Write Everything Down // The Life Changing Daily Journal

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The #1 thing that has completely changed my life over the past year is writing in a daily journal. I used to complain that I was scatterbrained and had a bad memory until I started writing things down. We all have creative thoughts and ideas throughout the day, but they are often forgotten when we neglect to put them on paper.

Making the conscious choice to sit down alone and be present is the hardest step we have to take. Once your journal is open and you're by yourself, you will be surprised what insight and vision come from these moments. I have found that the more I'm disciplined to write things down, the more thoughts will come to my mind. Whether you're a creative, business leader, or team member, I am fully convinced of the life-changing power of writing everything down.

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🎙Listen to our Flow Podcast for Entrepreneurs and Creatives:

0:00 - Everyday Is A Blank Page
0:44 - "I Don't Like Writing"
1:41 - How To Start Each Day
2:30 - This Is For YOU
3:29 - Improving Your Memory
4:08 - Writing Your Vision
5:06 - Focus On The Present
5:56 - You Have Something To Say
6:44 - Encourage Yourself
7:33 - Embrace Alone Time
8:20 - The Journals I Use
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Hey Friends! ✨ What's a new daily practice that you've implemented this year? Feel free to share any thoughts or questions below and I'll reply to each one 😊 Have a great weekend ❤️


I’ve deleted all social media from my phone, tablet, and computer and have purchased a pocket notebook and in my purse and a notebook for home and I’ve noticed a HUGE DIFFERENCE in my mental health. I still use YouTube, but only will engage in thought-provoking videos. Writing is a wonderful thing to do and incorporate into my daily life.


I have ptsd, so sometimes when someone says something unintentionally specific about something that happened in my past, it takes me back and sadness eats me up. I've started journaling. It's helpful cause it helps me let my thoughts, anger and sadness out in a more appropriate way instead of unintentionally lashing out at a person. Journaling for me has a very good impact in my life. I really like this


Write with no agenda. Brilliant advice! I do this every morning and evening too. It's so useful for clearing the mind.


I love writing and I cant wait to write in my journal after this video.


I have been writing for more than 6 months now, first thing in the morning. It is so therapeutic and I often manage to explain to myself why some thing are happening. I strongly recommend to everyone. Big thanks for your channel.


I'm currently struggling with my live-long social anxiety and fear of the outside world. I decided to try and change my life this year. Your videos are really helpful and thoughtful. Thank you for your work. You're inspire and motivate me


cheesy and dramatic is my favourite combination

and yes to everything you have said in this video - I've said this under countless journalling videos but I'm all for removing the mess in your brain and putting it on paper. Then finally when you're done writing you can close the book and life feels less fuzzy. I once filled an entire little journal in 2 weeks, at other points its taken me two years and thats the beauty of it :)


This is why I use paper planners bullet journals journals notepads! I feel like other people think I'm weird like oh why don't you just use your phone? My phone just doesn't work for me! I need to and I love writing things down on paper! I remember things way better that way


Thank you from the other side of the world ♥️


WHEW!! LOADED with wisdom. only the beginning for you


Hi Jordan, I've watched many YouTube channels on the topic of journaling and then I stumbled on your channel today. Your reasons were the best and most thought out I've ever heard. Was very impressed so you have a new subscriber as a result :). Thanks for your wise words.


Rapid logging bullet journal style as I go through the day is the single most useful tool I've used in the last 5+ years. Everything just gets out of my head so I can focus on whatever is at hand.


You are who I want to be. Living in nature, staying present, spirituality, finding yourself, and remaining in a state of egoless understanding that we likely never will fully find ourselves. But that’s the whole point right? The gold is in the journey, not the destination.

Thank you for sharing ♥️, what a great channel to find!!!


great that you have found something to inspire yourself and have a lot of fun in the process


Jordan, thank you for inspiring me to write in my journal again. Just like how you inspired me to totally quit social media, months after I watched your videos, I was able to quit it completely. I love learning from you and I hope that you will continue to create more videos like this and inspire people with your knowledge and wisdom. God bless you. :)


I just found your YouTube channel today. The first video I watched is about social media. That's because I am now trying to take a break from it. Thank you for sharing everything. Your videos are really calm and helpful. They also give me inspiration and new perspective.
Best of luck!


You are living up to your promise of delivering "bite size" youtube videos. This is another uplifting brilliant video.


thanks for the good recommendation. i do work at the army and i gonna write everything that occurs in my daily life from today.


I started journaling everything I thought or did in a day two and a half years before I watched this video. I’m 19 now and I can read back through my (currently) seven total journal books, and I can see my own past day-to-day experience learning how to drive, advancing from beginner to intermediate in music and poetry composition, improving my drawing style, changing many personal habits and routines, and meeting several people who are now my friends. It’s a good thing to start doing, and you’re not getting any younger. Heck, for awhile I thought I was too old to start at 16. Thanks for sharing this great video!
