Masters of the Air Clip - “Battle of Münster” (2024)

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Watch the official clip from Masters of the Air! Streaming on AppleTV+ January 26, 2024.

During World War II, airmen risk their lives with the 100th Bomb Group, a brotherhood forged by courage, loss, and triumph.

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This was Robert 'Rosie' Rosenthal and crew's third mission. After 4 aircraft from the 100th had turned back due to mechanical failures, 13 aircraft from the 100th proceeded to the target. Only one aircraft made it to the target and successfully returned to base: Rosenthal's aircraft. This was the beginning of Rosenthal's legend. There was enough story there that the whole mini-series could have been just about Rosenthal and his crews.


My dad was a co-pilot of a B-17 in WWII. At 22, he lived through the action we’re seeing on screen. The losses were heavy. He flew 30+ missions, where you only had to do 25 to go home. He didn’t
talk about the war much, except to say that he could eat breakfast with a fellow soldier, and then the guy wasn’t there the next day because he died in action.😢 I am proud to have his Distinguished Flying Cross. I’ll treasure it always ❤️🇺🇸


My father was a navigator in the 100th. I grew up knowing that if there was ever a WWII battle showing on TV, especially an air battle, I needed to quickly change the channel. The wide open sky would cause him to panic. He obviously had lifelong PTSD. He'd rarely talk about what happened to him, but during 9/11 when we all saw bodies falling out of buildings, he said that bodies fell out of the sky when he was over Germany. I had wondered what he meant, but these kinds of scenes might explain what he was saying.

Later in life when I told him I was going to visit Nuremberg and Regensburg Germany, he said that it was all bombed out. When I was of draft age, my lottery number was low. The Vietnam draft ended, but before we knew that he got mad and said how they had told him that WWII was the war to end all wars.

He was an unknown hero, as were the many others who helped defeat the Third Reich.


My Dad's B-17 was shot down on this mission 10/10/1943.
They were in the 385th BG. Right waist gunner and ball turret gunner were KIA. Dad was top turret gunner and became POW in Stalag 17b


I didn't know this show existed. My father flew with the Bloody 100th and was shot down on the Munster raid. I've got to see this.


Ex RAF mobile Comms, used to travel by C-130 to NATO exercises, used to stand by the reader right door, which had a window, see the English Channel dissapear & think, so from now, you are on your own….. & pray for those lost.Only going one way to, say, Italy….it was a long flight, & a long way down. Day or night …they were brave lads, all. respect to those that survived, regular prayers for those who did not.😊


The 109 pilot is going "Vot ist this pilot think he's flying, ein Spitfire?!!


As a Combat Veteran and Paratrooper I Salute these WWII Brave Crewmen with the utmost respect, praise and gratitude. God Bless these Courageous Warriors 🫡


My uncle was a bombardier in Triangle A, same as portrayed here. He got shot down by German fighters on a bombing raid over Kassel, Germany. His 24th mission. He was 19. Joined up when he was 16. They were bombing the BMW fighter engine plant. The first run they didn't bomb because the target was hidden by a smoke screen. So they went around for a second run. The second run was always deadly for the airmen. But that was how they won the war - by just fighting it out.


They had fighter escorts but they only had enough fuel to protect them on part of the missions.Not till later like early 1944 did they get additional fuel tanks for Spitfires.I always remembered in Memphis Belle the guys saying goodbye "little friends" when they had to turn back.Unbielivable courage these men displayed!!


My absolute favorite scene in the whole series. The way Rosie flew evasive tactics was brilliant.


Me and my dad would have been glued to this. He passed 2014 USAF. Anything planes especially military. I watch for him now with him besides me in spirit.


I had an uncle who flew in a Lancaster bomber for the RAF, and he was anything but a coward (like they were trying to portray them as in this show). His unit took incredible losses during the war, but they still got in those planes. I also had an American uncle who flew in a B17. I don't know what his MOS was in the plane, but the only thing he would ever say about the war was that one can not imagine the horror that you feel hearing your friends screaming as their planes fell out of the sky. He also commented to me once about how fanatical the German fighter pilots were. They were defending their homes, so who wouldn't be?

All in all, these kids on both sides were brave, and they died like flies. War is a terrible thing. It pits one kid against another. They personally don't have a grudge against the other, but they have to fight to stay alive. I always treated our Iraqi prisoners with respect for this reason. They were doing what I would have done in their situation. These men came out to fight one of the best fighting forces in the world, and they did so with old and sometimes used up rifles. So they earned that respect.


Holy shit the pieces of the 2 bombers that collided just floating down around them that was f'ing spooky as hell.


Wow that numbered grid plexiglass he looks through at 1:03 is awesome great detail.


The only reason my then teenage grandmother survived that raid was because she went into the wrong shelter.


It's insane to think that a lot of those guys where in their twenties when this happened


My father was assigned to USNATO in the 1980s so we lived in Belgium for a couple of years. My folks remember going to a small dinner party one evening, just them, the host family (English) and two other couples that were all friends. Dad was too young for WWII but was in the US Navy during the Korean conflict and flew a lot (not as pilot, but as meteorologist went up pretty often in the back seat); two of the other men there had flown in WWII, and all being diplomatic or military families, everyone had a lot of air miles under their belts so talk turned to experiences during flights. The German gentleman began to wax poetic about the beautiful interactions he used to see between moon, clouds, and water when flying at night, and how beautiful the moon looked reflecting off the English Channel... at which point it got very quiet, because everyone simultaneously realized that he was a Luftwaffe bomber pilot in WWII and the host was an RAF fighter pilot... (Eventually everyone sort of laughed it off, and the friendships continued until we returned Stateside a couple of years later.)


Donald pleaseance the british actor flew 62 bombing missions for the raf ..before becoming an actor ...he played the forger in the film The great escape ...


I know an elderly German woman from Munster. She was visiting her daughter in Kentucky about 30 years ago. One of the neighbors came over and said. "You're from Munster? I was a gunner during the war. We bombed Munster" She was not pleased
