10 Things That SHOCKED Me About Living in ISRAEL...

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I moved to Israel about a year and 7 months ago. These are the 10 Things that SHOCKED me about Moving to ISRAEL as an American. I was born here, but I moved to America when I was 7 years old.

Let's see how mad Israelis get haha. PS: I love Israel.


0:00 Intro
0:09 Trustful Eating
0:50 Israeli Portions
1:57 Self-conscious Israelis
3:17 The Israel Divide
4:29 The Shabbat
5:22 Instant Coffee
6:04 Piercing
6:43 Self Hate
7:47 Food is Clean
8:56 Tel Aviv is not Israel

#israel #telaviv #review

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As an Israeli, I find it fascinating to see my own country through your eyes. An incredible view of what I see as the ordinary. Thanks!!!


as an Israeli Jew myself seeing such innocent non racist video in a long long time and that's refreshing and delighting!


Funny how Israelis have no problem asking personal questions. I mean you can suddenly find yourself talking to a stranger about your salary!


3:56 there is a well known saying in Hebrew about this: “a place with two Jews, would have three opinions”


As an Israeli I want to compliment you on this insightful video. Spot on.


First non racist video about Israel without people yelling free palastine in like 2 years... Refreshing


I’m here over 40 years and I still get surprised
But in a good way
Loved your comments
Am yisrael hai🇮🇱


Hi from Israel. I loved your video, and it really made me laugh that you called our regular cups 'children's cups' I didn't know there was a difference..😂


Israel is more than just Tel Aviv, glad you mentioned that
because many people who come from outside the country to visit the Israel don't really "visit it"
they only come to Tel Aviv, or Jerusalem, but there are so many beautiful cities in this country that are worth visiting, and i say that as an israeli.


I am an Israeli, just came back from a trip to the States, and I was suprized how bad is the coffee, and how come some cafe's and resturants don't have an esspresso machine. Another thing is not only the size of cups, but the fact that Americans use plastic disposable ones all the time. You sit in a cafe' and get a disposable cup, and your sendwich and salad in a plastic plate and cutlery! Not like that in Israel, it's nice to eat in real plate, and also much better for the enviorment. You didn't mention 2 things that many of my visitors were shocked while in Israel - 1. how many soliders are around and with guns (not guarding, but travelling or having their daily life) 2. the fact that you see citizens that are Muslim Arabs, they work together with Jewish Israelis and live in peace, it can be your bus driver, pharmacist or doctor. Many around the world do not understand this country, with all its troubles, keeps human rights to all religions.


Man, I would go to Israel if I wasn’t afraid of flying. My cousin visited over a decade ago. I heard that it’s beautiful


Israeli here! Regarding the black coffee thing, it's not related to the war. The coffee comes from the Bedouin community in Israel, from which it got popularized to the Jewish community too. If you visit Arab communities, you would see that they prefer the pure black coffee as part of traditional dining routine over the instant one. However the reason why we chose instant coffee over black is because it's easier & faster to prepare in day-to-day life. Black coffee require a long and delicate preparation process to be good, one that you cannot pull at work during the lunch break. You can still prepare it at home during your rest time, and this is how most people get to drink it. In most cases tho, instant coffee is just the more preferable choice if you want a cup ASAP, and don't have the time & nerves to slowly boil black coffee over the stove.


People abroad have no idea how politically divided Israelis here and it totally distorts the image of what an Israeli means. Especially in the past 2-3 years, with the judicial reforms protests that were heating up a lot before October 7th, the separation between the left and the right have been a lot more pronounced.
HOWEVER, you will almost never see protests against the existence of Israel - everyone is protesting for the way israel exists and the approach to the neighbors. When Oct 7th happendd it felt like the judicial reform protests were nearing a boiling point happened, and suddenly there was a rare period where the ENTIRE country was united in the shock and the motivation to sign up and fight for Israel. Over time the separation returned but the goald are very much the same for this war, for everyone.

Also, i think the huge diversity between Jews and skin color, religiosity, and cultures is a big source of pride - so many different voices and customs and all of them are together under one roof, learning and interacting and teaching and arguing with each other


As a fellow blueberry lover:

You can find blueberries here, but they're just *very* expensive

Tiny box for like 30 shekels for fresh fresh blueberries.

I just buy frozen.


as an israeli i can explain that we use small cups because we are a small country, so if everyone hold a cup there is still place for everybody.


As an American who has been living in Israel for over 20 years, I can vouch for this video being spot on. Some of it made me laugh; I've never really thought about the little cups and the instant coffee, but it's so true!

FYI, if you ever go hiking with Israelis, the expectation is that you'll go, like, the first half mile and then stop and make coffee in one of those little pots you showed. There is no hiking without coffee. That's just how it is. Israelis crack me up sometimes. (And I'm sure I do things that amuse them, too.)


Been a long time but taken two long vacations to Israel. I was impressed by the many diverse food stand options especially in the city centers; noticed many people with a small backpack to hold 1.5 liter bottles and discovered how important it was to stay hydrated walking on sunny days; in some areas was surprised how many "American" stores and business were in Israel.

May God bless and watch over the Israeli people.


The reason you pay after the meal is so that you can order more food before the final payment. Not because there is greater trust. But the reason we are not afraid of robbery and theft is social involvement. If someone steals, they will be caught very quickly. We don't need a weapon to stop a thief. A chair or a guitar or any other object is enough. But in public spaces there are quite a few people carrying weapons, so there is less possibility of crimes in public spaces.


My local convenience store is run by an Arab Muslim family - I’ve come up short and had gone to put things back but, they told me just to come back and pay the rest in a day or two. That would never happen in America!
