Saving my Phalaenopsis Orchid with limp leaves and no roots - Long discussion about cutting spikes

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Today we take a look at one of my Phalaenopsis orchids which is in dire need of attention and care!
🦋 More info below! 🦋

One technique I always perform when dealing with cases such as these is to remove the flower spikes, as they drain too much energy from the almost rootless orchids. There is a lot of observation, experience and research behind this, so here we go:

Cutting the biggest energy drain source leaves more available for important components, such as roots and leaves. Speaking of which, here is more about these structures and their functions:

#MissOrchidGirl #Orchids

Ikson - Bloom
🌸 Want to send me something? Here's my address!
Orchid Nature
P.O. BOX 29002, CY-1620, Nicosia, Cyprus
🌸 My environment:
Subtropical climate, hot summers and mild winters
60-90% humidity, always breezy
Growth space is kept at min 17C and max 29C
🌸 What I use in my Grow Room:

LECA - Pokon or IKEA

Fertilizer and supplements:
Orchid Focus Bloom (when I need something low in N)

Pots, containers, baskets:
DIY self watering pots and masks from local flower shops

LED shop panels from Leroy Merlin, 4000k
Tertial lamps from IKEA + 4000k LED bulbs (various brands)

Shelf units:
Lerberg and Mulig from IKEA
🌸 See my video playlists!
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Hey, thanks so much for watching my video! 😙 Before you comment, or reply to someone, please make sure that your information is verifiable, share links to articles, or studies, or explain in detail why you think what you think. Experience is awesome, give us a lot of details about your experience! But please don't pass on advice you hear from other people who did not explain why they say what they say. Don't present as facts things you are unsure of or things you remember once hearing about, but you can't remember the cotext of. We want to work against spreading false information, so that we all have a much safer and happier orchid experience! Thanks so much! 💖


I just LOVE you and your videos. I love the way you clip right along, not dragging out the subject matter. I love the fact that you never say "UH, UM, Y'KNOW, etc) I love that your video is always centered on your subject with just your hand to direct attention, accent information. I love that you don't waste time with a bunch of extraneous minutiae. I JUST LOVE YOUR VIDEOS. I've watched all the 'orchid aficionados' and while they have some good info, they are just too drawn out with useless filler words. You are the BEST of all!


There really is so much conflicting information out there about Orchid care. But, there are any number of variables, too, that determines what an individual’s best practices will be. That’s why it is crucial to under WHY a certain technique is effective; and, that’s why I trust your advice completely, Dani. You always take the time to explain the reasoning behind your instructions in a concise and logical manner, giving your audience the knowledge to make decisions for themselves.


Never thumbs down on you! :D you and your videos are wonderful.

I got given 2 Phalaenopsis last week by a neighbour who knew I have green fingers. I had to cut most of the roots on one and was now trying to work out why it still looked dehydrated and what to do to help it.
Your video has come in so handy. Thank you 😊


Thank you for taking a scientific approach. People nowadays confuse their opinions with facts and truth. We would have so many fewer problems as a species if we based our decisions on facts instead of opinions and biased false beliefs. Very informative video and I'm very hopeful I can save a few sad phals with this info!


Great video! I got a phalaenopsis last May and it looked quite like this, had 1 flower spike and looked okayish but when I went to check the roots they were all gone except 1. So I cut the flower spike and did a sphag & bag for a few weeks, because I couldn't water daily as I was out of town, , it's now potted and has 5 roots 😊. Winter has stalled things but I'm hoping once the weather perks up more new roots will appear. I've learned so much over the last year watching your videos and I'm hoping to expand my collection soon to use all the knowledge I've gained, so thanks for making great videos!


"You don't actually have to do what I do, do what you think is best for you"
Couldn't rhyme it better myself. Best quote of Danny 2019.


