TC Electronic HyperGravity Compressor - demo, reamping test

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TC Electronic HyperGravity Compressor to rozbudowany kompresor gitarowy który może działać w 3 trybach: Spectra, Vintage i TonePrint. Ten ostatni to znana wszystkim technologia TC Electronic, która pozwala wgrać ustawienia brzmieniowe gitarowych tuzów z całego świata, współpracujących w tym celu z TC. Vintage to klasyczny kompresor stylizowany na brzmienie analogowych kompresorów sprzed kilkudziesięciu lat, natomiast Spectra to algorytm kompresji wielopasmowej - coś bardzo rzadko spotykanego (lub niespotykanego) wśród kostek gitarowych. Kompresja wielopasmowa polega na kompresowaniu niezależnie 3 lub 4 pasm częstotliwości, w zależności od podanego sygnału, co zupełnie inaczej wpływa na brzmienie kompresowanego dźwięku.
HyperGravity ma 4 potencjometry: klasycznie SUSTAIN, LEVEL, ATTACK i BLEND. Ten ostatni daje możliwość mieszania sygnału czystego i skompreosowanego, czyli daje możlwość tzw. kompresji równoległej - bardzo przydatna funkcja!
Efekt Wyposażony jest także w True Bypass. Zasilany 9V baterią lub zasilaczem. Posłuchajcie!
Gitarzysta: Wojciech Hoffmann (Turbo).
Wzmacniacz: Marshall VS65R

This is the demo of TC Electronic HyperGravity Compressor - pretty versatile compressor stompbox.
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Best demo I've seen... Gives you a nice look at suggested settings . I've been desperate to find a good setting since I absolutely hate this compressor, I love TC Electronic and most of their products are top notch... But I just can't forgive myself that I sold my Xotic SP conoressor to buy this one, I was sure TC was going to deliver... But man... Tone prints are awesome feature, but none seem to have that mojo like the sp or other compressors in the price range... Very nice video, probably the only one online that shows how to use it.... I feel very dissapointed with the knob latency and the extreme digital sound you get feom this unit... But hopefully is comething TC can correct or improve with a firmware update. I am soooo close to returning this... But I'm still searching for a good setting for either my Les Paul or my strat... The Stratocomp tone print sound excellent at forst listen, but the level raises so much it actually drives my other pedals.. And wince the knobs changed I can dial it down but it changes the character of the compression... It's a little too over the top loud, clear . Very high top end... I cannot get a warm tone that isn't dark as night like in vintage mode... What was TC thinking with the Vintage mode? I guess just to show how bright their spectra mode is... Because it doesn't sound better than an mxr dynacomp much less a xotic, wampler or keeley. Do you like this conpressor? Please tell me I should keep it and that I'll learn to love it or something...


Nice wide sound in the intro. Which pedal did you used ?


Yeah, I love the Xotic SP, or Wampler Ego, or Keeley... I can't get any similar settings from this


between this compressor and dyna comp which one is better? i mean the price-function-quality relation...
