Setting the Record Straight: Paul and the Law of Moses (Acts 21:17-26)

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When setting the record straight about Paul and the Law of Moses, it’s important to review Acts 21:17-26. False accusations about Paul and what he taught weren’t uncommon in his day, just as they aren’t today. What is it that Paul did and said to clarify his position on the Law of God, the Torah.

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Do we nullify Torah by our belief?
YAH forbid,
We confirm Torah by our faith!


So many wolves in sheep’s clothing. Yeshua warned us not to be deceived for good reason. Shabbat shalom.


The Law is output from Yahweh's Mind. To disparage obedience to it places one in agreement with the adversary. The more laws one breaks, the more legal ground Satan has to accuse.


Denying the 10 commandments sounds a lot like "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" 😢


Stanley/ Solberg seems to have more faith in their (Missing the mark) - interpretation of Paul, rather than Jesus.


Shabat shalom to all observers. Thank you David n 119 Ministries. I myself was Confused until Heavenly Father straightened me out😊.
One thing I do know, Satan is having alot of fun confusing clueless people with Saul's writings n sad to say have led many astray 🥺. Like Adam n Chavah. I have learned my lesson, never, never second guess Heavenly Father's n Yeshua's WORDS, n TORAH. They are TRUE n ENDURES FOREVER/EVERLASTING.


The idea that Paul would change his treatment towards the law dependant upon who he was around would be extremely hypocritical, seeing as how it is cited that he checked Peter for committing a similar offense in Galatians 2:11-14.


כמו תמיד, מצוין סרטון. תודה רבה רבה אחיים. שבת שלום ויברכך יהוה וישמרך.


The number one problem in the church, they teach verses not context.


The one who gave the commandments at Sinai IS the same THAT died on the tree YAH doesn't change.


It is no coincidence the 4 laws abstain from pollutions of idols, things strangled, blood, and sexual immorality. Lev 19:4, Lev 19:26, Lev 20:10-21,

These laws are predominantly from Lev Ha'Torah Leviticus 19 - 20.

YAH .... Always startes with the heart. Here new believers are told to start with Lev Ha'Torah, The Heart of Torah first cleaning out the inside of the cup that the outside will become clean also...



It confuses me as to why anyone wants do away with Gods instructions and teaches others to ignor The Fathers laws


As the Word tells us.... "They will call good evil and evil good...."

The Torah of Yahuah still stands for every TRUE beliver today....
Those not keeping the Fathers Torah, with a heart and LOVE for Him, are not true followers of Yahusha, and do not "Walk as He walked"

Solburg is a follower of satan, and will end up with his "father" the father of (unless he repents)


No matter what you may think about Paul. This statement is absolute FACT: The reason why 95% of all Christians abrogate the Torah is because of the writings of Paul. The reason why 95% of the Jews reject Yeshua as Messiah is because of the writings of Paul. I think Paul is THEE test of Duet 13. Yah told us He would send false Prophets to test us....a doozy of a test it is, as well. Yeshua said it all in Matt 7:21-27. Who do you think He was talking to? It wasn't the Buddhists who call Him, Lord, was the lukewarm christians thinking that blurting out a 'magic' sentence once in their lives brings eternal salvation.
I guess we will see.


Time stamp 10:40... IF Paul went into The Temple of GOD, And made a False Pretense before GOD... Who then would want to follow a man who "lied" to GOD to prove a point to men.... That did not happen under false Pretenses...


_"But this I confess to you, that according to the Way, which they call a sect, I worship the God of our fathers, believing everything laid down by the Law and written in the Prophets..."_

Christians were viewed as a "sect" of Judaism. Meaning, one whose actions and beliefs accord to those of the traditional Hebrew faith -- at least predominantly. Clearly, the post-resurrection Christians of the time were Torah observant. Including the offering of Temple sacrifices.


What I do not understand is WHY Christians are so intimidated by Jews and Judaism? Christians do not seem to be so intimidated by say - atheist - but Judaism seems to be such a problem. Why is that??
Not teaching AGAINST the law is no different than REFUSING to TEACH and KEEP the Commandments of God.


I disagree about the meaning of "under law". I believe it is referring to an authority relationship in which the law is the master of the one under it. Paul wasn't under the law of the Pharisees, the Romans, nor even of God. He was obedient to God's Law as a son, not as a slave which is bound under it.


Ive been there. Paul's writings can be confusing. Thats why we need to ask (holy spirit) God to open up our understanding to the teachings. 🙏


What I believe after wrestling with The Ruach for awhile, there are Wedding Guests, (maybe us Torah learning, zealous, )

There are
70 nations, there are ppl who are a Torah to themselves, aka., motal, right, decent - despite the enlightened semetary doctrines. Yeshua/Jesus answered my prayers before I was shown, what for me was missing.
So, I think for us, we ought to be above the Xtain "thang" and Ask Hashem to put us out where we can make the Jews jealous. Bc, frankly who else can? Only non-Jews doing what Native Jews do, or ought to.
Adonai Bless you and keep you all, it's a comfort to know you're out there, like me, loving Israel for real, and learning daily, TORAH!
Amen Shalom
