Reaction 7 Things That shocked Me in Poland!

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This is our Reaction To 7 Things That shocked Me in Poland!

Poland is a beautiful and unique country that receives millions of tourists each year, however, before stepping into this country, there are some things that you should know before your visit! Let's see what they are.

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3 days ago
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Czuję się jakoś dziwnie - Polaków traktuje się jak odkrycie sezonu, dziwnych kosmitów, którzy właśnie wylądowali na planecie ziemia. Każdy się dziwi, że mamy smaczne, zdrowe jedzenie, czyste miasta, nowoczesną komunikację i budownictwo? Przecież od wojny przeleciało kilkadziesiąt lat. Był czas na odbudowę i organizację kraju. To nie stało się w pięć lat.Gonimy za Zachodem i modlimy się, żeby Niemcy i Rosja znów nas nie zdemolowali - a jest to bardzo prawdopodobne. Więc dziwcie się, jak Polacy są waleczni, niezłomni, pracowici w odbudowie kraju, jak mrówki. Nie mamy innego wyjścia.


One of the main rules for Poles is: guest at home, God at home


Poles accept that feelings are part of human and that is the reason we are not ashamed to express feelings. Also telling someone that everything is perfect when one is in deep shit and feeling accordingly to this situation is just a lie.


7:02 It was beautiful, , dziękuję'' 😊 you don't have to be able to speak Polish perfectly, just a few words and our sad face will light up with a smile 😅


I agree 🇵🇱 Poland is an amazing country, so are you. I am delighted to listen to your comments about Poland, not mentioning your unique and sweet South African accent. I ❤️ it.


In Poland, for the generations we cooked ourselves. People are more used to home cooked meals, and they were almost always fresh, with ingredients from local markets, even larger stores have a little to none processed foods and in PL it is very popular to buy premade home like meals. Fast Food like MCDonalds, KFC, Burger King have good tasting food, but it's expensive in comparison with home made, that is why our children are more used to good bread, with butter, decent cheese and ham, with veggies like tomatos, raddish, etc. and it tastes million time better than any fast food. at half the cost of MC sandwich you have great bread sandwich with 3-5 times more ingedients, you can taste the pickles, taste the cheese and it's not as bland as in the fast food restaurant, mostly because the taste is because of the sauce, remove that from Big mac and it's tasteless, and with homemade it's all tasty on their own.


I ❤️ love your comments. This video is another great production. The more I watch your videos, the more I like them.


Thank you for good words about my beloved Poland!


Warszawa była zrównana z ziemią. Wszystkie zabytki zostały odbudowane na podstawie starych planów, obrazów i zdjęć czynem społecznym po wojnie. Trudno nazwać je zabytkami. Obecnie powstaje pałac Saski na Placu Piłsudskiego.


About the clean public transport in Poland.
I am from Lublin (east of Poland) and when I was young, around 1995-2000 everything was old, dirty, loads of graffiti, if there was new wooden bench it was destroyed the next day.
When I was finishing my high school around 2008 I noticed a big change - people started to believe that all of that belongs to community and started to think about it and try to preserve it. It is very hard to explain ;D


Modern Polands reputation is a victim of it's unprecedented growth. I'm 33 years old as of today, and was born less than a year after polands transformation of 89. I remember the extreme poverty of the 90s, and 2000s very well. Let me tell you it was extremely scetchy back then. In 2008 or 2009 i got shanked in my forearm for refusing to hand over my cheap ass phone. And let's just say I could see thestrals because of those times. But now I look around and I'm very pleased with my country. Me and my girlfriend done like 10km on foot in the middle of the night in Kraków after a concert that we couldn't hope to afford a decade ago and the biggest problem we had was if we could find a store for some after party beer. And it was freaking beautiful too. There was fresh, crunching snow, christmas decorations and lit up architecture. In my lifetime poland changed so much I can barely believe it, and I live here. No wonder other people don't know about it or don't believe it.


Next time try to visit Gdańsk Lublin or Krakow Wrocław ! I am from Sydney Australia truly enjoyed Poland 😂


The difficulty of Polish is not simply in pronunciation or reading. It's about very difficult GRAMMAR, the most difficult when it comes to Slavic languages. This is what makes Polish one of the most difficult languages in the world.


There is a lot of talk about Polish food, but from the perspective of a tourist who is forced to use restaurants, but Poles only use them when they have to. Most Poles cook their own dinners and they are much better than those in restaurants. Polish women can cook wonderful things and make wonderful cakes. Polish cuisine is diverse and combines culinary traditions from the West, the East and the Orient. Interesting fact, the first coffee bistro was founded by a Pole, when Turkey besieged Vienna in the Middle Ages, the Polish king defeated the Turkish army and they started to take the loot, but no one wanted to take bags with strange beans that they did not know, but one Polish knight knew what it was and they took it as trophy . He founded the first café in Europe.😀


Great video guys. Just a thing about Polish language reading is actually easier in Polish than English, for example. If you learn the alphabet and how to pronounce each letter that should make it quite easy to read in Polish since each letter of the alphabet is pronounced the same way no matter the word. Unlike in English


I'm 90% sure the furniture behind you was produced in Poland :D It's IKEA but they make a lot of their furniture in Poland.


I must say about the orderliness of the streets, sidewalks and public transport! We've had it in Poland since childhood - if you litter, make a mess, and most importantly, don't respect someone else's work (because someone will have to clean it up), everyone will immediately reprimand you - parents, grandparents, passers-by, everyone! - there is no lack of responsibility, you make a mess - you clean it up, and quickly!🙃😁


Oh Yes! Good quality of food, because we have Magda Gessler 😎😏🇵🇱


You win me that coment about Central Europe... Greetings from Poland :)
