Arduino RPM Counter & DC Motor Constant Speed Controller 'Optical Tachometer'

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Arduino Nano USB-C Type ( recommended):
ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Module for iOT Projects (recommended), more IO pins, improved speed, and supports a Lipo Battery:
Subscribe to my New YouTube Channel, if you want to watch my videos in Hindi/Urdu
This is a Final Year Electrical Engineering Project. Frequency locked loop Dc Motor Speed Controlling. This Project consists of Arduino Uno, Infra red sensor, Variable resistors, tip122, 16x2 LCD, 12v cpu Fan, jumper wires , dc socket and vero boards.
Arduino Nano USB-C Type ( recommended):
ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Module for iOT Projects (recommended), more IO pins, improved speed, and supports a Lipo Battery:
Subscribe to my New YouTube Channel, if you want to watch my videos in Hindi/Urdu
This is a Final Year Electrical Engineering Project. Frequency locked loop Dc Motor Speed Controlling. This Project consists of Arduino Uno, Infra red sensor, Variable resistors, tip122, 16x2 LCD, 12v cpu Fan, jumper wires , dc socket and vero boards.
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