation, financial exploitation, or psychological abuse. It is often perpetrated by those in positions of authority, such as spiritual leaders, who use their power and influence to exploit and control their followers.

I share some examples from the spiritual cult that I was apart of and examples from my clients who were in religious cults or toxic spiritual or religious relationships.

This video will help you recognize the warning signs of spiritual abuse, including manipulation tactics and control used by spiritual and religious cults, and take action to protect yourself and your loved ones. Whether you're looking to deepen your spiritual understanding or create a safe and healthy environment for growth and connection, this video is a must-watch. It will help you identify red flags and understand how to protect yourself from spiritual abuse.





Please note that the information and advice provided in these videos are general in nature and are not intended to be a substitute for professional mental health treatment or advice. The content of these videos is based on my personal experiences or news articles, and should not be taken as definitive or applicable to any specific individual or situation. I am not discussing or referring to any specific person in these videos. If you or someone you know is experiencing narcissistic abuse or is involved in a cult, please seek out the support of a qualified mental health professional.

#spiritualabuse #religiousabuse #cults #toxicrelationships
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“I distrust those who claim to know so well what god wants me to do, because of how often I notice that it always coincides with their own desires.”.
- Susan B. Anthony


I like when you mentioned "the leader can do no harm" and how their beliefs and tactics are the only correct beliefs. I notice my clients relating back to these ideas when dealing with Religious Trauma Syndrome (RTS). This is a great simple way to help simplify these actions and help those who are victims understand.


I was part of my pastors triad. We really talked about deep things ( or I did, he just listened). I went to church and gave when I could. I really did consider them my family. I would even participate in group texts that I would always start. I had to move because of a job promotion and to a really beautiful place to live ( right on the water).
The moment I couldn't attend anymore I never heard from anyone anymore. It was very strange. Never went back to a church again.


so true, my Pastor would always tell us that “your thoughts are not your own, your emotions are not of your own” and my cousin was going through the worse pain ever, 2 months later he passed away and my Pastor only said “Everything was God’s will” long story short I never went back to the church ever again


"such were you"

What I love about the bible is the truth that is abused contains truth that undoes any abuse. The devil uses scripture, making deception not the absence of truth, but the distortion and manipulating the use of it


"its no accident you're here"


This is also very applicable to those raised in military family, when Father is a member of military and passes his life onto the kids, wife and all family doings. Whoa!!


There are so many churches in the US that tick literally every one of these boxes.


Another one for #6, invalidating emotions/thoughts/concerns, my “pastor” would say “stop thinking, start drinking” and he means drinking of the River of the spirit. So in short, don’t reason or weigh your experiences with the Bible, don’t be theological about them, just let what ever happens happen and if you get offended you have to repent for a spirit of offense. (Don’t do NAR churches hahah).
Hope this will help someone with figuring out the wording they use


People think that being a Christian means instantly forgiving people and overlooking death threats, stealing, being robbed of your clothes, and all of the ignorant things that have happened to me. It's not and anyone asking me to is abusing me. Repeatedly I'm being asked to forgive crimes, power trips and disrespect to prove to people I'm a Christian. I hate everyone involved in this ignorant work. My life will not get better under these terms, these folks are killing me inside and out.


I purposely never bothered getting close to pastor or people who worked in church as I hate the fact when thry prented to be your friend then just ignore you when you leave


thankyou callie remember that in all this god have his convenience


I'm from pakistan.and pastor in the church.my church members also fall in this doctrine.


I have a neighbor who you cannot talk to without Jesus coming into the conversation. She constantly quotes Bible verses and if you mention any problem or health issue, she tells you to have more faith in God. She constantly says that God is going to take care of her. I am getting to the point where I don't even want to speak to her anymore and I cringe when she calls me.


try to study the "Iglesia Ni Cristo" church, which originated in the Philippines in 1914, founded by Felix Manalo. All these you have mentioned perfectly fit with all these signs you have mentioned.


You have perfectly described the Jehovah's Witnesses.


++ Mica Miller +A Protestant Pastor’s Wife Who Recently /Committed “Suicide”/ Unfortunate Victim Of Her Narcissist Clergy Abusive Husband. Narcissistic Clergy Sadly Prance As Pristine Public Appearance & Horrible In Private.


The lord is pleased with the ten percent going to protect the offenders. Never the victim. Its all in their head, of course. Its demons. Well, theyre right about that...


Im experiencing this now a friend has said the lord soke to her to let go of the 18yr friendship due to me going on to some spiritual heights? Its really hurt and is totally not true on my part i feel like she's unknowingly made 2+7=100 its totally weird then I've got someone saying she will call me for a cup of tea if she feels led?


Sa6ing they have to protect their testimony. Jesus didnt care about his testimony
. Why do you??
