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00:00 IELTS Writing Task 2 essay
00:38 Essay topic
01:44 Step 1. Analyse the topic and determine the type of essay
03:36 Step 2. Find ideas and structure your essay
06:07 Step 3. Write your essay
16:39 Vocabulary and Grammar requirements
19:15 Results of the draw to win FasTrack IELTS courses
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The winners are:
1. Hilda Ofomi
2. Said Diouane
3. Rodrigo Torres
A. Indicate if you prefer the IELTS Academic or General Pack
B. Attach a screenshot of your YouTube channel with your nickname visible

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#ielts2021 #fastrack
Рекомендации по теме

Hi Asiya, I would like to thank you for your videos. I just received my academic test results - speaking 7, writing 7, listening 8.5 and reading 9. I didn’t have to attend a review class, I just followed your tips and practiced speaking with my friend. I just want you to know that you helped change my life. God bless you.


your "Let's get started!" makes me feel like I already got an 8.5 !


Hie Asiya, I received an overall band 7 score yesterday 30/04/2021. I am happy and wanted you to know that your videos helped me a lot. Thank you 💖


You're one of the channels I got inspiration from when I took my IELTS a few days ago, and it helped me tremendously! I got an 8.0 band score overall, and I can't thank you enough for all that you do for us test takers!


Took the IELTS last week and I got an overall 8.5 and your videos helped a lot! Thank you so much ❤️


As non-biodegradable wastes like plastics continue to accumulate and contribute to environmental problems, ‘recycling’ has become a very important global topic. For some reasons, people have not developed the culture of promoting the re-use of materials. This essay will examine possible explanations for this and also present practical solutions to this issue


Hey! Let me know your thoughts on this essay.
Writing Task 2 (practice)
The environment suffers from severe damage because of the misuse and over-exploitation of the resources on earth. This problem escalates to its peak when many people do not recycle or reuse objects. If this misconduct continues, humans will be the cause of degradation of the environment and endangerment of exotic animals’ species. In this essay, I will address some main problems that lead to environment degradation and share simple ways to solve them.
The major reasons why many people do not recycle waste materials are lack of awareness and facilities. It is quite evident that this problem is mainly in third world countries or areas that authorities are unable to access. Firstly, the reason why people do not recycle is because they are not aware of the benefits of recycling. Recycling leads to less waste which naturally in turn keeps our surroundings clean. Besides, reusing materials is cost efficient and economical. One way to overcome this obstacle is to set up awareness campaigns with the help of social media or talk to people in your locality about it. Another action is to write to local newspapers and spread the word.
The second challenge is the lack of governmental facilities. Sadly, sometimes many people have no choice but to throw away waste materials because of the lack of appropriate organizations that can recycle waste. However, the solution is straightforward. We can reuse waste materials at home easily. For example, use old shirt as a kitchen rag, use soda bottles and plastic bags for storage, and donate used books to charities or schools.
In conclusion, the steps to solve environmental degradation are easy. I believe that it can only be solved if all of us come together and incorporate these practices in our daily life. Our small steps will create a better earth for generations to come.


Recycling materials such as glass, plastic and cartons is an important practice that helps to reduce our impact on the environment. Many people across the world, however, do not recycle their waste and send everything to landfill. This essay will discuss why this might be the case and how this problem can be alleviated / The causes of this problem seem to lie in lack of awareness and convenience; each should be addressed separately.
One of the reasons why recycling is not as popular is that the people are unfamiliar with the concept altogether. The old concept of treating waste as garbage is yet to be eradicated and the idea that selected used materials can be reused by further processing is still loose at large. For instance, despite many plastic recycling machines being installed on numerous train stations in Mumbai, people still throw their bottles in the bins, since they are unaware of their purpose and locations. Another reason is that there are less provisions in place that make it easy for individuals to go out of their way and work towards recycling. A good example of this will be the unavailability of bins that say “recyclable material” in and around public places like malls and parks, that would help people to naturally start the recycling process.
The authorities need to play a crucial role in presenting solutions to the above problem. Promoting ads and organizing campaigns in densely populated areas explaining the economic and environmental benefits of recycling will ensure that the idea reaches a magnitude of people in a very short time. Social media is a great medium to help promote the agenda by creating and forwarding interactive posts. Besides, the local bodies can simultaneously make provisions for infrastructure that will enable the populace to indulge in good practices. Meanwhile, imposing some rules and regulations in public places will also ensure the cooperation of people in the vicinity.
In conclusion, the dilemma associated with recycling as a process is quite naïve as compared to the variety of solutions that can be implemented to uproot them. In other words, a small step from each of us can help us ensure that we as well as our future generations profit from the remunerations of recycling.


Here's my intro

Lately, recycling of waste materials has been a trend which has environmental benefits as well as job creation and innovation. Despite, reusing of waste has a tremendous possibility of contributing to individual, national and global economies, yet most people neglect its essence. With many reasons for failing to recycle waste products, lack of awareness raising and innovation skills on re-usable refuse are primary.


I received my IELTS result today. I scored an overall 8 and I just want you to know that your videos helped me A LOT during my preparation before i take the test.
So, thank you very much 🙏


Recycling waste material is extremely important. It is perhaps the most effective way to protect and preserve our environment for future generations. Having said that, not all countries recycle waste equally and efficiently. In fact, in some countries, people do not recycle waste item, such as bottle and newspapers, at all. This short write up will look at some possible reasons for this, while also highlighting some easy solutions.

