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🖤 Immerse yourself in the haunting beauty of dark ambient music. Our channel offers a diverse selection of atmospheric compositions that blend dark and ambient elements. Allow the captivating soundscapes to transport you to a realm of introspection and contemplation

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As i am awake at 3am, reading these comments… it makes me even more sad that there is so many of us, dissapointed in life… not reaching our goals or even losing our way in life… im not gonna share my problems here because there is already written enough in here… i just wish everyone in here will find their way, fix what can be fixed and reach their goals… stay strong guys!


Im so tired of feeling like i cant control anything. The world is so overwhelming. Its loud and its crazy, and i feel like my heart is in pieces for no reason.


I have no friends and this playlist hugged me when I didn't think I needed one.


Imma leave this message here and hopefully one day find my way back here once I achieve what I need to.


Tonight me and the kids ate dinner outside, n had a fire told scary stories n star gazed together. Moments like this make so grateful for my little family❤


*Too scared to die* but *too tired to live*


I love how everyone can just talk about their problems in this comment section where on other places it’s impossible. Thank you for sharing yourself and don’t forget that it’ll all be okay, just keep on keeping on.


I find places like these so cozyyy, reading through all these stories always reminds me that I'm not alone and that everyone has a problem or obstacle they are struggling to overcome. To anyone reading this comment, I wish you love and luck, I hope you are able to find peace and happiness <3


Disability is my problem, it sucks not being able to run, walk, see properly. I’m always in pain, despite endless medication. Nighttime is half peace, half torture for me, its playlists like this that make me feel less alone. So thank you for making this, and uniting all these lovely people together


Right now i am a female 13 year old teenager, whos mother abandoned then at the age of 4. I've been living with my dad, working through these issues as a teenage girl, not knowing HOW to be a girl. Hair, makeup and clothes I've had to teach myself from scratch Things get hard at times but ive gotten stronger, and challenges have become easier. Unfortunaly a month or 2 ago my grandmother died. She was very young and passed very quickly. She was the closest mother I ever had, and on top of that it made everything harder. I still have my life ahead of me despite these challenges. So if you every think you can't do something, you 110% can, and it won't always stay like this forever. Things pass and go, and as humans we can heal. Life gives us challenges but we have to face them or else they get bigger. So believe in yourself and just think "This will never bring me down. I am strong, and I WILL get through this." Prayers to anyone else who has my situation or worse; I believe in you.


I'm new here...but don't feel like an introduction is necessary...hello to the others like me...grateful to finally find home.


I hate life, but I love the good things on it. I ended up having the desire to not exist, which is when death is too ending, and living is too cruel, and we end up just existing, searching for the good in life, and trying to appreciate it. I usually don't have anyone to say this, but I love you <3


I like to come to this channel when insomnia won't let me sleep. It terrifies me to see that time is slowly running out for me. I'm tied to a depressing future. Even though my parents help me with my studies, they sacrifice and give everything they have so that I can get ahead in life. They have faith that my university career will save me from working at McDonald's for the rest of my life... But it's hard for them to admit that I have no future. I'm part of a generation that with great difficulty manages to become independent from their parents. I don't want to see how my parents' effort and dream of seeing their son happy go to waste. I lost my ambitions... I just keep fighting for the day when they are in the hospital and can rest knowing that their son was able to achieve what they once longed for...


It's rough right now. Im in a dead-end job, still living with my parents at the age of 27. Like i thought your early 20s were where you got your stuff together and also have some of the best memories of your life, but all its been is disappointment, endless hours at jobs i hate, and feeling even more confused then ever for what i want to do with my life. All my friends from high school are gone, having families and/or making careers for them selves. I know i shouldn't compare, Im proud of them, and i know they had to struggle to get where they are. But its hard not to feel inferior to them. i only hope that i can find my path soon before i get too old.
I have dreams, but is it too late to go after them now. I know now that depression was the reason why i was afraid to try and do things all my life. And im grateful now that im getting treatment and therapy for it. But i still can't stop the feeling of regret in my heart. I wish i could have spent my time better. Wish i wasn't a recluse for so many years. It's just hard not to feel guilty. I have this constant thought come everyday: "if I didn't do X..." Or "if I did Y...I would be happy right now". I know it's a lie, but it still haunts me.
And now ive reach 27. What am i too do. I just wanted to have a family of my own. Thats honestly all i wanted

I still don't know what im going to do with my life, but that doesn't mean i shouldn't stand still. I will find my path, and I will find my happiness. It will just take a little longer than most. I have to find my path. I have to find my way.

Sry for the emotional whiplash throughout this comment. Thanks for the video, and thanks for letting me throw this into the void.


I love this. I just love that we as people have a platform to just talk to each other completely anonymously and share our problems. I love this.


Two types of people in this comment section, one pouring their heart out and the others comforting them. Its so beautiful<3


This helped me relax so much, i have so many mental health issues and i’m in love someone i can’t be with and it’s tearing me apart again, to anyone who reads this, You’re enough


It feels silly to say it, but I’m scared of being alone, terrified even.
I’m going into 9th grade, all my closest friends dropped me, but i still have one friend sticking with me, he played a significant role in my life, helping me stay clean from self harm, getting me outside- even if he doesn’t realize it, he means the world to me. and is one of the few who stuck around me so long. We’ve been friends for 6 years, we didn’t talk much for about 2, when Covid happened, but vr brought us back together, now we hangout frequently, go places together, explore town, and it’s the nicest thing I’ve had the joy of experiencing. He gave me the power to push through the roughest times, just by being by my side, making me happy, and i couldn’t have asked for a better friend. And i wish i could show it more


first time here, but this feels like something i shouldn’t know yet have seen lifetimes off. this doesn’t feel like “hello.” this feels like *“welcome home.”*


My heart goes to all the ones who feel like they aren't worthy to be happy, the ones who want to give up....keep fighting, there will come a time where you will get the love and happiness and everything you want and deserve to come your hope all of you stay safe. If no one has told you this I will say it. I love you, I wish to see you smile a real smile and I wish the pain you are feeling in your heart will soon disappear . I will fight as long as I have you here to fight with me.
