Guest Etiquette - Dos & Don'ts For Elegant Ladies

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I only cancel, if I’m sick with a cold, flu etc. In that event, I always send flowers or box of wine with a card to apologise for cancelling.


I'm so proud of myself for following most of these. I'm 25 and find people's lack of etiquette barbaric 😂 and seriously I am not high class, it's just basic manners to be honest with you.


Please do more Etiquette-Videos especially one about Etiquette when eating


I am finding myself suffocated by people with bad etiquette. Being left to wait in the street for 40 minutes, birthday party invitation one day ahead leaving me with no time to pick a proper present, or my partner insisting we should NOT bring a bottle of wine to a party. I am feeling run down because this is day to day battle already, people just can't behave these days. Just the other day I received a present and this girl asked if she can borrow it straight I really need to upgrade my social circle


Thank you for discussing bringing a gift. I’ve known my boyfriend’s parents nearly 4 years, and they’re a wealthy family who want for nothing. They just finished building their newest home and even though I’m very close to them,
I still brought some amazing wine, and also goods from their favorite bakery. Small things like this make a HUGE difference.

Her other son and his new girlfriend brought nothing. The son MAYBE able to get away with that, but his girlfriend should have known better than to enter the home empty handed. Especially since it was her first time coming over. The mother took me aside after lunch to thank me again for the gifts, and hinted how upset she was that her son and his new girlfriend came with nothing. She reiterated again how much she loved me lol.

You don’t have to bring the moon and the stars with you. But you need to show that you appreciate being invited over and welcomed into someone else’s home. It makes ALL the difference.


oh I hate it when people arrive late. I used to invite a friend for morning coffee and she would show up 45minutes late for a 30 minute coffee break, then stay for over 2 hours letting her kids run around my house like mad (for info I am a mum too). It is just so rude. And yet - when I eventually said something about it she was so upset that I was being rude for not understanding that she has a busy life. She doesn't get invited to my house anymore. :)


Anna, this is exactly how I, and many of us Ladies in The South, were raised. I hate that graciousness is being lost in favor of constant self gratification. I used to love to host events and parties, I was good at it, it gave people a reason to come together and have fun. But over the years it lost it's pleasure for me as people broke every rule (not RSVPing and backing out at the last minute were the worst offenses). I rarely ever host events now.
I would offer one more piece of guest advice. If you are going to an event at someone's home, and you see the host having to attend a lot to the business of the party, even if they have staff to execute the party, always ask, and mean it, "How can I help?" (In my experience, those are 4 words that that can take you very far in any society.) Most of the time the host will refuse your help, after all, you are their guest, but you will leave your host with the knowledge that you are someone who is giving, instead of just being there to consume.


Etiquette rules when you are a guest.
1. Always RSVP.
2. Don't go with a plus one...before asking.
3. Never go empty handed.
4.Respect the dress code.
5. Eat something before going.
6. Be on time.
7. No phones.
8. Don't start a fight.
9. Leave on time.


As a young child my parents always told me that if I make a commitment I cannot cancel it for something that sounds more fun. A commitment is a commitment.


before i watch the whole video can i just say that the color scheme of this video is just divine!


You teach exactly how I was taught growing up. Especially the part about never arriving to a party hungry. She always fed me before going to any event since I was small. Some people would laugh at it saying it is too extreme, but it makes sense to me.


I love your channel Anna. I am not looking for a man I am here because of society, fashion, manners videos, I want to be a classy lady in my every day life. Thank you!


I always learn alot of these things from my mom because they we were a black lower class family my mom made it a point to make sure we had manners when over other family members and friends homes. Nice to know that mom has some class 😁


I was raised in a financially challenged middle class family. I am blessed that my mother taught me how to behave when invited to a social event. Thank you for teaching.


Certainly my number one complaint about inviting people over. I once got a reply to a dinner invitation for the whole family - "I'm pretty sure we'll make it", or "we'll be there She ended up calling the day before to cancel because another family member decided to come visit them. I was highly offended. Now, when I issue a casual invitation, I give them parameters like - "Let me know by Wednesday, etc."


The “eat something before” should definitely be a rule. I’ve had bad experiences before. Thanks Anna


When you're 13 and you're watching this for later in life


I’m not an upper echelon person but where I’m from we always bring something to the hosts it’s just traditional culture and I’m glad I’ve learned this from my childhood


This blue background is incredibly flattering, perfect summer tones!


You look breathtaking in white! So excited for this video