The first reason could simply be the lack of awareness. If people are unaware of the damage these items could have on our environment, they probably won’t make the effort to have them recycled. The second reason people fail to recycle bottles and newspapers could be the lack of infrastructure. For example, if there are no special disposal units in their apartment complex, they may simply discard these items along with their everyday trash. Alternatively, if these disposal units are few and far between, people may not be willing to put in the extra effort to visit a community recycling center or something of that sort.

Fortunately, the solutions to these problems are extremely straightforward. To begin with, governments should educate people about the benefits of recycling and the ill effects of avoiding it. Ideally, this should be done at a grassroot level, like schools and colleges. This ensures that the next generation grows up with the habit of recycling. The next part of the solution is the develop recycling infrastructure to ensure it is easy to dispose such items in an ecofriendly manner. Better infrastructure removes the effort barrier to recycling and ensures people do it more willingly. A third solution would be to offer some incentive for recycling such items. It doesn’t have to be a large reward, just something that will encourage people to recycle these materials, as opposed to simply discarding them.

In conclusion, I would just like to say that this planet is our only home. Therefore, it is our duty to take care of it. And simple things like recycling bottles and newspapers can go a long way in this regard. It doesn’t take much effort, but it can make a huge difference.


Just done with my exam, following were the topics-
Task 1- Write an application to an international company for a job, advertised by them.
•why are you interested in this job?
•what makes you a suitable candidate?
•ask them few questions.

Task 2- Many people find giving presentations or public speaking difficult. And children should be taught this in schools.
Agree or Disagree.


Took the computer-based exam last 11/14/21 and I got my results today.

Speaking 8.5
Writing 7.5
Reading 9
Listening 9

Overall score 8.5

Your videos helped me a LOT during my preparation so THANK YOU!!!


This was the essay that I was able to write along following the instructions in the video:

Waste material recycling is a crucial activity that helps in maintaining a clean, safe and healthy environment. Un-recycled waste that ends up in landfills pollutes the surrounding environment in myriads of ways and this is a problem in many countries, where safe recycling practices are not followed rigorously. In this essay, we are going to discuss two reasons why this happens and also talk about what can be done to solve this problem.

The following are reasons as to why waste recycling seems to not be followed rigorously in many countries. First, there is a lack of awareness amongst people. For an idea to be considered seriously, they need to be exposed to it often. When they are not educated or reminded constantly about the importance of recycling, it does not gain much importance amongst people. Secondly, it is a widely accepted fact that to establish some practice into everyday routine, it has to be strictly followed. Not having stringent rules and mechanisms to keep bad recycling practices in check is one other reason why this is still continuing in many countries. Since recycling waste requires some effort, if there are no measures to keep things in check, people will always find ways to avoid this and stick to existing ways of dumping their refuse.

Now we will be discussing the various solutions that can help solve this problem. Creating awareness amongst the public can help address this issue. When people are educated about how harmful unrecycled waste is to the environment and the various advantages that waste recycling confers, this trend will change. The government and various NGOs can play a crucial role here by sending out posters, advertisements on TV, Radio, and Newspapers and also by running awareness campaigns in both residential areas and educational institutions. Thereby the community as a whole can participate in recycling waste. Alongside running educational campaigns, strict rules and regulations can be placed with respect to waste recycling. Laws can be put forth and regular checks can be conducted amongst the community to ensure people do not violate them and follow recycling practices as per standards. For example, there could be rules as simple as having two bins at home, one for dumping wet waste and one for dumping dry waste such as newspapers, cartons, and cardboard boxes. While initially, it might take some time for people to get habituated to these practices, over time this will become the default.

While avoiding recycling waste is a big problem in many countries, it is not something that cannot be solved. In this essay, we saw two reasons as to why this problem exists: lack of awareness amongst people and stringent laws and measures not being present to keep this problem in check. It is proposed that the Government and various organizations should pitch in to help solve this problem through awareness campaigns and also in monitoring waste recycling practices closely. By following these measures, I believe that this problem can be alleviated to an extent, thereby leaving our surroundings cleaner, healthier and safer.


Hi Asiya! I have been following your videos to prepare for IELTS General Exam & have excelled with your help! My scores just came & they are: L: 9.0, R: 8.5, W: 7.0, S: 7.5 (I had seen your multiple videos on speaking!)


Thanks to your channel, I was abe to get the concept of what I needed to do in my tests. SWriting was my hardest, but managed to get a 6.5 in it. Scored 8 in listening, 7.5 in speaking, 7.5 in reading and an pverall score of 7, 5. I;m so happy.


So I took the IELTS today and my writing topics were, write a letter to your friend who you are watching the house for while he is overseas and tell him about the storm damage, describe the damage and suggest what needs to be done, this is for task one and task 2 was about whether or not school-leavers should get a job immediately or go to universities, discuss both ideas and write your opinion. Hope this helps


I just received my test results I got 7.5 learning from your videos. Thank you


Your videos helped me a lot and i got an overall band of 7 with 7.5 in speaking. Thank you ma'am❤


Thanks mam
Got 7 band in writing by following your tips and tricks 🧡
