How To Merge On The Highway / Freeway - Part 1

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Merging on the Highway- Part 1. In this video : Analysis, matching your speed, and merging in heavy traffic.

Note: While I try to make my videos as universal as possible, rules and laws may vary according to the place where you’re driving and might be different from the ones in this video. Always drive according to the laws and rules that apply to the place where you are driving. Requirements at the driving exam may also be different than the ones shown here. Always respect the requirements that apply to the place where you are passing your driving exam. This video is not legal advice, and is not meant to replace your official driving courses. By doing anything presented in this video, you assume full responsibility for anything that may happen.
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"Don't give the opportunity to the people behind you to make your life more complicated" is more of a life lesson than a driving lesson.


Yesterday the car behind me in the next lane decided to speed up last minute to close the space and blocked me when I was about to merge. After he overtook me he had to immediately slow down because there was traffic ahead. I had to slam on the brake and almost hit the concrete wall because my lane was ending. I always learned that "drivers on the highway would make room for you for the safety of both of you." Apparently not, some people just want to get ahead at all cost. I was stunned.


I don’t know why driving highways gives me so much anxiety. I’ve been driving for about a year now but still get flustered going at those speeds and always need someone in the car with me to keep me calm. I go exactly the speed limit and get passed constantly lol. I just feel especially nervous knowing that at higher speeds reaction time is cut in half and the margin for error grows as you or the car in front could lose control at any time. I don’t get it when I hear people say that driving on highways is easier/calming for them. I hopefully can get to that point but I doubt it.😅. (Thank you for much for these videos. I’ve learned so much.)


Dude you are literally a gift from god for beginners like me. Really appreciate the effort you put into the videos. So clear and concise.


If anyone read this, please pray for me that I conquer this driving fear of highways.


Hi Carlos, I’ve had my license for a long time but rarely drive as I get so nervous and anxious. I binge watched some of your videos this week and finally got the courage to drive. I drove from NYC to NJ. Everything went well, except I missed my exit, but that just meant extra practice before getting home. 😊 Seriously, you explain things so well. I was watching your videos next to an experienced driver and even they learned from you. Thank you for the work you do.


I watched most of the driving videos here, but this is the best guy in explaining details of the driving. Not all the 
teachers in the world can convey their knowledge to the students. I want to be a better driver, that is why I
subscribed to this channel!


Thank you so much Carlos for helping me to understand and to put into practice what I learned from your videos. After only three lessons I took my test today and PASSED!! At 60 yrs old, I couldn't have done it without your help! God bless you!


This is so helpful. Merging was scary but now I get it and I passed my test on first attempt!


I just got my license a few days ago and I'll get my car tomorrow and I have to drive it home alone in the highway. This video couldn't come at a better time.


This guy is a both driving instructor and motivational speaker.


This is so great. I'm nearly 33 and have no problems driving on normal roads for the most part. I suffer from PTSD from accidents that could have been terrible but were fairly harmless because of that I'm horrified of the highway. This really made me feel more confident


Very nice video. I'm looking forward to the second part. I'll sum up my thoughts/experience on this topic.
1) Merging
- I make sure there is enough room between me and the vehicle infront of me, because if it does not handle merging and hits the brakes I have a problem too.
- When in the merging line I always check the situations on the highway so I know if I have to press the gas pedal (normal traffic) or slow down (heavy traffic).
- I've had a few situations where I could not merge by the end of the merging lane so I recommend driving on and merging afterwards. The worst thing you can do is to stop and try to merge from 0 km/h to a lane where cars go at least 100 km/h.

2) Exiting
- When your exit is approaching, look far ahead so you know there is room for you to the exit the highway. The worst thing you can do is to drive in the left lane and exit the highway at the very last moment. Very dangerous.

- If you cannot safely exit the highway at your desired exit, exit it at the next one.


i've been driving for about 5 months since i got my license and have driven quite a good amount on the highway. i very much enjoy driving and the freedom it offers, but only one thing that still handicaps me is merging on the highway! before i go anywhere, i obsessively look on google map to see how many merging onto highway chances there will be with the routes given. i have no problem changing lanes on roads but merging is still the one thing that scares me. i think it has to do with the fact that i know the road ahead of me will end, so i have to change lanes as soon as possible. this timed pressure makes me anxious. however, watching this video always makes me feel calmer. something about the narrator's voice, demeanor, and presentation just makes me much less anxious and more confident in my merging abilities. i will keep practicing until this really becomes second nature to me. thank you so much for your effort :)


This Video Was AMAZING !! I Was In A Car Accident Years Ago And Haven't Driven Since Due To Fear, So I'm Studying To Take My Driving Test And Came Across This Video. I Love That He Does It From A Drivers Perspective So It Can Feel Like You're Driving And It Helps Overcome Fear Of Other Cars.


After being professional passenger.... now I decided to be a professional driver. Love love how you explain in details all the abouts of safety driving. Couldnt stop and addicting to watch! Im on my few class sessions and test coming up before I get my license on the age of 39! You keeping my confidence level up! 🎉


This is the best driving tutorial on YouTube. Straight to the point and very clear


I can't thank you enough for these videos, man! I've always had an extreme fear of driving but I find your videos so helpful and easy to understand. It's really helping me get over my fears. Thank you so much!!!!


Your videos are the best. You’ve helped me so much with driving. I now the drive in my city and feel good. But I’m still afraid of the highway. Especially in Montreal merging and changing lanes scares me so much. But I drove on the highway two times outside Montreal. Driving has always been a big fear for me especially at high speeds. I got my license at 34 and only bc my fear was stopping me. Thank you so much for your videos. With time I’ll conquer Montreal’s highway too. 😊🙏


I commented in one of your videos recently that I failed my first try of driving test because my failure to judge the situation when merging into the highway. These tips are so timely to build my confidence again in highway driving. thanks a lot for all these useful driving tips! If I am not satisfied with the explanation of my driving teacher, I always go to your channel and check all your clear, logical, and practical explanations!
