This is FORCING Dealerships to go BANKRUPT!

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Dealerships across the US are struggling right now. Ford, Nissan, Stellantis, Jeep, Ram Dodge, Chrysler and even Toyota are starting to collapse. Dealers cannot keep up with the record high lot times for their inventories. Many vehicles are rotting on lots at 350-600 days UNSOLD. The second and third order effects of this are extremely detrimental to a dealership's bottom line. Flooring costs are hugely expensive for auto dealers.

In this video I talk through GM's upswing in sales and stock... and explain why Ford and Toyota are failing to keep up. What is it GM/Chevy are doing that Ford, Nissan, Toyota and Stellantis aren't? Stick with me as I talk through it all in this video. How long until we see a wave of dealership bankruptcies in the US?

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-Stay Untamed...

#dealerships #carmarket #markettrends #marketcrash

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Cut quality, reliability, service. Inflate prices. GO BROKE.


I care about dealerships as much as they cared about me...😅


Why can't we just go back to basic mechanical vehicles that get you from point A to point B? I want a truck that can tow lots of weight, i don't need all the bells and whistles that just add complexity to the damn thing.


65 Grand for a 4 Banger Tacoma, lmao 🤣.


Who would have thought in a horrible economy people cant afford 100k vehicles


How about no one is buying the new Tundra because they are ugly.


I used to be the guy driving a 23 Raptor just to run errands at Costco. Eventually, I ditched it and switched to a Ridgeline—and it’s been way more practical for my needs! I went from a $1, 400 payment to $0 payment. I also ditched the 23 BMW X7 with a $1, 300 payment…and bought a 2016 GX 460 with $0 payment. Can’t believe how stupid I was with my money.


Cheap labor, bloated price tag. Nothing but a cash grab from Toyota. And late to the game - covid dollars are gone.


I am so glad I am living rent free in my mom's basement and can ride my bicycle to my job at McDonalds plus I get one free meal per shift and get the leftovers to feed my mom and dog.


Almost spit out my coffee laughing at that EV Silverado cut


People are now smarter about the whole addendum scam. Nitrogen tires? Seriously? The dealers are still charging that while they go bankrupt. Greed will sink them all


Im still driving my 07 Tundra Crewmax. I wont touch the new Tundras. Saw obscene ADM stickers on some of my dealers stock. Toyota management is arrogant. They didn't listen to Tundra owners when we asked them not to redesign and drop the 5.7. I wont buy the new one. Plus it isn't a very nice looking truck.


Those Ford Mavericks need to be $20k to $30k as THEY WERE DESIGNED TO BE SOLD FOR!! They are totally not built well enough to be selling for the MSRP prices Ford is asking.


Little known fact. Toyota is the only automaker that still uses distributors in the United States. You may know them as Southeast Toyota or Gulf States Distributors. They are a middle man that has the monopoly on Toyota vehicles in their markets. These middle men distributors notoriously add markups to every single Toyota sold in their markets. On Camrys or Corollas this is usually 1500 dollars and anywhere from 3000 to over 10k on Tundras and more expensive models. These distributors add cheap, unneeded products like safes, protection packages, dash cameras, trailer towing balls, and other low value items that are then marked up exponentially. An example is a dash cam with a value of 75 dollars for 500-600 dollars. Toyota allows these middle men to exist because of a loophole in their contracts that basically allows these distributors to exist unchecked with no clauses for expiration. In distributors markets, a 60k dollar Tundra is marked up by a distributor an average of 5-6k dollars. It astounds me that this has been legally allowed to happen for 70 plus years without any government intervention.


Why can’t I just buy a mid sized pickup with a regular v8 and 4x4 and no screen and all the tech BS


Dealerships refuse to work on vehicles after 100k miles . Only reason i can think of is they want to sell not extend the life of their products.

The problem is as the computers get more complicated and the manufacturers charge small shops a fortune for diagnostic software it's a planned obsolescence by attrition.


Last generation tundras and Tacomas were perfect. I wish they just did some small changes and mostly interior updates. Now I’m not sure what my next truck will be


I totally agree 100%. I'm a Toyota owner since 1978(17 Toyotas later). The new, flaky quality Toyotas offer far less for 'over the moon prices'. I'm gonna keep my 2008 5.7 V8 Tundra & 2020 4.0 V6 4Runner, and call an end to my Toyota buying days. Toyota's quality reputation is in the history books.


A 4 cylinder pickup truck in 2025 is just outrageous


7:51 Woke is dead. If a company was too stupid to see that, screw em.
