Why That Rebound Relationship Won’t Last #shorts #breakup #relationshipcoach

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Why your exes rebound relationship won't work out after the breakup.
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They're on a relationship hamster wheel, running from their own issues straight into the arms of someone who they think can fix them.
Introducing yet another partner to family and friends.... It's just sad for everyone involved.


One thing I’m learning after a year and a half break up and currently on day four of no contact is it’s okay to be sad and grieve but after 2-3 days. Get your ass up and become the best self you can be, not for her but for you. Eat healthy, listen to music, watch movies, don’t drink, don’t rebound to someone else. Focus on your inner growth. Get a haircut, get some new clothing, buy that item that you have been thinking about, do activities. I know it’s harder said than done, but almost everyone has been in the cycle before. The best way to process pain and hurt is turning yourself around. You miss them, you love them, you care for them, but you need to stop thinking about what they’re doing and you need to start thinking about what you are doing.


What they (both the rebounder and reboundee) also fail to realize is whatever they did to their ex- as a way of escaping that relationship, there's a 99.99.99% chance that they'll do it to the person they rebounded with when reality sets in.


Unless the new person has no boundaries or is easy to walk over.


When you see them fill their life from one guy to the next in a short period of time, you realize what a big hole you not being in their life left...shows how important you actually are...now move on and find someone that'll appreciate you.


Same cycle that you had with them. They take the same cycle they take to them. In Due time they lose again. Narcissistic cycles. Your better off with out them. Get closer to God to give you peace and joy.


I will never be the other woman, I refuse to be the side chick fool.


12 years married & my husband moved in directly with the secretary from his work...Zero contact from me. We all know what they have coming and im now thankful im out of the way for their karma they have coming. Its inevitable. Im taking alone time for healing because God knows i need it. He was very vile at his discard, blindsided me, ghosted me and my adult daughter. Cowards


As a friend of mine modified a quote from Thanos" you couldn't live with the depth of your failure, and where did that bring you? Back to me" was stone cold when his ex came back and that made her cry because she knew she messed up, and he was not the same man, door stayed the same tho💪🤣


Been bout 6mos w her rebound. Hope this bout time when all that wonderful reality sets in for em both bout how awful of humans they both are and it all implodes. Gonna get my popcorn ready 🍿


Oh, I can’t wait to see the crash! I’ll try not to gloat, but I’m sure I’ll definitely have a sh t eating grin!!


My ex is toxic. Never takes accountability. NEEDY! She’s dating someone in recovery …. She’s made fun of her sisters drinking habits to me in the past … wonder how long she’ll last. Lol ! That poor rebound is in for a rude awakening.


My ex dumped me saying I wasnt strong enough but will blame Men entirely yet she got pregnant by a Pookie and RayRay also has unhealed family trauma … 🤷🏾‍♂️


This is my narcissist exhusband to a He created the drama in our marriage because he will always be a womanizer too. I'm stupid! So mad at myself that I got played


What if they jumped into a rebound two months after your breakup and then got engaged five months later?! His son was also killed during that time. He hardly had any conversation when he broke up because he was so emotionally shutdown, and he still hasn’t healed and taken responsibility for his divorce before me. How could this new relationship possibly work?!


It's happening with my ex husband with the young girl he take home in my home I move out and leave him I'm alone and in no contact for a year now he were cheating on me after we married for 31 years 💔


I had no idea that I was engaged to a narcissist. I should have known that something was not right because he 65 years old had never been married one day he told me he didn’t want to be in a relationship no more. I didn’t see it coming. The next week he was in church with another supply. Now I need therapy 😢


So if I was a “rebound” and we talked and hung out and practically dated for three months, while she was treated like shit lied to cheated on etc.. she couldn’t have developed real feelings for me like she said she did? It didn’t last bc all the circumstances and timings were off but I’m willing to keep moving forward and if we started talking and hanging again give it a shot.


It's true some of the time my ex after our 3 year relationship she went and found someone new just 2 or 3 months it was over and broke up with him and got together with a co worker that just happened to be a girl and became a lesbian and this is all within 6 months of our relationship being over, the second rebound is still going strong actually now they live together.

Oh well I'm glad we were all able to move on.


What if they aren’t narcs ….
Isn’t likely that they actually will change for the new person ?
