Genesis 1a: And God Said!

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This is the beginning of a series on Genesis 1-11. We will go over the theology and store of what the authors are trying to tell us. Thanks to scholars Ben Stanhope and John Walton for reviewing this video.
John Walton - The Lost World of Genesis 1
John Sailhamer - Genesis Unbound
Ben Stanhope video:
Kenneth A. Matthew - The New American Commentary: Genesis 1:1 - Genesis 11:26
T. Desmond Alexander & David W. Baker - The Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch
John Walton - Ancient Near Eastern Thought and The Old Testament, Second Edition
David Tsumura - Creation and Destruction
J. Richard Middleton - The Liberating Image
D. J. A. Clines - The Image of God in Man
Richard S. Hess - Israelite Religions
E. Randolph Richards & Brandon J. O'Brien - Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes
John Walton - The Lost World of Genesis 1
John Sailhamer - Genesis Unbound
Ben Stanhope video:
Kenneth A. Matthew - The New American Commentary: Genesis 1:1 - Genesis 11:26
T. Desmond Alexander & David W. Baker - The Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch
John Walton - Ancient Near Eastern Thought and The Old Testament, Second Edition
David Tsumura - Creation and Destruction
J. Richard Middleton - The Liberating Image
D. J. A. Clines - The Image of God in Man
Richard S. Hess - Israelite Religions
E. Randolph Richards & Brandon J. O'Brien - Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes
Genesis 1a: And God Said!
In The Beginning God | Genesis 1:1 Explained
Does Genesis 1:1 Say “In a Beginning”?
How Genesis 1 Communicates What The Whole Bible is About
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Genesis 1:1–2:3 • The Creation of all things
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