What If Yoda Was on Coruscant When Palpatine Tried to Turn Anakin

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What If Yoda Was on Coruscant When Palpatine Tried to Turn Anakin? Let’s explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

Ki-Adi-Mundi: What about the droid attack on the wookies?

Mace: We must send an attack group there immediately.

Obi-Wan: He’s right. It is a critical system we cannot afford to lose.

Yoda considers his options. He knows the Wookies have long been allies of the Jedi and the Republic and their loyalty was tested in the war, but they have remained steadfast. They cannot abandon them in their time of need.

He’s about to volunteer to lead the operation but then feels a shudder in the Force as if the Dark Side of the Force is starting to swirl around, getting ready to gulp. Glancing over at Anakin, Yoda rubs his chin.

Yoda: Arrangements I shall make, for one to join the Wookies.

Anakin meets his gaze and frowns. He wonders whether that has something to do with his appointment. Does he distrust Anakin so little that he refuses to leave Coruscant to keep an eye on him? These thoughts linger in his mind as the meeting drags on. Eventually, they go their separate ways.

As Anakin departs to report this to the chancellor, Obi-Wan follows after him and explains the real reason the Jedi appointed him a member of the Jedi Council is to spy on Palpatine. Although his master tries to explain that this was for a good reason, it only infuriates the young Jedi further who sees it as proof of the Jedi’s hypocrisy.

Anakin walks through the halls of the Senate building, grateful for at least getting him out of the Jedi Temple, and takes his mind off what's happening. As he approaches the Chancellor’s office Palpatine steps out, smiling warmly and beckoning him inside.

Palpatine: Anakin, my boy. It’s always a pleasure to see you.

The two begin discussing some of the latest developments in the aftermath of the Battle of Coruscant, but the chancellor sees that Anakin’s heart isn’t in the conversation.

Palpatine: You seem troubled, Anakin. Is something on your mind?

Anakin: Sighing. It’s the Jedi. It seems every day they stray farther and farther from their ideals.

Palpatine: That is the important thing about war. Through the destruction, it bares the true nature of its participants. It's saddening to see the Jedi were not what they claimed. Meanwhile, you have remained true to yourself. Brave, smart, and most of all, loyal.

Anakin: Thank you, chancellor. I think I needed to hear that.

Palpatine: Perhaps there is more to your frustration than just the Jedi. Is there something else that troubles you?

Anakin: It’s… Padmé. I’ve been having these visions… dreams. Of her dying. I don’t know what they mean, but they feel so real.

Palpatine’s expression softens and rises to stand beside Anakin. He places a hand on the young Jedi’s shoulder, his voice low and comforting.

Palpatine: I understand your pain, Anakin, I can see how much Padmé means to you and there has been so much death recently. Your love for her is powerful… and it’s that love that makes you strong. I am sure you will find a way.

To help Anakin take his mind off things, Palpatine orders Anakin to accompany him as he oversees the rebuilding effort of Coruscant. The chancellor spends the day visiting hospitals, rewarding troops, and handing out relief goods to those who lost their homes in the battle. It's work that Anakin is happy to accept and gives him some purpose.

Everywhere he goes, he’s greeted with cheers or gratitude as the people, soldiers, civilians, and even children hurry to see the "Hero With No Fear". The adulation of the people is intoxicating for Anakin who has been worrying for these past few days, but now all of those troubles just melt away.

Palpatine is happy to let Anakin bask in the glory, knowing that it serves an important purpose. Having such a revered figure with him will give him more legitimacy, especially if Anakin were to become his apprentice.

More importantly, it grooms Anakin into becoming his apprentice. Seeing all the glory it brings might soften the blow. But while he enjoys this, Anakin does not fully lose his loyalty to the Jedi and reports everything he does to them. While this seems harmless enough, Yoda is concerned that Palpatine might be using this to prop up his name and remain in power.

In response, Yoda also begins to organize a Jedi-led relief effort to help the people. The grand master walks beside Anakin through the makeshift relief camp, where the Jedi volunteers are busily serving the people who lost their homes. The air is thick with the sounds of coughing, crying, and murmurs as Jedi and volunteers distribute supplies.

Anakin: This is what the war has brought, Master. Suffering, fear, and despair. And the Jedi… we’re at the center of it.

Yoda: Heavy, the burden of war is. But help we must, where we can. The path of the Jedi, it is.

As they walk, Anakin notices the haunted looks in the eyes of the people around him, and his heart tightens.

#starwars #starwarswhatif #yoda
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I saw generation Tech in this video I think his name is Allen


Do you use AI to do the voices, or do you have friends you make these with?

Anyway - here's another idea: What if Palpatine was innocent and Sidious actually WAS someone else? Maybe Palpatine's long lost twin, abducted by Plaguis as a child. Maybe Palpaine is Force sensitive but untrained.


This is my favorite Star Wars channel.

Hope to see more with Knights of the Old Republic characters like Revan in future videos.


“The Jedi Order's problem is Yoda. No being can wield that kind of power for centuries without becoming complacent at best or corrupt at worst. He has no idea that it's overtaken him; he no longer sees all the little cumulative evils that the Republic tolerates and fosters, from slavery to endless wars, and he never asks, "Why are we not acting to stop this?" Live alongside corruption for too long, and you no longer notice the stench. The Jedi cannot help the slaves of Tatooine,
but they can help the slavemasters.”
Dooku, Yoda's former Padawan, to Darth Sidious

Yoda was always useless…


I'd like to hear your version of what if Anakin jumped down to save Padme in attack of the clones. It'd be interesting


The Chancellors' main office is not in the Senate Building. It's located in the domed building that Palpatine, Anakin, and Obi-Wan arrive at after the "Another happy landing" scene. Look up the Republic Executive Building.


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Finally someone with proper what ifs and good mic


What if Sidious had a cortosis crown made ready for Anakin upon his turn to the dark side along with lower and upper arm and leg bands/rings of cortosis and made him wear them from then on? In the chancellor's office. The reason for this is because cortosis is weak against sith lightning.
If Cortosis is weak against sith lightning, it would be up to Sidious's deviousness to have a crown of cortosis made ready for Anakin when he turns to the dark side in the chancellor's office along with upper and lower cortosis bands/rings. Maybe also a cortosis neck ring.


In regards to Yoda, if you season 6 of the Clone Wars, he learns where why and how the Jedi failed. By Revenge of the Sith, the reason he didn’t do anything except try and take out Palps was because he knew the gig was up and he lost. Also, fighting Sidious, that was a last ditch effort because Palpatine was vulnerable meaning it was a risk for both of them.
