How to install GNOME extensions

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Installing extensions
You'll also need to add the host connector package to your system, which is named chrome-gnome-shell, whether you are using Firefox or CHrome. Install that from your system's repositories, and you should be good to go.
User themes
This one is a must have if you want to change the GNOME Shell look and feel. Install it, and you'll enable theming for GNOME shell elements, such as the top panel, the activites overview, the dock, the application menus or the system indicators. To change the theme once you installed this extension, open GNOME Tweaks, and select the theme you have installed. Installing themes can be done by unzipping them to the ".themes" folder of your /home directory.
Dash to dock:
Do you like the favorites dock in the "Activites" overview ? Well if you wish it was there all the time and not just when you open the activities, this extension will do just that. It will make your favorites dock present at all times on the left of the screen. If you want to change its position, you can open GNOME Tweaks, and go to the "extensions" tab.
Dash to panel:
This one is geard towards people who would rather have an all-in one panel at the bottom,like Windows or KDE do, for ,example. THis extension will remove the top panel, and integrate it with the dock and the application launcher in one single panel.
You also get the same options as dash to dock, to only show running apps, or favorite apps, the ability to show a desktop button on the right of the panel, just like on windows, or the APpMEnu.
Applications Menu
This extension replicates an aplication menu such as the one used in KDE or Windows. It replaces the Activites button, which you can still open with the hot corner, or by pressing super, or via the link at the bottom of the menu.
THis menu is organized by simple categories, and only allows you to start applications.
Places Menu
Did you use GNOME 2 back in the day ? The Places menu was always a favorite of mine, allowing me to get to my favorite folders quickly, right from the desktop.
Window List
If you want to get even closer to the GNOME 2 look, you can enable this extension, to add a task manager to the bottom of the screen, complete with the workspace switcher !
If you combine that one with the places menu, and the applications menu extensions, you can get to a very GNOME2 - like experience, if you're still attached to that !
Do not disturb button
GNOME can sometimes be quite notification heavy, for example, when opening a window in the background, or when you have an email account configured. Sometimes, you'd rather not be notified, to focus on your wirk. This extension will do just that: add a "do not disturb" button on the left of the clock
Extensions menu
Did you install a lot of extensions ? Hard to keep track of them, or disable them quickly ? Install this little menu next to your system indicators, to switch extensions on or off quickly !
You can also access the preferences of each extension by clicking on the cog wheel icon.
Multi monitor
By default, GNOME obnly shows the top panel on the primary display. If you want to change that, this extension will allow you to make it appear on all displays, complete with Activities button, AppMenu, and clock.
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