Dietitian FACT CHECKS the Hormonal Acne Diet: Is Food Causing Your Acne?!

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Thanks to June's Journey for sponsoring this video!

Hi everyone, welcome to Abbey's Kitchen. In today’s video we will taking a deep dive into the research on diet and hormonal acne.


1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.

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Xoxo Abbey

Contribution by Giselle Segovia RD MHSc
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Thanks to June's Journey for sponsoring this video


My boyfriend: eats everything, has a western diet, doesn't wear sunscreen, anything that has milk is his favourite and he constantly binges on that(white chocolate and raw milk especially ), hates eating fish, doesn't eat fruits : HAS CLEAR NON OILY SKIN!!! conclusion: it's mostly just genetics 😐


My acne has gotten a lot better since cutting out most added sugar, love learning the science behind it!


as a healthy foodie struggling with hormonal acne, have never clicked on a video so fast😅


I am so tired of my mom blaming my diet for my acne. I litterally quit dairy and added sugars for a month and my acne didn’t get any better but apperantly it’s still my “diet” after five months of begging she has finally taken me to a dermatologists and it has been getting so much better ever since


you have taught me so much & helped me with my body image & ditching diet culture. just want to say thank you! love your videos


As a person who used to live for cheese, nothing makes me sadder than having verified that my acne is caused by dairy 😭


Ok, I haven't started the video but I have SOO much to say on this! I suffered with cystic acne for 8 years of my life and it was torture, but changing my diet in slight ways did help a ton! And my biggest takeaway is that you cant follow what someone else suggests to a T, but instead you have to start your own food journal and document what symptoms arise (a few days out from when you eat them). Also connecting the dots between which foods constipated me, brought me cysts the sizes of quarters, and massive hair loss helped me cure all those symptoms! For myself personally, it was dairy and red meats, as well as LOTS of refined foods. BUT i also went vegan and still had acne, so i realized that a diet high in carbs and sugar was not the best for MY OWN body. I also used to be excessive with the portion sizes because I didn't realize a whole carton of ice-cream had 4 servings, so that was a learning curve for me but once I got it, it helped! Also, an interesting thing to think about is how people from other countries eat a diet high in fat and carbs but hardly suffer with acne! I think American food is the most processed and not everyone can handle that the same! My family is Nicaraguan so i try to stick to foods that they would traditionally eat because it would make sense that I could handle it since my ancestors have been eating that forever! Just a little food for thought ;-)


I wonder how many people in the dairy trial were lactose intolerant. One thing I hated about American public school was the constant milk with every meal. I don’t want a cup of milk with a slice of frozen pizza. It was wildly frustrating. The alternatives were bags of apple/orange juice or room temp fountain water with a spout that hadn’t been cleaned...


basically, to have clear skin, we have to focus on veggies, fruits, nuts and fish :)


For me it was a combo of diet and exercise. Cutting out certain foods helped my acne become more manageable, but once I started running my acne went down to only a couple of new small pimples a week!


Oh Abbey, I wish I had access to your videos as a teenager.

I’ve struggled with acne since high school and it is so miserable. My struggle with acne led me to normalizing cutting out food groups and then with the paleo diet being really trendy at the time— it had me restricting myself so much it became unhealthy.

I was so desperate to clear my skin up because people were SO RUDE about it. People make all kinds of assumptions about you when you have acne and it is honestly so cruel.


I had flawless skin all the way up to my late 20s. Now it won't stop breaking out. I'm so interested in this!


If you get maskne I highly recommend washing your masks after every use and switching to silk masks, these have really helped my skin!


Eating healthy.. exercise and dealing with stress plus better sleep clears my skin like nothing else ever has. I believe it's not just one thing but all of those combined that really helps me.


I did considerable research on diet and acne in my dietetic undergrad this was interesting seeing another dietitians thoughts on this subject.


I was vegan for 3.5 years and still had horrible acne. I’m eating dairy now and simply following a low GI diet and feel great 😊 thank you for your advice. Xoxo


My acne is always stress related. I break out really bad with hormonal acne during the school year and once summer comes my skin starts clearing up again. I also cut out dairy and limit my added sugar, but don’t obsess about it cause that just causes more stress lol.


Abbey, could you make a video about hair nutrition, dietary deficiencies and hair shedding?


I can hear Hyram and the rest of the skincare YouTube reaction channels getting ready to react to this video from here!
