TC Electronic HyperGravity Compressor - Martin's Monday Pedal Playthrough

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This is a very difficult pedal to demo! Hopefully YouTube hasn't compressed all the subtleties out of it... TC call this an "Exceptional Multiband Compression Pedal with Vintage Compressor Mode and Built-In TonePrints". It's a versatile compressor that's simple to use, sounds good, and is affordable. Can't complain!
Hi, I'm Martin Cliffe, I'm a Bucharest-based English musician and YouTuber. As well as music stuff, my channel is about my journey away from physical and mental clutter, and towards a more minimal and intentional lifestyle, particularly as we adjust to Romanian life after 8 years in Hong Kong.
Follow me on Facebook or Instagram @martincliffe. The Thinking Tree EP is available now at an online music store near you.
Hi, I'm Martin Cliffe, I'm a Bucharest-based English musician and YouTuber. As well as music stuff, my channel is about my journey away from physical and mental clutter, and towards a more minimal and intentional lifestyle, particularly as we adjust to Romanian life after 8 years in Hong Kong.
Follow me on Facebook or Instagram @martincliffe. The Thinking Tree EP is available now at an online music store near you.
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tc electronic HYPER GRAVITY COMP Demo #shorts #compressor #pedal