How to Survive Nursing School with a Family | Nursing Student Tips Vlog | Alyssa All Day

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In this vlog, I share my best tips that helped me and my family survive nursing school together. Being a mom, wife and nursing student is not easy, but it IS possible. If you put your mind to it, you can do anything.

Alyssa Presley
1025 W. 20th Ave #3954
Oshkosh, WI 54903-3954

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Make sure you leave your tried and true tips for other parents in the comments below! ♥️


I’m a single mom of five kiddos —life happens— and started Nursing School this year! Time management, letting go of crap you can’t control, delegating chores etc are all ways that help me . At the start of each semester just look at your life in a 16 week segment (or whatever the case is). The sacrifice’s and cutting back you make each semester will pay off in huge ways! Single mom/dad, married whatever your situation, remember you made it to Nursing School and that’s a HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT so keep working hard!
Appreciate your raw honest videos Alyssa, it motivates me to keep going! Thank you!


I’m always blown away by how healthcare professionals and students survive with kids. Respect 👏👏


Needed this. I start the program in the fall, with 5 kids and a husband. I needed this. Thank you.


I also had a baby during nursing school. At first I was freaking out because I thought my dream of being a nurse was over. But after I gave birth, I held her in my arms, and realized what a blessing the baby is in my life. She brought me so much joy and has also motivated me so much to get through school. ♥️


I honestly feel like the hardest thing about being in nursing school when you're a parent, is the intense mom guilt you feel over not being able to spend enough time with them. Im really struggling with this at the moment with my son and all my classes. :(


Needed this entirely. 21 years old with a 10 month old and an amazing bf and I’m working on the process of getting into an LPN program. I’m nervous because college didn’t work out for my so well the first time I attempted it, but I’m hoping this time will be better.


I adore your videos!
I’m 28 and recently decided that nursing is my calling. It’s been awhile since I’ve gone to school and I’ve been SOAKING in every single video of yours that has to do with nursing ❤️ I have two girls, and I’ll have to commute two hours every day. But the *good* part about that is my kids will be in school in that town while I am, and I’ll be forced to stay there until their class lets out, so I have zero excuses for not studying in between classes while waiting for them to get out of school! I know it’s going to suck some days, but as someone who takes time to really absorb information, it’s really something im thankful for.. and that’s just for my pre-reqs 😳


Love that I found this channel!! I'm a LPN but about to start RN school. I have an almost 4 year old and I'm 20 weeks pregnant with our second girl. Thanks for the tips!


I’m finishing my pre reqs and hopefully start nursing school in January. The mom guilt is real! Right before I started classes I deleted all social media (is YouTube social media?? Lol) and that has helped me tons to be present with my kids! I also homeschool my oldest and have two younger kids so I HAVE to be present during school time and then I have to give the babies time too. It was overwhelming with social media!


I'm so glad I found this video thank you I start nursing school in March in im a single mother of 4 thank you so much.


I'm not a mommy or a daddy...I just love watching your videos!!


@5:02 I feel you on that. That’s what I’m feeling right now being a full time student, mom, dog mom, and gf.


Not a human mom just a dog mom. Just honestly love watching your videos and you inspire me so much when it comes to nursing.


I love this video! I'm a 29 year old transfer student at UCLA and experience mom guilt on the daily. Your story is so relatable. Made my day 😁


30 year old mom here starting nursing school in January and I too have so much mommy guilt and stress about my house and cooking dinners. I’m terrified/excited but it’s happening! Thank you so much for your insight and advice!


I really like things that pull double duty. My son likes to sit on a big piece of paper and I’ll push him all around the house. Gets your heart pumping and good quality time. He is 2 so results may vary.


Glad I found your YouTube I'm a mom, wife and going to school. Eventually going into nursing school and I feel old compared to all the other students going back to school.


Being a mom to a boy who likes a lot of attention is what makes me nervous starting nursing school. You have eased some of my worries. I just hope my fiancé and son can bare with me through this crazy journey.


I absolutely needed this video! I’m a young momma of three boys, 6, 4 & 4(twins) & pre-nursing student! Thank you so much for this video!
