The Missing Ingredient in Self Care | Portia Jackson-Preston | TEDxCrenshaw

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What happens if you push yourself too hard? What happens when your body tells you to stop yet, you keep going? Portia shares how self-care brought her back to health and it can help you too. Portia is passionate about promoting a holistic and inclusive approach to self-care that takes into consideration how cultural and social factors as well as experiences of discrimination based on identity markers (e.g. race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation) may trigger one's need for self-care and shape one's willingness--or reluctance---to engage in self-care practices.
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Self care according to society is that it's focused on the individual, it reflects society's value of self reliance. It's flawed.
But what self-care really is ?
Self care is any practice that help to manage anxiety and stress and promote well being.
Self care categories :
1. Physical self care - walking or dancing or exercising.
Medical routine and dental care.
2. Psychological self care - writing journal daily for self reflection that helps to set realistic goals, better understand needs and process stressful situations.
3. Emotional self care - having compassion for oneself everyday in life.
4. Spiritual self care - connecting regularly with source of faith n hope being part of faith community and spending time in nature.
5. Relational self care - spending time with family, true friends and partner.
6. Professional self care - pursuing work that is invigorating, setting boundaries around that work and establishing mechanisms for support from peers and mentors.

Decrease stress
Improve nutrition & physical activity regimen
Shedding weight ( healthy regimen )

Self care should be a practical reality after all.

Love ❤


4:08 in fact, I was rewarded for NEGLECTING self care...I felt that


Why doesn't this talk get more views??? It's inspiring and eye-opening!


Your decision of sharing your story and your story in itself is inspirational! It demonstrates how human beings should care for others. Thank you for setting the example and the tips on how to practice self care. Best wishes in all your endeavors!


Dr. Jackson-Preston, eloquently put and TRUE WORDS to LIVE by! KUDOS!!!!


Just found this Talk and absolutely enjoyed your break down. Wonderful put and explained will definitely be using as a model for the future. Thank you ❤


This speech gave me goosebumps... so much thoughtful and detailed. One cannot take self care lightly. I am taking notes and something is crying within me at the same time and feel like I do need to take some time back for myself. Thank you for sharing these thoughts. Best regards !


You are telling my story I am sitting here in bed with a blood pressure 160/80 and still trying to jump in the care and go shopping thank you for helping me see that my self care is important so that I can live the abundant life all the things you talked about were issues I was feeling this morning thank you


Had to watch this for COUN3000 class and I am so glad I did. What a great message on the importance of self-care in all spheres of life.


Great presentation. Having the community support and the support of our work organizations is vital to our mental and physical health. It definitely help us stay accountable for our individual self care.


Thank you so much for you testimony and courage. You truly gave insight.


This is so valuable! Self Care is so underrated but it's so important for us 💛


Such a fantastic ted talk, as a university student and pre service teacher i too share the same beliefs, this video was so insightful and i will aim to take action to look at myself from the inside out.
Kind regards, from Australia :)


I'm Proud & Happy of u &for your this Valuable Imformation


Wonderful points! I’m inspired to look at self-care from different angles. Thank you


Wow thank you so much for sharing this.


Thank you very much for sharing this important information.


Your story is very inspirational! Thank you for sharing with us!


wow wow wow wow. I am a peer educator at the University of California Riverside and I was assigned a chapter of "Holistic Leadership" in my class to create a video about! The chapter pertains to the development of the whole person and my thoughts were to make self-care the objective in order to hit the major points of the chapter. You conveyed the holistic words, moral like actions, and inclusive words that I was looking for to make my presentation relevant and more significant then just putting on a face mask. thank you so much!! I wish you well and will definitely be reverting to this video in the future. :, )


Thank you for sharing your story. It is very inspiring and informative. I am looking for model for my self care and will definitely help me to develop my self care habits and rituals. Blessed day to you 🙏
