How to Get More Severance - An Employment Lawyer Explains

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This video explains how to increase your severance package. You need to first increase your leverage so you can negotiate for more severance. Branigan details the components of most severance agreements and outlines six incredible bargaining chips that anyone can use in a severance negotiation. Please subscribe to Branigan's channel!

Branigan Robertson is an employment lawyer in Orange County, California. His firm exclusively represents employees in lawsuits against their employers.

#Severance #Negotiation #Attorney
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After years of very difficult work that led to the destruction of my marriage, they decided to fire me out of nowhere. No severance. Kids and I lost insurance that same day. They’re keeping my FSA funds (I maxed out). They did it after I submitted my yearly goals that they kept pushing me and my team to complete. I’m battling and fighting my way out of depression to continue providing for my kids but I’m scared for our future at the moment. Our lives have drastically changed over night.


Honestly Ur explanations are so good and simple
. make's understanding very simple...very good doubt


Thank you so much for explaining this. I felt as if I did have discrimination due to disability and gender identity, so being handed severance pay I did a bit of research. Heres the thing, its very hard to prove you are being discriminated against. Due to medical leave, this cause hardship on my company and because I spoke about my specific issue with my identity it was dealt with in a very bad way. Fact is, if you are a union member attorneys do not want to deal with you. Also, if the company has collected enough information to go against you, have witnesses and have not met their terms you can be terminated. Severance pay IS a choice of the employer, with me I think I had both 1. Give to me because I was in a hard situation and 2. Some legal action could have been made. With severance agreements, look into whether or not they listed neutral reference, this basically means they will not legally give any information about your case to future employers. I got x amount of severance pay, told my union rep and stated "We will drop all of our grievances if you give x more amount of severance pay". It worked.


Please if anyone is going through hardship at you're employment stick it out. 💞 Make notes of everything that is happening to you at you're workplace keep a journal write down dates and times. It will be worth it at the end. 💞


This is super helpful video. Lots valid points. Do you have any updated tips during Coronavirus period? Thank you.


thank you so much for this wonderful information, yes thank you.


Thank you for the insight. Would you have any examples of language I/we could use in a counter offer to a serverence package?


I quit due to continuous "depositions" with HR and my boss. Boss always fishing for issues with me from coworkers and embellishing, taking out of context, lawyer and gaining power. I then asked to rescind my resignation as there is a new manager coming and I was assured by coworker/friends she is very good. My request to cancel my resignation was denied. I put in a 2 week notice and asked to cancel it in less than 24 hours but it was denied. I always got good annual review, excellent peer review, good attendance, superior work knowledge and performance. I feel the harassment was too much to bear and if I got fired it would ruin my career so I quit with notice in writing.


To me, severance is just another word for “bribe”. I rejected my company’s agreement as soon as I received it because I definitely had to sue them BIG.


Very helpful. Thank you for the information.


Your videos are very helpful, thanks so much for doing it!!!🙏How much more should I get given that it’s a pandemic and my industry is pretty niche - US immigration (I.e. US inbound) law clerk


Very helpful thank you so much for your efforts


Whenever I have contacted lawyers about anything previously, it was impossible to get even a callback. I had receptionists even hang up on me. Uber was denying sick pay to everyone in Seattle and in my case I had been hospitalized with a severe asthma attack, taken by ambulance to the hospital. Uber said that sick pay claims had to be submitted PRIOR to taking sick days. Totally outrageous. No attorney would speak to me. I finally contacted the labor relations department of Seattle and they pursued it and got everyone paid, including me. That would have been a huge class action lawsuit and no attorney would speak to me.

I’m being pressured now to transfer to a different out of state office that would require me to sell my home. So far it’s not going well. I think they might eventually lay me off or fire me. If that happens I want severance. Who do I contact?


I'm hesitant to sign mine. I don't know if it's worth it in the long term.


Mr. Robertson, can WARN be part of a severance pay out? My company offered 16 weeks of severance, but 8 weeks of that was the WARN pay out.


Quick question, if they they won't contest unemployment, does it really matter. Most severance agreements are written saying I, the employee, resign. If they send this to the unemployment office, does it really matter? If you resign you cannot collect unemployment, right?


I was offered a 30k severance. I worked for 3 years in the company. I didn´t sue them


"Spidey senses telling u"!


Awesome video Branigan, thanks for your advice!


Thank you so much. I wish I had this years ago.
