This brutal scene was cut from Transformers 1 🤖#shorts🙄 #transformers

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#shorts #transformers
This brutal scene was cut from Transformers 1. The live action TF films are known for having some of the most brutal deaths. Some of which are done at the hands of Autobots as such as Optimus. But unfortunately we see Autobots like Jazz get the worst type of death. He gets torn in two after tempting Megatron to do so. You'd think it couldn't get anymore brutal than that. But apparently it would've if a certain scene wasn't cut. In an earlier draft of the movie script, Megatron was supposed to "consume" the sparks of Autobots he killed. A remainder of this can be found in the novelization and the IDW comic adaptation of the movie, which both explicitly state that Megatron tears out Jazz's spark. In the movie itself, however, Megatron simply appears to kill Jazz by ripping him apart at the waist. Can you imagine getting torn in two just to become a punchline and have your heart become someone's energon Manwich? That's just downright brutal.
This brutal scene was cut from Transformers 1,this brutal scene,was cut from,transformers 1,optimus prime,transformers movie,transformers prime,transformers movies,optimus prime voice,optimus prime speech,optimus prime vs megatron,optimus prime vs legendary warriors,transformers edit
This brutal scene was cut from Transformers 1. The live action TF films are known for having some of the most brutal deaths. Some of which are done at the hands of Autobots as such as Optimus. But unfortunately we see Autobots like Jazz get the worst type of death. He gets torn in two after tempting Megatron to do so. You'd think it couldn't get anymore brutal than that. But apparently it would've if a certain scene wasn't cut. In an earlier draft of the movie script, Megatron was supposed to "consume" the sparks of Autobots he killed. A remainder of this can be found in the novelization and the IDW comic adaptation of the movie, which both explicitly state that Megatron tears out Jazz's spark. In the movie itself, however, Megatron simply appears to kill Jazz by ripping him apart at the waist. Can you imagine getting torn in two just to become a punchline and have your heart become someone's energon Manwich? That's just downright brutal.
This brutal scene was cut from Transformers 1,this brutal scene,was cut from,transformers 1,optimus prime,transformers movie,transformers prime,transformers movies,optimus prime voice,optimus prime speech,optimus prime vs megatron,optimus prime vs legendary warriors,transformers edit