How I Journal Every Day

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I've spoken a lot about the power of journaling and how it has helped my productivity. In this video, I share with you what I write and how I do it.



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#Journaling #Habits #PersonalDevelopment
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I loooove journaling!! I journal everything. 😆 I'm more productive, focused and feel a sense of calm. This video is wonderful!❤


I like to keep everything in one journal, I understand the idea of all the different journals but I think the searchability of a digital journal allows for the ability to keep everything in one place. If anything journals by year are ok. But I would use tags inside on the one journal instead or all the different ones. Having all those journals and organization is a bit cumbersome for many.


Very helpful and inspiring. More importantly, this video sheds light on the kind of nice, caring person you are and how you genuinely want to help your viewers. Keep up the good work and all the best to you in 2022


I truly started journaling in the beginning of 2023 and now I’m constantly recording my thoughts, moments and specials events. It truly declutters your mind and people should try it out.


I started journaling using the Day One app this year. This video was so helpful and taught be how to use templates! Now I can create my own prompts. Thank you!


Thank you so much 😊. I Finally can decide which apps to use, been wanting to try journaling as a Self Love Act and Improving Focus and Productivity. Now.. Lets Begin..


Hi Carl,

I am kind of power user of Day One. I use the app very similar to you, every morning I start the entry with one headline, and text to the day before. I tried to attached minimum one picture, but in most days more than three. This comes after a little while, when my wife Evelyn said why do you only use one picture every day. There is a saying one picture equals 1000 words. When we are with our grand children, then it will be one video every day, I dictate most of my entries, and I am busy to put in my hand written journals from past year. This will probably be a never ending story, as I have over 70 years to cover. The start for me is my original birth certificate, and on some days, I have over 20 years of content, stories, sometimes links, sometimes photos for me the best option of the journal is “on this day”. Hi share the information with my wife, she will sometimes add some of her thoughts and so I will improve on my content all the time. The app also offers book printing, which I have not tried so far, because I’m afraid of content mistakes.


Thanks! I’ve been struggling trying to journal using paper journals for years. I didn’t realize DayOne offered the ability to use multiple journals, and I like how you use separate ones per year, as well as separate ones for fitness. Great ideas like using screen shots from your fitness app. Appreciate you sharing this!


I’ve been using Day One since 2011, since my very first MacBook. The “On this day” feature is amazing too, and is something that you just can’t get with a physical journal. I really like physical journals, but Day One makes you get way more benefits on keeping the habit of journaling. Really liked the way you use your Journals, divided by year. I divide mine by areas of interest, but not by year. I will give that a shot. Thanks for the tips!! Have a nice day!


Thank you so much Carl. Great job encapsulating DayOne. Although my first journal entry into Day One was Aug 7, 2013 I was hit and miss for a few years before actually making it part of every day. With that said I have never created templates and plan to do so thanks to your encouragement and training. Since I too struggled with quitting a hand written journal my question for you is


My work journal (using Journey) has saved my bacon many times. I've been journaling my daily work tasks for a few years and being able to search for notes on how I did something 11 months ago is fantastic. My big wish, though, is that Journey would allow multiple fonts, styles, outlines, embedded images, etc. However, it does work on OSX/iOS/Windows & web so having it on all the systems I do work from is the important part.


This was very helpful, Carl. I downloaded the app after hearing Ali Abdal talk about using this app and now that I've watched your video, I have a better idea of how this could be useful for me.


I prefer journaling in the morning as well. I have a daily gratitude journal(paper) and weekly Day One that I use a customized template.


Thanks for your video of how you journal with DayOne. Jim Rohn --- the best. Attended his one day workshop in 1991, Washington DC. I still have the notes I took from the class. Love his quotes; still apply them today in my personal and business life.


nice video, I do mine on paper mainly but I also use Evernote with quite the same template than Day One, because I'm not only on mac all the time. Then I print to put in with some document of the day, tickets or map.... I also use typewriter the same way (write then sick it on my journal)


when i first used the apps, i find it easy to use. However, I will not ever use such digital apps anymore. Becos when there is problem it is so difficult to get someone to troubleshoot, and i ended up unable to access my journals!! Imagine all the notes made for weeks, months ....all inaccessible!!

But what is presented here is very useful on how to journal....thanks


Indeed very helpful and inspiring. After taking a course on your website back in 2019, I feel ready to start journaling now. I'm wondering where this will bring me. It looks like a very interesting addition to the other productivity courses you've set out. Thank you for sharing this.


day 1 is the 1st, methinks, and the best in terms of links and vids. wish i could’ve kept. had 2 much stuff. got tired of offline journaling.


I use a tech journal with Notion. It's an amazing habit to build!


Thank you Carl it was wery inspirating this video for me I decided severel times I will journal evry day but I could not keeping this promise may be I can change this 2022!
