Self-Care is the Best Health Care / Interview with Dr. Adam Fields / Mindful Movement

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In this episode, Les chats with Dr. Adam fields about caring for the structure and function of the head and neck and the many components within this area in which we rely on to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Adam’s self care strategies can improve the way you feel in seconds. Adam also shares a touching story about how he has navigated his daughters health issues and how it has altered their relationship for the better. I hope you enjoy the show!

More about Dr. Adam Fields: He has brought the healing gift of chiropractic to far off lands and focuses much of his care above the neck. Through empowering 1000s with his YouTube channel, focused on helping others help themselves, he continues to help people around the globe. You will be intrigued by his stories and helped by his practical wisdom.

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My jaw is on the floor… this video is hitting so many issues that my family has been dealing with for years.

My first born has dark circles under his eyes and is always seeking stimulation… he is a mouth breather and has had horrible sleep. He has struggled with angry outbursts for a long time. A series for kids on your channel Adam would be amazing!


What a great interview! This is my favorite YouTube channel- I do one of the meditations every day! Thank you for all you guys do! 🌸🙏


Great interview. Thank you both so much!


So wonderful to hear the curiosity and determination to find health for his daughter. I feel the same way with my children. I continue to seek and try new things to give them the best start in life. I will be ordering the sporebiotics and hope to bring my family to see Dr. Fields. The idea of using spores to get through the small intestine... brilliant!


Thanks Les, enjoyed learning more about the many benefits of breathing.


people would be surprised how many ailments are due to improper care of mind and body


I will like to Thanks Dr. Adam fields for is super guide about sinus. I have sinus issues for a long period of time and things was just getting worst until i fall into Dr. Adam fields Videos. I Follow step by step and u will not believe how helpful he drain alote mucus .since then I'm super focus on my work and live style. Guys do the massage guide u will get benefits when apply step by step .I also use NeilMed Sinus Rince with desalination water and WOW all mucus are coming out .Again Thx alote Dr Adam


Excellent info. Thank you Les and Adam


Excellent interview and conversation between you both. It's good to know more about both your journeys. If only more medical people understood this kind of knowledge!
