SUPER MEMORY AND INTELLIGENCE | 8 Hours of Subliminal Affirmations & Relaxing Rain

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Enhance your memory and IQ with this powerful subliminal affirmations to develop super memory and intelligence. With this 8 hour subliminal sleep session, train your subconscious mind to make full use of your intelligence, increase your concentration, unlock your learning potential, develop an excellent memory and powerful critical thinking skills.

This track features a blank screen for optimal rest and relaxation and is designed to be listened to overnight. However, it may be listened to during the day as well. Listen at a comfortable volume, with or without headphones.





Listen to the track at a comfortable volume, with or without headphones. The subliminal does not need to be played loudly, but it does need to be audible. Avoid listening to other things simultaneously such as TV, music, or any medium where you can hear someone else talking or singing, as this can reduce the effectiveness of the subliminal. Try to put yourself into a positive and relaxed state of mind before listening. Take deep breaths, and keep well hydrated.

This video is 8 hours long so that you can sleep to it if you wish, but you can also listen while awake. Consistency is key. For best results, listen every day, preferably at the same time each day, for at least 30 minutes, for a minimum of 2-4 weeks. Once per day is sufficient. You may engage in other activities such as reading or studying, while listening.

Results are highly individual, and some people begin to experience positive changes much sooner than others, but for full and long lasting results, it is recommended that you listen for 4-12 weeks.

Subliminal affirmations can cause drowsiness and inattention. Never listen while driving, operating machinery or engaging in other potentially dangerous activities which require your full attention.

This track is NOT a substitute for proper medical care or advice. It should always be viewed as a supplement to any medical or therapeutic treatment you are already receiving.

As with any complimentary therapy, results are highly individual and therefore cannot be guaranteed or predicted. For best results, listen as directed above.

(both "I" and "You" versions are included in the audio)

I am highly intelligent.
I am a critical thinker.
My mind is powerful.
I am highly creative.
I love to learn.
I have an analytical mind.
I learn at a rapid pace.
I have an excellent memory.
I am a genius.
I am brilliant.
I am a fast learner.
I am sharp and clever.
My thoughts are clear and concise.
My mind retains information quickly and easily.
I can pay attention for long periods of time.
My mind is clear and my thoughts are focused.
The tranquility of my mind helps me to learn.
My mind retains information quickly and easily.
My mind is a sponge; it can capture and retain large amounts of information.
I learn new concepts quickly.
My memory is improving steadily every day.
I am excellent at remembering details.
I can pay attention for long periods of time.
I focus on the task at hand and have an excellent attention span.
I become more intelligent each day.
I solve problems with ease.
I enjoy solving problems.
I grasp difficult concepts easily.



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30 Minute Mindset Copyright 2020

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Thanks for watching everyone! =)

You can also listen to alternate versions of this audio at the following links:


You know you are smarter when you searched for intelligence subliminals instead of beauty subliminals


I listened to this a couple nights in a row before an important test I had to take and I ended up scoring very high despite the fact that I never studied for it so thank yoooou!


THIS LITERALLY WORKED SO WELL WTH? So I listened to this and a few others the night before 3 huge exams I had in one day. I was super stressed as cramming revision wasn’t working. I fell asleep to this and when doing the exams, I have never taken them so well in my life. I literally wrote so much and even the exam spectator said that he noticed how fast I was writing, for the entirety of the time the exam was. I didn’t even realise but now thinking back, I was non stop writing for the entire time of all 3 exams. I didn’t have a single point where I didn’t know what to say or went mind blank like usual. I am honeslty so happy and it couldn’t have gone better. Please listen to this sub if your stressed for your exams and it WILL work. Just don’t think about it too much and think of it more as just sleep sound music. As long as your not thinking about if it will work, it will work!


Listened to this for an hour while studying for a test, got 100% on it! Usualy my brain is all over the place during tests but for this one I was so calm surprisingly, people use this asap!!!


I am listening to this for my upcoming tests!!!! I manifest that I will achieve a good grade on my test on Monday, in the universe I trust and I let go of limiting beliefs and negativity. Wish me luck yall I will come back and share results:)


OMG OMG YALL, so I have been listening to this audio for a while now
And oml my grades were so down and I did bad on tests basically failing all my classes. But now that ive been listening to this it helped me upper my grades more I went from F, F, F, C, C to my grades being A, A, A, B, D now I’m so glad Bc my report cards are coming and I’m so happy I’m gotten quite smarter now, I answer my questions rights and be thinking so much. I love the sub thank you🤝


I got a 97 on my french test!!! I was failing but now I'm doing so good!!!


I put this on last night and passed two tests at 8:11 am in one day. God is good 🎉🎉🎉🎉


Well, I don't know what's wrong with the other listeners, but, thoroughly enjoy this sound of rain.


This lowkey been helping me memorize hella im kinda shocked tbh


i had to turn this off last night because my mind was flooded with memories i could never recall before. it was truly amazing, but not great for sleeping for me personally


Thank you for this, I had a test today and i felt confident while remembering stuff a lot easier than usual


Ive been listening to this for a few days while sleeping, and im listening to this while doing homework with some music over it. I have test exams on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, sooo ill update y'all on how I did. wish me luck xx


Every time I listen to this while I sleep, I have vivid dreams that I seem to remember when I wake up... I’m never able to remember dreaming or if I even dream at night... it’s not only with this subliminal, any memory smart subliminal I’ve listened to has caused me to dream vividly... it was scary at first, now I enjoy it☺️thanks for making great content


Tutoring my baby cousin in math. I pray she passes and understands everything she needs. Amen


It helped me fall asleep and I was able to remember what my crush looks like the next day.


Thank you for putting the subliminal messages in the description box 😘


I have 2 exams tomorrow, one of which is probably the most significant I've ever been faced with. I've worked hard but hopefully this sub gives me that extra boost <3


I am taking the a+ certification in a month or so and I need all the help I can get tbh so wish me luck