THANK YOU so much for this! I just discovered new root eyes on my very pathetic rootless phal today after using the techniques in this video! I have been trying for almost a year to save this orchid - I'm surprised it stayed even remotely alive through all my attempts! After watching your video, I perched it on top of wet sphagnum in a jar, and spritzed it with coconut water at the beginning, and now, about a month later, SUCCESS! I'm so glad and thankful - for your help and for my orchid's patient resilience 😁


Hi everyone! I think that if any technic is working for you, it is most important, even you don’t have scientific prove to it. Just be happy guys. I have “killed” so many orchids that last year I just throw all my collection from just lack of hope and patience, because I followed what different people suggested… but, I am back and ready to learn. In between so many people Danny is the best! Thank you…


I had the same problem with two orchids I received as a gift. Intuitively I thought that the spikes needed to go. It seemed logical to me as well. When I cut the spikes, they were full of water. The bottom leaves of the plant are not wilted, only the top two leaves are. If you think about it, that means that the water isn’t going all the way to the top of the plant. Thank fo the video!


Thank you for addressing the sticky droplets. It is seldom mentioned in any of the orchid videos. The first few times I encountered it I was worried my orchid was sick or something was wrong. After a while I just ignored it after seeing that nothing happened to the plant. However, I still didn't know what it was until a saw a video a while back that finally explained what the droplets were.


Thanks for sharimg ypur knowledge. Hope my rootless orchids survives. My patience is very very long. You also have inspired me to be a rescurer. I purchased w very very sad orchids on the Clarence rack and they are happy in my home. Being new at caring for orchids you have been helpful and an inspiration. BTW I love them always flowers, no flowers wrinkled leaves and all I believe they are a beautiful gift. THAMKS FOR EVERYTHING!


is there a follow-up video to this video to see how the plan made it? I mean, of course we know it made it LOL but just to see how it looks. I love you Danni! you are the best teacher ever and you make it a joy and a thrill to be a orchid mom! 🥰


I was curious why you left the bottom two leaves that are partly yellow? I live in Hilo Hawaii, and at the orchid show events I learned you cut everything that cannot recover. Thank you so much for the tutorials🥰👍🏝


Thank you for this video. I am utterly heartbroken. I am a new orchid parent and repotted my orchid for the first time a few weeks ago. I was too rough and broke most of the roots. She has one root left and I thought she was for sure gonna die. Her leaves are not as firm, but they aren't anywhere near this limp. I think it will be a long journey, but this video gives me hope that she will survive. Since she only has one root, I have no clue how to tell when to water her now though bc I can't see it.


This video may just help me save the orchid I gave my mom. She transplanted it into soil and left it in the sun... She doesn't know the correct way to care for an orchid. I myself am still learning. My first goal is to revive that one


Hi Danny, I hope you will see this comment, even though it's an older video. I have revived several orchids using your technique and advice, but 2 phals are just not having it! One is a mini, it had a few roots left so I placed it in a small pot in a mix of bark and moss (this worked for them all before), but it didn't like it and lost more roots. I placed it in a tiny pot with just bark, which seems to be better for it. I tried different locations for it (warmer, colder, mini greenhouse on my main orchid window) giving it a few weeks to adjust every time, but it didn't like any of it and continued to decline. Now it sits on a bathroom window which it tolerates, along with other mini rescues that are doing great. This one hanging in there for about 3 months, not dead, not declining, but with no new roots at all. Any advice?

The other stubborn phal is regular size. Same story - no roots, no improvement since October, didn't like any location in my house, even the bathroom. I gave it to another orchid rescuer just before Christmas, and they have the same problem with it. The darn thing just does not want to live, but does not die completely! What else can we try? How long can it possibly take to produce roots??
thank you!


I finally made the hard decision of cutting off the flowers spikes on my mini white phals yesterday 🙁. Some how it started to lose a lot of roots and the leaves were severely dehydrated. I hope I cut the spikes in time to save the orchid. Thanks for the video Danny!


I have the same exact phal! When yours recovers and blooms you will love it!


Omg thank u the root on the orchid I received wasn't in a good state but it still have flowers so I'm going definitely use this video
