How I would learn & master it if I were to start over again

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00:00:00 Becoming a web developer is (still) a great choice!
00:00:11 Neither AI nor layoffs change that
00:00:50 How would you become a web developer?
00:00:54 You could use internet roadmaps
00:01:50 You must understand the basics & how the web works
00:02:48 How website content is created
00:02:57 HTML
00:03:08 CSS
00:03:14 JavaScript
00:03:52 You need a text editor
00:04:44 You’ll soon face a problem with HTML, CSS, JavaScript!
00:05:30 You need a backend!
00:06:15 You can use JavaScript on the backend
00:07:26 You have many programming language options on the backend
00:08:32 You need a database!
00:08:51 SQL
00:09:38 NoSQL & MongoDB
00:10:59 Building fullstack website & web applications
00:12:12 Building SPAs with React, Angular, Vue
00:12:46 CSS frameworks
00:14:50 Building APIs
00:16:16 Deep dive into Web Essentials
00:17:23 Metaframeworks
00:18:36 CMS
00:19:51 Backend services
00:21:01 Hosting & deployment
00:23:14 Additional tools - Git & GitHub
00:24:49 GitHub Actions
00:25:21 Docker
00:26:45 TypeScript
00:27:09 Testing
Рекомендации по теме

Damn this guy explained all the technologies so easily, what felt like jargons are now intersting topics to explore!


As someone who is working through Max's Native and Next courses, highly, HIGHLY recommend them! I've watched so many different instructional videos on web dev, Max is one of the best at explaining things. He breaks stuff down into small, manageable pieces and explains them so well. He talks at a nice pace, too, he doesn't talk a mile a minute, so in 60 seconds I'm overwhelmed by the amount of information that's just been thrown at me.


I have been a professional software engineer since early 90's and I realize how much work it is for a newcomer to get all this knowledge. I had the chance to get it gradually because in 90's software crafting was a way less complex than nowadays. I have started with client-server technology with Java & Javascript :D and now playing around with all you described, cloud technologies & security concerns included. Your roadmap for becoming a dev in 2024 sounds very realistic. I wouldn't have stated it in any other way. You'd just stolen my words :D :D :D BRAVO !!! For newcomers I would also add that being able to read the code of other developers can highly improve your skills. I have been doing a lot of code reviews since many years and this is really an exercice that help me to grasp the code of the others quicker. Very important as well is your communication skills (soft skills in general). Today chances are you will code within a team... the crazy developer coding alone in his/her bedroom is a bit something from the past. Just one last thing to mentioned: your Kubernetes course is fanstastic !


When learning web development at University, I was like preparing for just exam and pass, it was like a teacher coming with his emotions explain something bala bala and at the end of the day, I had no clue how developers work how the code is written from top to bottom making real projects, and Thanks to Maximilian, his courses helped me understand more more and more about web development and professionally making projects.


The importance of using webpack to bundle your JS, CSS & HTML for production. Not to mention it gives you the flexibility to configure postcss with webpack and is more important than learning bootstrap or tailwind.


I have completed your 100 days of web development course on udemy, it was such an eye opener for me
Not only that course made me a fan of you but entire German people 😂


This video was super helpful! I started to learn coding a few months ago by my own and I love it, but it felt very overwhelming do it when they are so many ways to follow, tools, languages, etc., especially if your are very new (I have experience as graphic and web designer but this is a whole new world!). So having clear and (very important) actualized explanation it was incredibly helpful and clarifying :)


Im currently learning ( Angular + Tailwind) Vite & Spring boot + MySQL + Monogo DB.... Angular Course by you sir Thank you great lectures


I were an Angular developer but when I shifted to React, I found it very powerful library as well as it improved my interest in frontend development 😊


this is all before you get into distribution system(back-end) where the beauty is 😍


Great summary. Maybe for a completely fresh person it's too much, but after a year or two of learning the frontend is pretty clear thanks to what you mentioned. I waited until the end hoping you would forget about testing, but NO :)


I would recommend learning typescript just after javascript , don't worry you can use all javascript in typescript .


happiness is knowing you've started out exactly like the legend Max recommends


Bro I watched ur react native course recently, i watched ur course for the first time although i have been ur subscribe for quite a while. I didn't expect that u will be so good at explaining the right things ❤️


I am overwhelmed at how many technologies were mentioned.

Is there any other programming sector that is more uniform and independent on so many different technologies please?


Yes you are absolutely right, nowadays, frontend devs should also know about the basics of backend


Excellent presentation. It just goes to show that if you are planning to be a professional web developer you need to learn so many things. I personally wouldnt want to learn so many things unless I was planning to be a full time professional web developer. This would have to be your full time job to justify that amount of technologies to learn.


Hey max, thanks for this video. It's really refreshing and focused. Thank you so much


Thank you, Max, you are the best. We are waiting for a complete project from you about Next js + mongodb


Thank you for the video! It would be even more precious to know how many hours of practice for each technology required to get enough level of knowledge to move to the next one.
