Fixing Gen 2 Pokémon Team Building

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What’s interesting is that dark was supposed to be another counter to psychic cause it was so overpowered in gen 1 so it’s weird how underpowered all the dark types were


I think that the metal coat would be a really cool first time reward for the bug catching contest if you won with a scyther. The contest guy could say “we don’t know why but scythers tend to go out of their way to fight wild magnemites to look for these, unfortunately for them these are exceedingly rare”


Instead of having them both only learn Thunder Punch, perhaps Alakazam can learn Thunder Punch and Gengar can keep Ice Punch, given how its Pokedex entries talk about how it lowers the temperature of its surroundings.

In regards to the other Pokemon that learn all three, I'd say that most of the Normal and Fighting type Pokemon should keep them, since most of them don't have the Special Attack for elemental punches to make them busted. Likewise, Hypno also has a surprisingly mediocre Special Attack for a Psychic Type, so letting it keep all three might help it not seem like a poor man's Alakazam.


I think it would also make sense to put the Metal Coat somewhere in Olivine, since Jasmine is the Steel gym leader, like the Lighthouse. It could even be a secondary gym reward, with Jasmine wanting more people to use Steel-types.


I honestly can’t wait for this romhack to come out, it’s been lookin great so far


I personally think Gengar should have ice moves instead of electric, it just makes more sense for a ghost in my mind (like that stereotypical cold chill that goes through a room with a ghost)


I'm all for giving Yanma better moves, but everybody who complains "wah, why doesn't the _dragonfly_ have Dragon type moves/evolutions" is convieniently forgetting that Pokemon are generally created in Japanese first, and *Japanese and English are different languages.* The Japanese word for "dragonfly" is とんぼ (tombo)- there is no "dragon" in it.


You could simply swap Gyarados' special stats and it would hit similarly with its special moves as it did in gen 1 while still keeping the same BST and making it more fragile to balance out it being able to hit harder.


I think one thing to note about the evolutionary stones to me is how hard they are to find in the original game, maybe one of the changes could be that theyre sold at the goldenrod department store so you can actually use the gen 1 eeveelutions + other stone evos without having to rely on a random chance that a trainer will call you and tell you they have a stone, ive never enjoyed that element of the johto games


Damn, from all these buffs the variation of teams is going to be wild. I have played these games a bunch over the years and it is hard to get a variety of teams. Now with this true version we can do that and have multiple playthroughs. Super excited.


Looking great man. Im so glad you didnt get too crazy and change Gyarados, Togetic, Kingler, and a few others. Not every pokemon had to be perfectly optimized, its part of the fun. Swapping ghost/dark being physical/special is a great idea


I think the concept of "fixing" the original games is fantastic. You should consider doing this with other pokemon games


I absolutely love these changes, especially the trade evo changes. I always wanted to use kadabra but played the game late so never had anyone to trade with. Getting to use Machamp and Alakazam especially will be like a childhood dream come true. AND Flareon too!


That Piloswine "buff" is a nerf. 80 in both attacks is not good, and it already has one of the lowest attack of a fully evolved ground type so this adds insult to injury


You should make Crabhammer use physical attack instead of special, like an inverted Psyshock


Thank you so much for reuploading and fixing the visual issues. It's definitely appreciated and I think it really shows your dedication to your fans and your commitment to making a truly great romhack ❤


I still think Ledian's buffed attack stat and move pool isn't really enough to make it usable, even in a supporting role. It just has too many weaknesses, too bad defense and HP stats and, even with the attack buffed to 55, too poor of an offense. I remember using this thing in later generations and even with the enhanced move pool including a variety of fighting and psychic moves it's still terrible. I think a base 65 or even 75 attack stat is reasonable for it, the terrible physical defense and lacking HP I think warrant more than a base 55 attack stat, which is equal to Pikachu's.


the atk reduction to 80 from 100 makes piloswine a far worse overall pokemon.


To me it feels more thematic to leave Ice Punch over thunder Punch for Gengar- like the Ic ey Touch of a ghost. I mean can't Gengar still earn icebeam?


I'm not sure about some of these.

Leach life being 50 power and being given at levels 6 and 9 feels like a "bit" much for Gen 2 that would give these two a life-draining attack stronger than Mega Drain, and only slightly weaker than Giga Drain, 20 - 30 levels earlier than other drainers. At levels 6 and 9 they should have a move on the power of absorb.

For Sudowoodo, I do not necessarily think that adding a rock Pokemon that can actually take damage from Water and Grass is a bad idea, but Sudowoodo is the wrong pick for the role. Seeing as the game specifically draws attention to the fact that while it looks like a tree it is actually heavily damaged by water.

Isn't level 36 a bit low for Kadabra, Gengar, Machamp and Golem to evolve? Starter Pokemon are already usually strong enough to outright overpower anything the game throws at you until late in the game, and these 4 trade evolutions are even stronger than the starters. Feels like having them evolve as early as 36 will invalidate a lot of other buffs from this video - as why would you choose to raise a weaker pokemon when much stronger option is fairly easy to get.

Writing as I watch, may edit the post with more things I am not sure of
