Alpha Waves | Improve Your Memory | Super Intelligence

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Alpha waves help us improve our memory, can even make better our intelligence.

The brain is energy vibrational frequencies in that which result in brain waves occur.

The scientist Hans Berger who invented a device called EEG which amplifies and measures these frequencies; the classified and named according to the Greek letters: beta, alpha, theta, delta.

It has been found that the alpha waves are waves relaxation, the accelerated learning of Superlearning.
When we are producing alpha waves mind is on alert and our memory is potentiated. We produce when we are in a state of relaxation and hear special music that originates. Also, scientists have discovered that stress prevents the production of these important waves in the learning process, productive and efficient work in a pleasant, peaceful and happy state of mind.

Get this audio every day;

- When you are reading → You will maximize the ability to read faster and capture more information per second.

- Math: → Listening Alpha Waves when you are practicing math exercises, will stimulate your brain to make faster and more accurate calculations.

- Al Sleeping → Leave sound waves alfa every night when you lie down, you will see the results on your own awakening.

- To study → Go to a library, relax a couple of minutes, get to explore and see how much better you concentrate (The more you do this exercise, the greater the level of concentration).

- On the Job → If your job allows, you can also listen Alpha waves, resulting to increase your efficiency-job performance.

For Children → At the stage of intellectual development of children, it is essential to learn to concentrate, encouraging daily exercise and Alpha Waves get full development.

¿Que puedes encontrar en nuestro canal?

- En nuestro canal podrás encontrar música relajante para: dormir, meditación, yoga, zen, spa, masajes, estudiar y concentrarse...

Para mejorar la relajación y la concentración nuestra música cuenta con ondas cerebrales como: ondas alfa, ondas beta, ondas delta y ondas theta.

También podrás trasladarte a otras culturas, ya que contamos con música chamánica, música india, música china, música tibetana con cuencos tibetanos,....

No olvides suscribirte para estar al día de nuevas publicaciones.

Copyright © Musicoterapia (Alpha waves)
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I've never seen such a kind comment section
This proves that Humanity still exists in the form of these people
If you get to read

No matter how hard life hits you, Be calm, Work hard, Be kind
One day You'll achieve what you dream of!
May god bless you my friend ; )


I never comment on YouTube videos, but I just had to add to the positive vibes in this comment section. I hope everyone who sees this passes all their exams and finds money on the sidewalk. You can do this!


I'm a medico student....struggling hard for my exams.. I need some peace of mind nd unfortunately I got in to this video. And I was totally satisfied by this I'm leaving this comment if any one likes I get notified for sure then I again come back here:)) I wish 🤞 everything will be alright


If you are reading this, I want to tell you that everything will be fine. You are incredible, you are unique, you can face anything in your life, you have the strength within yourself to overcome any obstacle, loss or situation. You are not alone, you are loved, you have the right to feel bad and good, you have the right to feel. Be blessed by these positive vibes and live your life to the fullest. I'm sending my love to the universe so that I can reach yo


Hi random person. I just want to tell you that you will pass your exams and every other things you do. Be positive on what you do and one day all your hard work will pay off. Have a good day.

(It's been one year. When, I wrote this comment, I never expected so many wonderful people to like it and reply back. But, it's happened. I was 16, when I wrote this, now I'm 17. The past one year, was a blessing year. All thanks to everyone. Thank you.. everyone.)


If you're reading this, I hope that day comes real soon where your wildest dreams come true. Where you finally feel that you are at peace with yourself and your surroundings. May your life be full of joy, strength, light, and ease. May you lead a life full of positivity and greatness. You got this. It's gonna get better real soon!!


I listen to this before every single medical school exam on repeat while studying. I'm confident that it is responsible for how well I do.


To anyone who just listened or is listening to this, or reading this, I wish a phenomenal day full of happiness.


For those who think they are a failure, Your hard work will surely pay, Just do what you're supposed to do today.
Best of luck


You may remember times you didn't study and regretted it afterwards and thought to yourself "Man, if only I studied for that relatively short period, I wouldn't feel so bad about myself now." Now is the time everyone. Study hard and try and understand what you're studying, but don't forget to take regular breaks and stay healthy!


If you’re reading this comment, it’s not too late; you've already been immensely blessed with an abundance of love, wealth, luck, health, joy, and whatever else your heart desires!! I'm so proud of you for surviving everything you’ve been through. This is your sign to go after what your heart most desires for the highest good; it's your time to shine.


“Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.”


You! Yes you reading this right now. No not some random person but YOU! I'm sending this message to YOU, all the way from Turkey. Everything that has hurt you is over. Every test you've been put through, you have survived.
You might not be exactly where you were aiming to be but today marks the start of your new life.
Your mindset shifted to such a high level that it vibrated on a frequency that brought you right here.
The universe has a way of taking you exactly where you want to be, at the perfect time and all that is required, is for you to align your mind.
NOW, you're on the right track. Watch this over and over until it sinks in and share it with the people you want a better life for and heal and grow together.
You're blessed and the new chapter of your life just started!
No more negativity. No more sadness.
Forgive yourself and learn to love who you've always been so you can sore to the highest level of yourself.
This is awesome and I'm so excited for what's about to happen to you over the next few days. Wow! You really made it to this place.


This really works!! Now i am very focused to read the comments...


This comment is for anyone laying in bed, listening to this music and currently struggling with mental health issues. I want you to know you have made it this far, despite all your falllbacks, you are here, you are alive, it won't always be this difficult and you are more powerful than you realise. I love you and keep going 💙💙💙


Yo, straight up. If there’s anyone that’s got this, it’s YOU. Keep up the momentum everybody 💪


I am not accually here to study. I finished 😁 just wanted to read comments and wish you luck, and hey! You will be fine, all of you. ❤️


For someone that needs to hear this right now, I love you. You are appreciated. Your life means a lot to more people than you know. You are important. You are special. You are beautiful, and if no one else has said it to you recently...

I love you. Stay alive. <3


¡Hola! ¡Arriba ese ánimo! Tu puedes lograrlo, has llegado hasta aquí con mucho esfuerzo, no abandones tus sueños, recuerda que el mayor compromiso lo tienes contigo mismo, se que tienes una capacidad enorme, ¡Confía en tí! ¡No dudes de tu capacidad! te deseo el mejor de los éxitos en tu examen. ¡A alcanzar tus sueños!


no sé sialguien verá esto pero solo quiero desearte muchísima suerte en tu examen de mañana, en tu día, en tu semana, en tu mes, en tu año y en toda tu vida. No te conozco de nada pero por favor sé positivo y atraerás todo lo bueno. Aunque dudes muchas veces tienes que seguir esforzándote y verás que lo vas a conseguir, porfavor te lo ruego que no te rindas. Puede que no te motive mucho ya que no te lo puedes creer ya que no te conozco pero de verdad, tan solo imagínate a tí en un futuro disfrutando y olvidando todo lo malo que te ha ocurrido. Todo pasa por algo pero todo se va con el tiempo. Piensa en que cuando seas un ancianito y antes de morir pensarás en todo lo que no has hecho por estar estresado, con miedo, asustado a lo que piensen, por intentar hacer que se sientan orgullosos de ti.... PIENSA EN TI POR MUCHO QUE TE CUESTE.

