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#offleash #puppy #training

In this video we train Brooklyn the Cane Corso puppy how to off-leash heel.

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I used the identical method training my Cane Corso. He was 9 months when I could walk or change direction any time at any speed and he will never let the leash get taught. He’s 10 months now and gets distracted at festivals or with kids or dogs playing, but he won’t pull in crowds, but will if we get close enough to a dog or kids moving fast and speaking excitedly. He’s still getting desensitized. Whenever we’re walking, he’s constantly looking at me, next to me, and if he gets out a little in front, he knows I can change direction and it always watching and will somehow know to change direction. My small 6 year old boy and 9 year old daughter can walk him easily.

You’re probably gonna make the positive only freaks have a heart attack, but who cares. This is better and safer for the dog, especially a huge powerful dominant breed like the Italian Mastiff. Respect.


3 Fanny Packs ! That’s like a 7th degree black belt


Man this has got to be the best dog training channel on YouTube


Mate I’ve got to say, your videos have saved our relationship with our rottie.

She would lunge at cars, scooters kids on bikes.

She was hyper dominant, food possessive.

You name it she had it, and it was all down to how we initially trained the dog.

We’d taken her to multiple trainers and rottie specific trainers in our area.

None of which helped.

After watching your videos ourselves, we’ve learned to be the alpha properly.

And she’s currently walking with attention virtually permanently on me.

No pulling, no food possession, sits on command, sits when talking to a stranger in the road.

Doesn’t care about cars or people passing her.

The last step now is dogs, if she can walk past dogs without any hassle she’ll be a perfect dog for us.

This is all with the help, of proper Leash control using the prong, good feeding and adequate training.

All we can say is thank you for the content and keep it up.


I love the explanation over and over in several ways! Then you bring it down to one thing. No abuse! Love it!!! Thank you.


Finally a video where they actually show me how to train a pup. 😭 always had an issue with puppy’s pulling on my leash. I just need potty training lay down. Sit. Paw or high five 😭 it shouldn’t be hard… right?….


Thanks for taking time to explain and demonstrate using the prong collar to assist with training a dog to overcome distractions & pulling while in public on a leash. I have a 2 year old 60lb bull terrier that can pull this 200lb man wherever she wants to take him. Working without a prong collar so far she does pretty good most of the time unless she encounters people on small wheels (scooters, skates etc).


I have a 140lb cane corse/Mastiff mix who is a rescue, but I need to train and thanks to you and your channel I feel like I can do that on my own now.


Thank you for your content! I got a 4 month old american staffy recently and your videos are helping me become a better leader/trainer to him and helping him become a good obedient boy 😊 our biggest struggle has been keeping him engaged with me but I've seen a huge improvement since I've tried your training methods 😊 so yeah, thanks from the random Aussie 😂👍


I started watching this guys channel and he helped me so much in such a short time… thank you!


I have 3 different treats I take out with me, my method taught to me by me dad (ex-airforce) was using a choke collar on my dogs with almost identical methods, my dogs all were so well trained that when walking I had to look down to ensure the collar was still attached, now I have a 4 month old border collie and he is already doing that where I have to look down to verify he’s there, now does he get distracted sure he does, dogs birds people etc but with the prong collar he instantly snaps out of it and quickly darts back to my side. I keep watching these videos to learn more and try techniques by trainers like you so I can learn better ways, like how to use the prong collar, I’m learning even though I’ve trained dogs doesn’t mean I can’t learn new tricks too. Thank you for your video, it’s so valuable to us all, and I know what it takes to make a video, so again thanks.


Thank you so much for going SLOW and highlighting the pre training leading up to loose leash walking. It has occurred to us we need to take several steps backwards in training our 70 lb male Boxer. He's out of control on leash and my daughter's and I are small.
Worked on some drills today in the house and walkway without taking an actual walk. I've introduced the clicker today as well and he responded well.
Baby steps.
I need to size up his prong collar, the last time we introduced it we dove right into a walk that ended poorly. Just getting used to it was an incredible tip!
So appreciate your clear, concise explanations. So many trainers leave steps out unintentionally, and it leads to confusion and frustration.


I really needed to find this video. Thank you! I have a 4 month Cane Corso and he's super esoteric and I needs this in-order for us to actually get some enjoyment out of our walks and play time, rather frustration from trying to keep his attention or keep him from engaging with non important items or people. Love the videos ASDT you guys/ gals rock!


Love watching your videos. I've watched a couple of others for a short few minutes and I lost focus. You on the other hand, you're straight to the point. Just started today with your u-turn training and my 6 month old toy poodle Moses is progressing already. I'm not even using the prong coller, I use a no pull collar and your training is still working! He was pulling me everywhere and it can be quite embarrassing when a small dog like that is not under command and control. Best videos I've seen so far and I've subscribed and sticking with your training skills! Thank you for sharing!!


What a beautiful breed of dog. That coat is so elegant. Thanks for posting this. It's very helpful.


I have been watching and reinforcing your teachings. I have a Belgian malinois and she is 1000 HP. I train with her 3 times a day you saved my dogs life. Keep sharing the love.


Got a 6 month old mini aussie boxer had her for a month now and I've been watching and I can tell a difference deff rinse and repeat can't wait to keep learning and to see how well she can be an amazing dish washer lol


I love how he says, "just a little tug" and the dog almost flies over to him. Hahaha! This is a good video. I have watched so many of the positive only videos but my dog is out of control on his leash so I think I need a little correction in his life. He's going to break his harness sooner or later and get loose while pulling and barking at driving vehicles. We had to give up the nylon collar forever ago. He chokes himself like crazy. Thanks for the videos! We'll be giving this a shot!


Wow this man is not just dog trainer but trainer of dog trainers. Amazing skills, presentation and personality. I m impressed 👍
