What If Yoda Became a Sith?!

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Hello Star Wars fans, today I will be briefly touching on what it would be like for Grand Master Yoda to fall to the dark side.
Expanded Lore:
After facing off Darth Sidious, Yoda decides that the light isn't enough and calls on the darkside. This shift is immediately enough to start overwhelming Sidious.
Likely Abilities:
Yoda would likely be able to hover instead of walking at times. Yoda had over 900 years of experience with the force. So I highly doubt it would take him that long to master all of the dark side abilities.
Considering Yoda lifted an entire force mountain, he would probably be able to crush most ships without trying. With the wave of his hand, and simply saying "sleep", he would be able to defeat most mid and lower tier characters.
For the higher ones, well his force push and force lighting would be way stronger than Darth Sidious. I think he would also be able to read minds, and other crazy powers, only being rivaled by the Skywalkers bloodline.
#shorts #starwars #starwarswhatif #starwarstheory #yoda
Expanded Lore:
After facing off Darth Sidious, Yoda decides that the light isn't enough and calls on the darkside. This shift is immediately enough to start overwhelming Sidious.
Likely Abilities:
Yoda would likely be able to hover instead of walking at times. Yoda had over 900 years of experience with the force. So I highly doubt it would take him that long to master all of the dark side abilities.
Considering Yoda lifted an entire force mountain, he would probably be able to crush most ships without trying. With the wave of his hand, and simply saying "sleep", he would be able to defeat most mid and lower tier characters.
For the higher ones, well his force push and force lighting would be way stronger than Darth Sidious. I think he would also be able to read minds, and other crazy powers, only being rivaled by the Skywalkers bloodline.
#shorts #starwars #starwarswhatif #starwarstheory #yoda
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